Who Dies More Of COVID-19? Gender can be crucial
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Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists have been collecting data on the mortality rate of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. They show that age and comorbidities are not the only factors that increase the risk of death. There is one more, standing out in last year’s statistics – gender.

  1. Advanced age is one of the main factors that increases your risk of dying from coronavirus infection
  2. The risk of death in COVID-19 patients increases with comorbidities such as obesity, high blood pressure, cancer and heart disease
  3. Scientists have no doubts that gender is important when it comes to the risk of death
  4. By April 6, 19 had died from COVID-55 in Poland. 65 people
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

COVID-19 and gender

On March 13, 2020, when the coronavirus epidemic in Poland was just beginning, a study on the development of the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy was published in the scientific journal “The Lancet”. Scientists then reported that the ratio of deceased men to women was 80 percent. up to 20 percent In addition, the age ratio was also disadvantageous for men (83,4 years for women compared to 79,9 for men).

On April 10, 2020, a report on deaths among those infected with COVID-19 in China was published. Out of 168 analyzed deaths, 126 (75%) were related to men. The average age ranged from 64 to 78, and 95,8 percent. (161) of the patients were over 50 years of age. The majority (125, or 74,4%) had at least one comorbid condition. The most common were hypertension (84 patients, 50%), diabetes (42 patients, 25%) and heart disease (31 patients, 18,5%).

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In July 2020, the US CDC presented its findings of the gender analysis of people who died from COVID-19. According to the CDC, more men than women have died from COVID-41 in 47 out of 19 countries. Male mortality was 2,4 times higher than that of women infected with SARS-CoV-2.

“ Data suggests more men than women die from COVID-19 worldwide, but it’s unclear why. A biopsychosocial approach is key to understanding the disproportionate death rate among men. Biological, psychological, behavioral and social factors can put men at a disproportionate risk of death, the CDC report said.

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Data on deaths from COVID-19 in Poland are available on the website of the Ministry of Health. When it comes to 2020, we know that a total of 28 have died. 78 people, but it is not possible to check their gender.

From January 1, 2021 to April 7, 2021, the total number of deaths is 23. 328. There were 13 men who died, and 004 thousand women. 10and for 22 patients the gender is unknown.

Why are men more likely to die from COVID-19?

In addition to the biological differences between the sexes, the CDC also listed mental and behavioral factors that may explain why men are more likely to die from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Compared to women, men’s behavior makes them more exposed to the virus. It is gentlemen who more often underestimate the threat, and less often avoid public gatherings and physical contact. In addition, they are more likely to consume alcohol and smoke cigarettes than women.

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Research shows that men are less likely to wash their hands, wear face masks or seek medical attention. Although older men are more aware of the risks associated with COVID-19 infection, many of them choose not to change their behavior to protect themselves from the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

How to reduce COVID-19 deaths among men?

The CDC has developed a strategy to reduce the number of deaths from COVID-19 infection among men. Education in the field of health care is in the first place, but it covers not only men, but also their relatives. They, too, should know the risk of infection in male patients. The second pillar is to be health promotion and conservative protection, i.e. encouraging men to quit smoking. The next step involves greater male representation in clinical trials – the CDC believes that gender differences should be considered when investigating new therapies, for example. Better access to medical care, including care for patients who have been infected with COVID-19, may also improve the statistics.

According to the data provided by the CDC, by April 6, 2021, fewer men than women were vaccinated against COVID-19, which, in the light of the studies described above, is a worrying trend. Analyzing the percentage by gender of people vaccinated with COVID-19 with the first dose in the US, we see that 55,3 percent. are women, and 44,7 percent. men. For the second dose, the ratio is 57 percent. up to 43 percent

Also read:

  1. How many people in Poland died after the COVID-19 vaccine? Government data
  2. More and more young patients in hospitals due to COVID-19
  3. Doctors tell you how to know if COVID-19 has left traces in your body
  4. Types of COVID-19 Vaccines. How is vector different from mRNA vaccine? [WE EXPLAIN]

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