What personality traits are characteristic of people with homophobic views? The opinion of psychologists.
Dislike for men and women of other sexual orientations (homosexuals, bisexuals) is more often manifested by those whose self-esteem depends on the approval of the group and family. This conclusion was made by psychologists Yevgeny Osin and Olga Gulevich from the Higher School of Economics1. They found other personality traits that are common to people with homophobic views. For example, such people often …
- tend to attach great importance to traditions and religious norms;
- overly concerned with their own femininity or masculinity;
- in a controversial situation, they trust the opinion of authorities, leaders, “seniors”;
- believe in higher justice, “karma”;
- believe that only one point of view can be correct.
1 The results of the study were presented at the First World Congress of the Association for Psychological Science (Amsterdam, March 2015).