WHO calls for increased production of dexamethasone. The drug can help fight COVID-19
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World Health Organization head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus called on Monday for a rapid increase in dexamethasone production, which research shows is reducing the number of deaths in critically ill COVID-19 patients.

  1. New UK Research Shows Dexamethasone May Prevent 1/3 Of Deaths Among Severe COVID-19 Patients
  2. The head of WHO calls on the producers of this drug to increase production. At the same time, it warns against the appearance of substandard or falsified products on the market
  3. The number of people infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the world has exceeded 9 million. “We achieve a new and gloomy record almost every day,” said the head of the WHO

Demand for dexamethasone is increasing

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said the demand for dexamethasone has increased after a UK study of the drug’s effectiveness in fighting COVID-19 in critically ill patients was published.

Scientists from the University of Oxford have studied more than 6 patients infected with the coronavirus. Influenza 2104 patients were randomized to receive dexamethasone 6 mg once daily (orally or intravenously) for ten days and compared with 4321 patients otherwise treated.

The study showed that the administration of dexamethasone reduced the number of deaths by one third in ventilated patients and by one fifth in those who received oxygen. There was no improvement in patients who had COVID-1 but had no breathing problems.

  1. More about the study: Dexamethasone: the first drug to save the lives of people infected with coronavirus?

While the data is still preliminary, the recent discovery that steroid dexamethasone could save the lives of critically ill COVID-19 patients has given us a much-needed reason to celebrate

– said the head of the WHO during a press conference in Geneva.

According to Ghebreyesus, the next challenge is to increase the production of this drug and to distribute it quickly and evenly around the world, focusing on the countries most in need.

Where is dexamethasone most needed?

The WHO highlights the results of studies which have shown that dexamethasone should only be used in patients with severe or critical illness under close clinical supervision. Ghebreyesus stressed that there is no evidence that the drug works in patients with mild COVID-19. It cannot be used prophylactically to protect against infection.

The head of the UN health agency insisted that priority be given to those countries with the highest number of critically ill patients when developing a dexamethasone distribution plan. Ghebreyesus also warned that drug suppliers must guarantee its quality “as there is a high risk of substandard or falsified products entering the market”.

  1. Beware of counterfeit COVID-19 drugs. It is a threat to health and life

Grim records every day

Let us remind you that the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections in the world has already exceeded nine million. The largest daily increases in new cases are still recorded in the United States, as well as in Brazil, India, Our Country, Mexico and Peru.

“Almost every day we achieve a new and gloomy record,” said the head of the WHO, referring to Sunday’s highest increase in daily cases recorded by the WHO. On that day, over 183 new cases of infection were reported worldwide.

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