Who is a copywriter and what does he do on the Internet

🙂 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! Friends, I hope this article will answer the question: Who is a copywriter and what does he do? At the end of the article, there is a selection of videos on the topic.

Who are copywriters

  1. Copywriting is writing presentation and advertising texts, articles for websites or custom texts.
  2. Rewriting is the process of writing new text from existing text.
  3. Copywriters are specialists who are involved in copywriting.

In times of crisis, the issue of finding a job is acute. Then the Internet comes to help people, which is replete with offers to make money. However, most of these ads are left by scammers who rely on the inexperience or despair of users.

Many people believe that copywriting is also cheating, and it will not be possible to make money. Let’s look at the myths about this way of making money.

Writing articles can only be an additional income. This is not true. If you get your hands on it and set yourself the goal of working every day, copywriting will replace office work.

Who is a copywriter and what does he do on the Internet

It should be noted that this is a real way to receive, albeit not large, but stable income on the Internet. Of course, you can’t earn money for a car or vacation abroad on copywriting, but in conditions of total unemployment, this is not the worst option.

It is illegal. May come from the tax office. Some people think that copywriters must be entrepreneurs in order to work legally. Otherwise, you will have to pay a fine, etc. This information is absurd.

Even if a person has a monthly minimum wage, he does not have to register anywhere and is not obliged to pay anything. This can only be done at will.

Who can become a copywriter

Anyone can be a copywriter. It is not true! Can everyone be an artist or a writer? No.

If desired, any user can learn to rewrite articles, but even this seemingly simple job requires a certain talent and patience. For a dry, uninteresting text, in which the words are simply rearranged, hardly anyone will pay the performer even the average price.

Due to the competition it is difficult to find orders. Thousands of authors are registered on the text exchanges, but there are also many customers. A newbie needs to start with the cheapest orders in order to earn a rating.

More customers will respond to requests from more experienced authors. Most performers only complete orders from time to time, and many newbies give up halfway through the job due to a lack of patience. The most persistent ones are constantly working on the exchanges, which, in spite of everything, gain a rating and regular customers.

The one who writes a lot earns a lot. At first it may seem that the author’s income depends only on his hard work. However, a text exchange is also a market where you can (and should) learn how to profitably sell your time.

The author should not stagnate and work too long for one price. It’s okay to go from 10 to 100 rubles per thousand characters, but this process shouldn’t take years.

A competent and talented author can quickly establish himself as a valuable collaborator. The task of the performer is to work hard on his skills, but his work, first of all, should be appreciated by himself.

Copywriting profession: pros and cons

Who is a copywriter and what does he do on the Internet


  • free flexible schedule. The author works for himself, there is no annoying bosses and no attachment to the workplace. The author himself decides when to take a day off or take a vacation;
  • no taxes. The author pays only the commission to the site on which he works + the commission for the withdrawal of money;
  • free choice of themes, as well as customers. Often, site owners themselves look for performers, offering them cooperation, but if the author is not satisfied with something, he can refuse at any time and find another customer;
  • you can write articles for sale. In this case, you yourself choose how to write and format articles. If customers like your texts, you can get regular customers, and now you will have an advantage over customers.


  • copywriters are not paid vacation and sick leave, they do not pay taxes to the pension fund. Thus, they do not earn seniority;
  • to build a rating on the site, you need to work hard. This work has its own specifics, so even a good writer or journalist will discover something new and learn the basics of virtual writing;
  • most articles on the internet are not free stories, but specially optimized texts. They are written according to the requirements of the search engines;
  • no matter how good the article is, after it is sold to the customer, the author will have to say goodbye to all rights to it and completely transfer it to the possession of the buyer.

There are pros and cons in every profession, but copywriting can become not only an interesting and profitable hobby for you, but also a good job if you wish.


In this collection of videos, additional and detailed information on the topic: Who is a copywriter and what does he do?

Copywriter – who is he and what does he do? How does a copywriter make money on the Internet?

Copywriting – what it is: where to start and how to make money

Dear reader, now you know who a copywriter is and what he does. It is quite possible that you will master the profession of a copywriter. See you on this site! 🙂 Come in, drop in, run in!

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