WHO: COVID-19 is not a seasonal disease
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The pandemic is “one big wave” and COVID-19 is not like the flu – it is not a seasonal disease, World Health Organization spokeswoman Margaret Harris said.

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The season of the year does not appear to influence the transmission of the virus Harris said, warning against the misconception that we are safer in the summer and less likely to contract the coronavirus.

– People still think about the seasons. We all need to realize that this is a new virus that behaves differently, explained Harris, noting that SARS-CoV-2 does not behave like an influenza virus, the activity of which weakens or intensifies depending on the season.

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The WHO representative also warned against thinking about a pandemic in terms of waves. – It will be one big wave. She rises a little and then goes down. The best thing you can do is flatten it She explained.

Harris admitted that a wave of winter-striking flu combined with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic could be a problem for the health care system, so she encouraged everyone to get vaccinated against the flu.

According to WHO information released on Tuesday, the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been infected worldwide by more than 16,3 million people, over 650 thousand. died.

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