Who can be called the pepsi generation and why were they called that?

Good day, dear readers of my blog! In the previous article “What is the xyz generation theory and who are these people”, I talked about the impact of economic and political events on the population. By virtue of which they formed values ​​and attitudes, about what generations exist and what is their difference. And today I want to talk about what the expression “pepsi generation” means and what are the characteristics of the character and behavior of these people.

History of occurrence

If you have read my article “Real Success Stories of Worldwide Big Businesses and How They Started”, then you know that with the emergence of a company like Coca-Cola, PEPSI entered the world market, competing. And in the USSR, she occupied a leading place, especially liking General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. And the generation of Pepsi-Cola is considered to be people born between 1980 and 1991. This is just the generation of x and y.

They began to call them that after the release of advertisements in 1984. Where the emphasis was placed on the slogan: «Pepsi is the choice of a new generation!». Active youth at that time aspired to something new, Western. I tried to promote other, non-Russian values ​​in my circles. Both this slogan and the drink itself were to their liking.


Who can be called the pepsi generation and why were they called that?

The generation of Pepsi is called indifferent, they have high ambitions, but at the same time they are not ready to work hard all their lives, like their parents, especially for the good of the state. The problem is that they are infantile, as a result of which they are irresponsible in their duties, sometimes unfulfilling, but at the same time easy-going. In the period of the 90s, all that interested young people was Pepsi itself, chewing gum with liners, just appeared dandies, Tetris and VCRs.

It is believed that their psyche was strongly affected by the stress of mothers who were pregnant with them during a period of complex socio-cultural events. These years were difficult material conditions. Everyone survived as best they could. There was a catastrophe in Chernobyl, the Union collapsed and ideology began to fall … This generation aspired to freedom. The only difference with other generations is that they wanted material freedom.

Therefore, in the future, they actively developed their business in order to eventually reach the level of a large enterprise and feel themselves in the ranks of the elite. Considering that in these years the import of foreign goods was just beginning, and everyone wanted to buy something new, not Soviet, the consumption syndrome began to appear among young people. Therefore, in the value system for many, in the first place was the achievement of status through brands. Stand out among the crowd by the presence of an expensive suit, car and elite alcohol.

They tried to earn recognition by emphasizing their material success. Unlike other generations, where attention was paid to personal characteristics, character traits and hard work. They were indifferent to politics, practically not interested in culture. They cared about the satisfaction of needs and their well-being. And also a distinctive feature was the ridicule of the so-called «scoop», they were unacceptable to the conservatism and limitations of people of previous generations. It was difficult for them to understand the intransigence of their parents.


And the last thing I want to say is that the youth of the time of Pepsi’s popularity had a difficult time, because the previous foundations and values ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbcollapsed, and new ones had not yet had time to form. The youth of those years simply did not have the opportunity to rely on their parents, because they themselves were trying to survive at the time of hyperinflation and could not afford to devote much time to education. Therefore, they are characterized as infantile and inactive.

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