Who in Poland is most at risk of infection with Omikron BA.5? The statistics are shocking
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The coronavirus pandemic has been going on for two years. With us, several waves of diseases, various variants of the virus appeared, several rounds of vaccinations took place. One thing does not change, however. The group most exposed to the fatal consequences of the infection are seniors. This is especially worrying in view of the BA.5 sub-option, which is taking a huge toll.

  1. We still have 200 in Poland. unvaccinated seniors
  2. These people have somehow avoided contagion so far, but given the much more contagious new sub-variants of the coronavirus, now they are unlikely to avoid it, says Dr. Ernest Kuchar, infectious disease specialist
  3. The statistics are ruthless. Italian studies show that the risk of death of unvaccinated seniors is 56 times higher than that of such people after the third dose of the vaccine
  4. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

Seniors. They must be protected at all times

Last week, the registration for the fourth dose of the vaccine for people at least 60 years old began. A second booster has become a necessity with the new wave of infections and declining antibody levels. And as data from Israel show, it caused 72 percent. decline in deaths among seniors.

The oldest people are a group that needs special protection. It is constantly emphasized by experts all over the world, also in Poland. People who are at least 60 years old suffer from chronic diseases much more often than younger ones, which translates into much weaker immunity against infections, including coronavirus infection. They are also more often exposed to severe disease and the need for hospitalization.

It was recently recalled by the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski.

– European countries that have a turning point behind them, such as France, Portugal or Germany, being aware of the high level of vaccination and immunization, undertake such a policy of fighting the pandemic, the main essence of which is to protect people who are particularly vulnerable to severe covid courses. I am talking about the 60 plus senior group and the group of people who have immunodeficiency. These people are protected all the time either by recommendations, recommendations, but most of all by further recommendations regarding vaccinations – said the head of the Ministry of Justice.

Vaccination with the fourth dose is one thing. We still have a serious problem with the relatively low percentage of seniors who did not take even the first dose.

They still haven’t got vaccinated

The head of the Ministry of Health mentioned several countries in Western Europe, but there, the vaccination rate, also among the oldest groups, is much higher than in Poland. Especially in Portugal.

– It is a country with a similar economic level, also in Europe, but of course with a slightly different climate. Portugal has a fairly gentle seventh wave behind it. There were many cases there – over 100. per day, but relatively few hospitalizations and deaths. This comforts our authorities – said Dr. Ernest Kuchar, head of the Pediatrics Clinic with the Observation Department of the Medical University of Warsaw recently.

In Portugal, vaccination coverage is high, especially among older people who have a much more severe COVID-19 exposure, increasing their risk of hospitalization. In Poland, these percentages are incomparably lower. And from the point of view of the efficiency of our health care system, it is the number of hospitalizations that counts – added an infectious diseases specialist.

The data showing the immunization level in Portugal – from our point of view – seems downright unreliable. According to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control 19% of them took at least one dose of the COVID-100 vaccine there. people from the group of 60 plus! Two doses of 99,7 percent. and the third, i.e. the first reminding – 97 percent. And what does it look like in Poland? After the first dose of the vaccine – according to ECDC – there is 76,2 percent. seniors. Two doses were taken by 75,9%, and three – 58,4%.

The number of people in the 65-plus group who did not have a single dose of the vaccine behind them is 200.

These people have somehow avoided contamination by wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing, but given the much more contagious new coronavirus sub-variants, now they are unlikely to avoid contamination. The BA.4 and BA.5 sub-variants are much more contagious than the previous ones. So it may turn out that the activities that have been sufficient so far for people who have not yet been sick will fail. What will happen if in a short period of time 200 people get infected? This will certainly translate into numerous hospitalizations – warned Dr. Kuchar.

– We all want the next wave of coronavirus to be mild, but that does not mean that you have to passively wait for the situation to develop. You have to prepare for it. The fact that we have 200 the still unvaccinated people in the highest risk group is a great neglect – emphasizes the expert.

These people have not been exposed to the virus so far and will get sick for the first time, a as Kuchar emphasizes the first illness is the most serious.

The risk of death is much greater

Omicron (and each subsequent sub-variant) is the fastest-spreading variant of the coronavirus. At the same time, less frequently than even Delta, it causes severe cases and the need for hospitalization. But as Dr. Kuchar mentioned with seniors who have not had contact with the virus before, COVID-19 does not have to be so gentle.

This danger is high, regardless of the tide and the dominant variant.

– In the 60 plus age group, we have a fairly high vaccination rate, but if we unfortunately look at the rate of how many people lose the fight against coronavirus at the same time – these are mainly people over 60. This is 87 percent. all – said Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska at the beginning of the year.

– The statistics are ruthless. These people have multiple comorbidities. Each infection, each infection with coronavirus can cause a definite deterioration of their health – noted Kraska.

On the occasion of each wave, the data shows that hospitals are mainly the elderly and those with chronic diseases, moreover, both most often go hand in hand. How often? Perhaps the next statistical data will appeal to your imagination. A few months ago, the results of the study were published by the Italian Institute of Healthcare. They found that the risk of death of unvaccinated people over the age of 80 is 56 times higher than that of unvaccinated people after the third dose of the vaccine.

You will find a quick antigen for SARS-CoV-2 virus at home by taking a nasal swab at Medonet Market.

The proportion of hospitalized unvaccinated seniors was 8 times higher than those of the vaccinated and 41 times higher than those taking the third dose.

– I would absolutely not share the opinion that the virus should be allowed to spread, even if the results of research by English scientists indicate that with the Omikron variant the number of hospitalized patients decreased to one third – commented then the head of the Italian Medical Council, Prof. Franco Locatelli.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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