Who are the 5 allies of the immune system?

Sleep is good for the immune system
Rest is not trivial. Sleep is necessary for the proper functioning of our organism and its metabolism (= all the chemical reactions of the organism). According to some studies, a lack of sleep disrupts the regulation of hormones, which can have an impact on weight gain. A lack of sleep leads to an increase in the level of appetite hormones (= ghrelin) and a decrease in the level of hormones that promote satiety (= leptin).
On average, a child sleeps 10 hours a night while an adult will need about 7:30 a.m. of rest. This is an average, for some people the time of sleep will be longer or shorter. According to Inserm, “Rest allows the body to perform the functions necessary for development and health”.1 During sleep, the brain is active. The different stages of sleep allow the body to replenish energy and store the information received during the day. The memory is as if restored. The time and quality of sleep is very important. During this time, the brain secretes hormones that help the immune system fight off bacterial and viral infections.
To improve the quality of your sleep and strengthen your immune system, here are some tips:
- Do not engage in physical activity too late.
- Avoid exciting drinks like coffee.
- Before going to bed, do not hesitate to relax with a good hot bath or breathing exercises.
- Computer and television screens can keep you awake and affect the quality of sleep.
Sleep and its disorders, Inserm. health canada employee assistance program, sleep.