Who is a pessimist: is it good or bad

Hello, dear readers!

A pessimist is a person who always expects trouble and does not believe in luck, is tuned in to a negative wave by nature.

He is basically: sad, gloomy and thoughtful, anxious, unable to enjoy the little things, and distrustful of others. But is it really that bad to be like that? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of pessimism to answer this question.

Causes of pessimism


  • The child, whether he wants to or not, unconsciously absorbs the styles of behavior and outlook on life from adults. They not only nurture him, but they are significant, even if they rarely intersect with him. So, if in his environment there is a person who looks at the world with distrust and is in anticipation of failure, then he may well adopt such an attitude towards everything.
  • Injury. A person, despite all his optimism and faith in the good, one day might simply not have enough strength to cope with some situation. For example, a loved one died or betrayed. Then the person realizes his impotence, his finiteness (in the sense that he will die sometime anyway), that the world is not organized fairly and miracles do not happen.
  • Depression is a disease that leaves an imprint on a person’s attitude, the surrounding reality becomes gray, losing its colors and charms. It becomes so unbearable for him that a desire for death may appear as the only way out of this state.

Who is a pessimist: is it good or bad

  • Middle age crisis. Realizing that the body is aging, energy is declining, appearance is not changing for the better, how much has not been done in life and that old age is approaching, followed by death — it is difficult to continue to “flutter like a butterfly”. A person in crisis is so immersed in his state that he sees only what is connected with him, focusing on the bad. It will take some period of time to “get along” with new thoughts and knowledge, to assimilate them and understand how to relate to them.
  • The empty nest syndrome can also break. The couple, who for many years set themselves one main goal — to take care of the children, left alone, does not quite understand what the meaning of life is to find now. There is a whole bunch of free time, but it is not clear how to manage it. After all, there used to be so much trouble, but now you need to learn to pay attention to yourself and your interests. And how it is and what it means is not yet known, so there is a feeling that life has ended.


  • Temperament type «melancholic». In this article, we talked about melancholic people who always seem a little depressive, gloomy and sad. Such a person is born, and, regardless of the conditions in which he is brought up, he will have pessimistic inclinations.
  • There is even a disease called dysthymia. A person with this disorder is always gloomy, he has low self-esteem, intelligence, in principle, is also not high, and he is simply not able to rejoice and have fun.

Cons of pessimism


  • In connection with a stable depressive mood, health is gradually destroyed. For example, cortisol, the stress hormone, is produced in large quantities, and this has a very bad effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • The constant feeling of unhappiness, sadness and doom is very difficult to endure, a significant amount of energy is spent on these feelings, so apathy and impotence can often be observed.

Achievement of results

Who is a pessimist: is it good or bad

  1. A skeptic does not believe in miracles and sincerity, which is why he can miss a lot of opportunities, expecting a dirty trick and deceit.
  2. Often unable to solve the problem, due to the fact that it requires a creative, creative approach. Indeed, for this it is necessary to allow yourself to dream, not with the aim of stopping yourself or scaring yourself, as is usually the case, but, on the contrary, expanding the boundaries in order to look at the situation differently.
  3. They can be quite limited in some way, denying the opportunity to use more modern technologies or methods, since the old, even if it does not work, is more understandable and familiar, and it is not known what can be expected from the new.
  4. They win less often, because initially they do not believe in themselves, which is why they do not give all the best. They even conducted an experiment among swimmers, which confirmed this information. Those who doomed themselves to failure in advance, could not show any special results.
  5. They don’t have dreams, because what’s the point in them if they still don’t come true? And how can you enjoy life and look optimistically into the future, being sure that something good awaits there, if you do not allow yourself to dream about it?
  6. To be happy, you need to do something unrealistic, because, as we said, small successes will be discounted.


  • Low self-esteem, but because they not only do not believe in themselves, but also devalue the good that they are capable of, their achievements and successes. In addition, they are suspicious of compliments, they do not believe in the sincerity of impulses, and they believe that something will follow this, for example, a request, etc.
  • Small social circle. People are drawn to those with whom it is warm, cozy, fun, with whom they develop and feel better, who is able to give and support hope that everything will be fine. And those who are skeptical about absolutely everything, even if they are sometimes right, are doomed, if not to loneliness, then at least to a limited circle of friends, which will consist either of the same gloomy and distrustful people, or very close loving .

If these disadvantages are significant for you, and you want to change at least a little in order to improve your life for the better, then check out the following article, which contains recommendations on how to become more cheerful and cheerful.

Benefits of Pessimism

Who is a pessimist: is it good or bad

  1. Due to the fact that gloomy people do not expect goodness and, in general, something good, then, unexpectedly receiving, they appreciate it more.
  2. They respond appropriately when they are criticized because they know their faults and limitations. And this allows you to perceive criticism not as an attempt to offend, but as a guide to action in order to change and become better.
  3. Less often than others, they get into unpleasant situations, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Do you know why? Because they are cautious and suspicious, at random, like optimists, hoping for a banal miracle, they will not act.
  4. There is a joke that a pessimist is an informed optimist. Indeed, they are disappointed and lose much less often, and all because they foresee negative options for the outcome of events in advance and prepare for them.
  5. Despite health problems due to the constant residence of the blues, some dangerous diseases are noticed much less frequently. Because they diagnose them in time, expecting the worst, at the first symptoms they run to the doctor for confirmation. And then, even if something serious has arisen, at first it is easier to cope and recover. But a person who hopes for a chance, irresponsibly treats the ailment, believing that it will pass by itself. After all, nothing terrible and unpleasant can happen to him.
  6. It is not at all worth fearing that such a person will lose his fortune due to gambling. They don’t believe in their luck, but what’s the point in taking risks?
  7. Getting used to seeing only the bad, they are more resistant to turmoil and stress. They develop, so to speak, stress immunity, and life’s hardships then seem not so unexpected and unfair.
  8. They do not exaggerate their merits and do not embellish the qualities of a person, which means that they are not arrogant and more humane and responsive.


Regarding the question, is it good or bad to be a pessimist, I want to say that there should be balance and harmony in everything. It is superfluous to hope that the problems will be resolved by themselves, that, without making any effort, you can get what you want — not an option, just like escalating the situation in advance.

It is important to be able to notice reality without distorting it in any direction. That is, pay attention to the dangers, correlate your capabilities with what you decide to take on, so as not to be disappointed and not fail.


If you are a pessimist and lonely, then I recommend that you read the article “8 practical ways to get out of loneliness”.

If you are in doubt, and do not know what type you are, then subscribe to our groups in the social. networks, so as not to miss the release of the test for the definition of “pessimism-optimism”. Inspiration to you and good mood!

I’m updating the article, the test is out, here’s the link.

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