Who buys it? Cat whiskers and other trash that are sold on the net

Some even manage to make money on garbage – they put it up for sale and …

During the quarantine, I, like many others, took up the clutter of the apartment. Hands finally reached the mezzanine in the corridor, where I look at most once a year. A friend went over the sideboard, littered with old dishes, a colleague gutted the boxes on the loggia. All unnecessary trash was ruthlessly sent to the trash heap.

Too late, I found out that you can make money on the trash. Sometimes you come across advertisements on the Internet and wonder: does someone really need this ?!

Cat mustache

You see such an ad, and before your eyes is a picture of an old woman making a potion: a cat’s whiskers – three pieces, a toad skin – finely grate …

But no, mustaches, but scientifically, vibrissae are used by folk craftsmen in the manufacture of miniature musical instruments. Mustaches are also bought for other types of handicrafts. Therefore, advertisements for the sale of such a specific product appear on specialized sites regularly.

The minimum price is from 25 rubles per piece, for a minute. Well, the upper bar depends on many characteristics. Scottish cat whiskers cost 250 rubles. a piece. “I sell the mustache of a Scottish cat. Dropped out naturally. The longest is 9 cm. Only 6 pieces, ”writes Aleksey Vladimirovich from Krasnoyarsk.

The mustache of this Maine Coon will cost 1700 rubles

The Maine Coon mustache is already much more expensive, 1700 rubles. “25 white whiskers from 5 to 15 cm, fluffy and long. From a Maine Coon cat. Dropped out. I ask you not to bother me about the case. The cat is alive and well, ”warns the owner Alina from Yekaterinburg.

But the mustache of Konstantin’s cat is already for 6 thousand rubles! The mustache, by the way, is also used, the seller specifies. A photo of a gorgeous cat from Ivanovo, so similar to the Behemoth cat, is attached.

Shabby Soviet briefcase

Who needs an old, well-worn travel bag with an almost torn off handle? In the best case, the fate of the “country chest”, in which the same rubbish is stored, awaits him. But collectors will disagree with this message. There are more than enough advertisements for the sale of portfolios that remember Brezhnev, and maybe Khrushchev. In Kamensk-Uralsk, for example, they offer only 1000 rubles. to acquire the portfolio of a certain associate professor of the 70s. “The condition is good, clean, without scuffs, perfect for photo shoots,” the owner describes his treasure.

There are economical options for 350 rubles. For this amount, a resident of Yaroslavl is ready to tear off a large bag from her heart with stains from paint, rust on the metal and a lining that has been torn off in places.

But a Muscovite is selling a portfolio of Soviet leatherette for 4000 rubles. “KZh and all fittings are in excellent perfect condition. The inside is uncritically dusty. The locks are in place, the keys are there, ”the announcement says.

Glass jars

It would seem that this good is enough in every second house. But in Kamensk-Uralsk, they offer to acquire a container for pickles and jams with a volume of 3 liters at 30 rubles apiece. Available – at least 15 units. But this is used. But the brand new five-liter are already at 500 rubles. a piece.

Old pans and pots

But you never know what circumstances happen! I remember that 25 years ago my friend and I were traveling through Moscow to the Grushinsky festival. It was necessary to spend more than a day in the capital, there was no money for a hotel, and therefore it was decided to put up a tent in the near Moscow region. At the station square it dawned on us: there was no bowler hat. “Now we will buy an inexpensive saucepan somewhere nearby,” the girlfriend reassured. The only thing “nearby” turned out to be not a cheap Moscow department store, where an aluminum saucepan was bought for a lot of money. It was a pity – not the right word, but what to do?

Now, it is easy to buy a saucepan for hiking on the site of free ads – and you save money, and you don’t mind throwing it away later. There are dozens of offers. Mikhail from Yekaterinburg is the owner of a whole collection of such “aluminum scrap”. There are miniature ones, as well as for a solid company of 8 liters. Price – from 50 to 200 rubles per piece.

But a St. Petersburg woman Daria sells old-fashioned frying pans. “I will sell old pans, the non-stick coating is erased, but you can use it,” she promises. Daria asks for 100 rubles for her “use”.

Alexey from the Sverdlovsk region also decided to cash in on an old, unnecessary frying pan. “Old-fashioned, heavy,” the man warns and asks for 250 rubles.

Defective heater

Initially, Roman from Angarsk wanted as much as 300 rubles for an oil cooler that had broken down during transportation. But then he reduced the price to one hundred square meters. The announcement has been hanging since January 19, and so far there have been no people wishing to become the owner of this artifact. But this is for now. In the end, if hands grow from where they are needed, they can be repaired.

Broken microwave

If a microwave oven cannot be repaired, this does not mean that no one will need it. In the end, there are many parts in the device that may well go for spare parts. However, some sellers did not even try to bring the equipment back to life. “I don’t know what’s wrong with it, I turn it on, the board doesn’t light up, doesn’t react. No bargaining, please, ”writes Evgeny from Blagoveshchensk, who asked for 299 rubles for his microwave.

Vyacheslav from St. Petersburg turned out to be more entrepreneurial and sells his “baby” in parts: a power wire – for a hundred, a thermal sensor – too, and asked for 400 rubles for a touch panel. If he sells all the parts as he wanted, he will receive 2850 rubles for the sale of a broken microwave. For that kind of money, you can look for a new one.

Crumpled teapot

If during operation an old, Soviet-era kettle is noticeably worn out, do not rush to throw it away. Even on “scrap aluminum” you can make money. Isabella from St. Petersburg sells a teapot for only 99 rubles. “There is no cord, I don’t know if it’s a worker. A dent on the side, ”she describes her product.

A resident of Moscow has much more choice. And most importantly, he knows how to present his goods. And now in front of you is no longer old, but retro! “I will sell enameled dishes and aluminum from the times of the USSR, vintage, retro. Perfect for a summer residence, a kettle for camping, for fishing “- such an announcement appeared just the other day, on January 25th. For teapots in working order, he asks for 500 rubles.

Old wallpaper

In the days of the USSR, wallpaper, like many other things, was a scarce commodity. If something more or less worthwhile appeared on the shelves, it was bought up in dozens of rolls – just in case. In many apartments, they collect dust somewhere on the mezzanine or on the loggia.

But dozens of years have passed, and the people seem to have dared to part with the supplies. So, Fyodor from the Tula region will happily get rid of five rolls (“whole, the outside edges are a little battered”) for 300 rubles. This wallpaper was produced at one time at the Moscow Wallpaper Factory, sold for 1 ruble 20 kopecks. per roll, as evidenced by the perfectly preserved stamp.

Wallpaper with a pattern is more interesting, but also “with a history”, also offered for 300 rubles, but already for 1,5 rolls. “Maybe someone needs old wallpaper for filming a movie or an old interior,” the seller reckons.


Even DVD movies are a thing of the past. And it’s hard to find people who watch movies on cassettes. However, offers to sell videotapes on free classified sites are still plentiful. 200 cassettes with video and music, and, judging by the labels, recorded by handicraft from the TV, is offered by a resident of Nizhny Novgorod. Only 8 rubles apiece.

Licensed ones are more expensive – 40 rubles apiece, but if you buy the whole lot at once, you can drop the price tag down to a gold piece.

Rusty nails

New ones are all right. But there are special talents who will sell a pig in a poke at a piece price, and with it, heavily used nails. The main thing is to call it antiques, and then you can talk about the price. A resident of Lipetsk, for example, has accumulated a whole such collection – forged nails, crutches, hooks, latches, rusty chains.

Dmitry Kromin from Moscow decided to earn extra money on an accidental find, which he honestly wrote in his ad: “forged, rusty, but in good condition, an old nail found in the forest with a metal detector.” He estimated his efforts at 3000 rubles.

However, sometimes you don’t have to go far to find such a treasure; it is enough to simply revise the mezzanines.

“Construction nails made in the USSR are in excellent condition, not rusty. They were kept at home in a box on the mezzanine, ”says Svetlana’s ad from Moscow. Since this good turned out to be more than enough, the girl sells nails in kilograms at once – 60 rubles each.

Just rubbish

Yes, there are some honest sellers who designate their goods with this very word. In the course, more precisely for sale, there are wires, routers, broken phones, heavily used cases for laptops. Stepan from Leningrad region added to his lot “a poorly working xiaomi mi band 2 bracelet and headphones.”

“I sell a bunch of all sorts of junk: a gas water heater without automatic equipment, a gas meter. The screwdriver may not work, but there are batteries and a charger, ”Andrey from the Krasnodar Territory honestly warns. You can also get hold of a “possibly not working” video card, a “definitely not working” motherboard, as well as a bunch of adapters, power supplies and antennas. The seller asks for 100 rubles, but is ready to listen to counter offers.

Another Andrey, already from the Republic of Udmurtia, offers radio junk: “various boards, batteries, speakers, a fan, a motor, a soldering iron.” Price is negotiable.

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