Who dies most often despite being vaccinated? Italian institute study
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One of the main arguments of anti-vaccine groups is that vaccinated people also die from coronavirus infection. Italian researchers at the National Institutes of Health conducted a study to see how death statistics are distributed among vaccinated and unvaccinated people.

  1. Italian researchers analyzed the medical records of nearly 85 people who died from COVID-19. Among them were vaccinated and unvaccinated
  2. Research results clearly show that deaths among vaccinated people are rare, and if they do occur, they affect almost exclusively two groups of patients. What kind?
  3. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

The results showed that the average age of those who died despite being vaccinated was . The dead also suffered moderately from five other parallel diseases. For unvaccinated subjects, the mean age of death was , and these people did four parallel diseases.

Among other things, the study found that cases were more common among the vaccinated who died neoplastic diseases, dementia or heart problems.

The analysis, conducted from February 1 to October 5 this year, included medical records of 671 unvaccinated COVID deaths and 171 fully vaccinated deaths. There were 38 deaths due to COVID in Italy during the period considered.

Among them 33 of the deceased were unvaccinated, 2130 received only a single dose or became infected shortly after vaccination, before antibodies formed, and 1440 were fully vaccinated.

  1. The number of deaths after the pandemic terrifies doctors. «Whoever survived, survived. And whoever was weaker died »

Earlier this month, Italy achieved its goal of a full vaccination of 80%. its population over the age of 12 years, a threshold that the government has indicated as providing a significant degree of safety against the virus. Despite achieving this goal, as of October 15, the government introduced mandatory COVID-19 related health passes for all workers, in a test case for Europe.

The study shows that deaths related to COVID-19 infection are extremely rare and concern basically people over the age of 85 themselves, who also have other serious concurrent diseases.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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