Who Can Benefit From Medical Marijuana Treatment?

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7 lipca 2017 roku weszła w życie ustawa dopuszczająca stosowanie medycznej marihuany. Ustawa ta zmieniała przepisy dotyczące przeciwdziałania narkomanii oraz refundacji leków, środków spożywczych specjalnego przeznaczenia oraz wyrobów medycznych. Kto wg nowych przepisów otrzymał prawo do korzystania z medycznej marihuany?

What is the law of July 7, 2017 about?

The Act of July 7, 2017 gives doctors the right to prescribe medical marijuana prescriptions to patients. It is referred to as “pharmaceutical raw material” that can be used for medical purposes. In this document, we will find the rules by which a physician can prescribe a patient’s medical marijuana for treatment for a maximum of 90 days. In addition, the Act obliges doctors to cooperate with various institutions that conduct scientific research on medical marijuana.

The act also includes a definition of medical marijuana, which is defined as a herb, extracts, tinctures, or non-fibrous hemp resin. The rules for the preparation of drugs based on medical marijuana are determined by the pharmaceutical law.

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This law was the first step in bringing medical marijuana to the pharmaceutical market. Unfortunately, practice has shown that pharmaceutical companies were initially unable to meet all the conditions necessary to introduce their products to the Polish market.

Today, access to medical marijuana is still very limited, but it should be noted that drugs are available in Poland. However, their quantity is still insufficient, and the prices are high, and often beyond the reach of most patients.

By law, on November 1, 2017, medical marijuana was to be sold in Polish pharmacies. It became officially legal on that day.

Check: Medical marijuana treatment – how much does it cost?

What diseases can medical marijuana treat?

Medical marijuana is used to treat:

  1. spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis;
  2. severe vomiting and nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy;
  3. Tourette’s syndrome;
  4. glaucoma that is resistant to traditional treatments;
  5. drug-resistant epilepsy;
  6. przewlekłych chorób wywołujących stan zapalny jelit, jak np. choroba Leśniowskiego-Crohna;
  7. anxiety-depressive syndromes;
  8. neurodegenerative diseases such as, for example, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease;
  9. spasticity as a result of spinal cord injury;
  10. chronic pain, e.g. in neoplastic diseases;
  11. fibromialgii;
  12. neuralgii;
  13. depression;
  14. migraines;
  15. neuropathy;
  16. addictions;
  17. anoreksji;
  18. severe menstrual pain;
  19. stanu zapalnego jelita grubego;
  20. sensitive intestine;
  21. nausea and vomiting;
  22. lack of appetite;
  23. gastrointestinal disorders;
  24. tumors;
  25. AIDS i HIV;
  26. tocznia;
  27. rheumatoid arthritis;
  28. pain and inflammation in muscles and joints;
  29. Hepatitis C;
  30. glaucoma;
  31. pląsawicy Huntingtona;
  32. zespołu stresu pourazowego;
  33. skurczy mięśni;
  34. dystonii;
  35. sleep disturbances.

Medyczną marihuanę wyróżnia wiele prozdrowotnych właściwości. Najpopularniejszy jest olejek. Osoby, które nigdy nie próbowały, powinny wybierać produkty o mniejszym stężeniu, a te, które potrzebują silniejszego działania, mają do możliwość zakupienia olejków o wyższej zawartości procentowej kannabidiolu. Na medonetmarket.pl dostępne są olejki CBD i CBG różnych marek i różnym stężeniu, więc łatwo będzie dobrać odpowiedni dla siebie produkt.

Check that your body’s THC concentration is not too high. Perform the NARKO Test to Detect THC in Urine – Home Cassette Test.

Why is marijuana treated like powerful drugs like morphine or codeine?

Medical marijuana is a narcotic drug. As a rule, they are used in palliative medicine, i.e. in the care of terminally ill patients. They are used by, among others oncological patients. This group also includes, for example, morphine, codeine and fentanyl.

Marijuana was included in this group due to the possible risk of addiction and the psychoactivity of its substances. It is worth emphasizing that this group of drugs in pharmacies should be stored in a safe.

Check: Health uses of hemp ointment

Kto może przepisać medyczną marihuanę?

In theory, every doctor has the right to prescribe medical marijuana. However, it is necessary to click the appropriate box next to the e-prescription, which allows prescribing drugs from the group of narcotic drugs. Not every doctor, due to his specialization, has such prescriptions, because not everyone needs them. It should be remembered that their possession is associated with appropriate documentation.


Lista schorzeń, na które może pomóc medyczna marihuana jest bardzo długa. Należy jednak pamiętać, że o jej przepisaniu decyduje lekarz. Zatem udając się na wizytę, warto mieć przy sobie całą historię choroby i opis wszystkich zastosowanych metod leczenia wraz z ich efektami.

W związku z tym recepty na medyczną marihuanę nie otrzymamy raczej u lekarza pierwszego kontaktu. Recepty takie najczęściej posiadają lekarze onkolodzy, psychiatrzy oraz specjaliści medycyny paliatywnej. Lek może być przepisywany osobom cierpiącym na poważne choroby jak nowotwory, choroba Parkinsona, padaczka lekooporna, jaskra, czy zespół Tourette’a.

Before the doctor prescribes a prescription, he and the patient must determine that it is the only and best form of therapy at the moment. Unfortunately, many doctors still do not want to prescribe medical marijuana to their patients. This is due to the lack of knowledge about the drug itself and the operation of the relevant systems. If we manage to find the right doctor, gaining access to therapy will not be so difficult.

Check it out: Cannabidiol CBD. Is there anything to be afraid of?

How Much Does Medical Marijuana Cost?

At Medonet Market you can now buy CBD products at attractive prices. There are dried and CBD oils with health-promoting and relaxing effects.

Koszt leczenia medyczną marihuaną jest często poza zasięgiem większości z nich. Za 1 g suszu, należy zapłacić ok. 60-70 zł. Cena jest więc dość wysoka, biorąc pod uwagę, że sprzedaje się ją w opakowaniach 5 lub 10 gramowych.

The availability of the drug is still low, but each pharmacy is obliged to order each drug for patients who have a prescription for it. If we have a prescription, we certainly have to take into account that we may not receive the drug “on the spot”. The waiting time is not very long, however, and the medication can be obtained after approx. 1-2 days.

Check it out: Everything you want to know about marijuana

Co jest potrzebne, gdy chcemy dostać receptę na medyczną marihuanę?

Please note that medical marijuana treatment is not considered first-line treatment. Therefore, if we want to get a prescription for a drug from a doctor, he must read the entire history of our treatment. Therefore, it is worth having full documentation with you, which will include the effects of previous treatments.

Medical marijuana may also be prescribed in place of drugs with a similar effect when continued use is too risky for the patient’s health.

Zanim udamy się do lekarza, należy więc przygotować:

  1. a full history of the disease, i.e. every document related to it, including tests performed on one’s own;
  2. current research results;
  3. scans of all prescriptions from the treatment proposed so far (including unused ones);
  4. a medical certificate with a diagnosis of the disease;
  5. if we are taking other medications, it is worth preparing a list of them to assess the risk of contraindications or interactions.

Should I have any documents with me when treating myself with medical marijuana?

Persons using medical marijuana should carry certain documents with them in the event of a police check. These include, among others:

  1. copy of the prescription;
  2. zaświadczenie od lekarza, zawierające informacje o zaleceniach dotyczących leczenia medyczną marihuaną;
  3. the drug should be transported in a vacuum-sealed container from the pharmacy – the container should be protected against damage so that the name of the drug is visible at all times;
  4. instrukcje dotyczące dawkowania;
  5. it is also worth having an ID card with you at all times.

Udając się w podróż, dobrze również mieć przy sobie najważniejsze dokumenty.

From time to time, it is also worth checking the level of THC in your body so as not to exceed the norm. At Medonet Market, you can buy THC Shipping Test for people taking CBD or medical marijuana. If necessary, you can also check the levels of other substances derived from drugs. Order a Urine Drug Test.

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