Who is a pick-up man: how to recognize and protect yourself

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Who is a pick-up man: how to recognize and protect yourself” instructions for girls and a video on this topic.

Who is a pick-up artist

A pickup artist is a man whose goal is to have sexual intercourse with as many women as possible. Most often, such macho try to seduce girls on the very first day of meeting – after a few hours, or even minutes.

It should not be confused with a womanizer, because the first concept is narrower. This type is not interested in relationships as such, and he is not capable of feelings. Their motto is to subdue a woman without becoming attached to her.

Signs of a pickup truck

Spontaneity and surprise

It is important for a pick-up artist that events develop quickly, so he does not like to spend extra time on another lady. So, the first pick-up method is fast. The seducer immediately approaches the young lady he likes and begins to shower her with compliments, strange phrases and witty jokes.

Girls always distinguish such guys from the crowd, because at first glance they behave extraordinary, interesting and fun with them. Many of the fairer sex think: “Finally I met the man of my dreams!” The first stage is over – the girl drew attention to the man, she is almost on the hook.

Who is a pick-up man: how to recognize and protect yourself

Template expressions

The second pickup method is stereotyped. But how can you be original and formulaic at the same time, you ask. The point is, the pick-up’s wit is just an illusion. He seems interesting only to a woman who has already begun to succumb to his hypnosis.

In fact, the seducer just memorized a number of formulaic phrases for different occasions. He can read poetry, quote phrases from movies or smart books. His speech is fascinating and unusual.

He may swap words in a sentence, suddenly whisper, and then speak loudly again. Often pickupers are all sorts of nonsense, but in women’s ears they sound cute and adorable.

The “three-way” method

This type does not like to wait, give them everything at once. But many pick-up artists still have patience and use the so-called “three-way” method. Having asked for a phone number, the pickup artist is in no hurry to call. He can be silent for two, three days, or even a week.

This further warms up the young lady’s interest. All this time she is tormented by the question of why he does not call, because he liked me so much. When the call from the fatal macho finally rings, the woman simply does not remember herself for joy.

Who is a pick-up man: how to recognize and protect yourself

Pikaper asks her out on a date, but can suddenly cut off the conversation and hang up. The girl is covered with frustration and bewilderment, but her interest in the man becomes even greater.

On the first date, “Casanova” is struggling to surprise the young lady. He appears before her as the hero of a classic novel, adapts to her as much as possible, creating the best impression.

He tries to meet all her requirements, says only what she wants to hear. The delighted and sulky young lady thinks: “I’ve been looking for such a man all my life!” She had already fallen in love with a pickup truck and got entangled in his clever web.

On another or third date, the seducer causes an emotional shock in the victim – he leads her to a mysterious and gloomy place, for example, to an abandoned house, a tunnel or a vacant lot. An acute situation will only help strengthen the feeling of being in love.

Sometimes a pick-up artist can knock all three dates together if he’s too impatient. Some macho people don’t date at all. Having sex with a stranger, they immediately leave in English, and it is almost impossible to find them after that.

How to recognize a pickup truck

Who is a pick-up man: how to recognize and protect yourself

To “bite through” such a “nut”, one must go beyond the scenario he planned, destroy the pick-up scheme. To do this, you can take the following actions:

Switch the conversation from yourself to him. Such people do not want to talk about themselves, their goal is to get more information about the victim. Ask about his hobbies, work, family, etc.

A normal guy will willingly talk about his achievements and interests. But the pick-up artist will dodge the topic in every possible way. So you will understand that he does not want to open up in front of you.

If the man uses quotes from famous people or retells poetry, ask him to tell about their authors, read other poetry, or discuss interesting books. Thus, you will confuse the gentleman, because most likely his knowledge will be limited.

Order him some gift, ask him to treat him to dinner. Pickupers are not used to spending money on women. The purpose of this type is to sleep with a girl at a minimum cost to her.

Don’t agree to a date right away. Rotate the gentleman, change the time and place of the meeting. For a normal guy, this is not a problem, but a pickup artist will make you nervous. After all, he does not like when something does not go according to plan. He will begin to resist and insist on his own.

Try to find out his opinion about a serious and long-term relationship. The cavalier will begin to come up with excuses, referring to the fact that he has been waiting for an ideal woman all his life.

Sometimes communication with pickups is even useful, because it gives girls the opportunity to compare guys and draw conclusions for themselves. Understanding the methods of a pick-up artist, any lady will save herself from empty suffering and hopes.


In this selection of videos, additional and interesting information to the article “Who is a pick-up man: how to recognize and protect yourself” ↓

Girls, now you are armed with information and you know who a pick-up man is. 🙂 Take action!

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