😉 Greetings to curious readers! Who are geisha in Japan? I hope you will find a detailed and clear answer in this article and video.
Japanese geisha
Communication is the main thing in people’s lives, neither gold, nor rags, but sincere human communication. And if your friend or interlocutor is a pleasant and intelligent person, it is always a holiday!
Geisha is a highly educated woman who entertains her guests or guest (client) with dancing, singing or pleasant conversation on any topic during the tea ceremony.
She is dressed in a kimono and wears traditional makeup and hair. Her profession is designated by two hieroglyphs “art” (gay) and “person” (Xia), meaning “person of art” (geisha).
In conversations, a geisha is an excellent psychologist. After a visit to such a psychologist, men restore their spiritual harmony, they gain self-confidence and self-confidence. Any man feels like a king with a wise and sophisticated woman who will inspire him that he is the best.
A bit of history
Initially, only men were geisha. These were ringleaders, such as a toastmaster or an entertainer.
More than four centuries ago, the first professional female geisha appeared in the Japanese city of Kyoto. Soon, the fairer sex ousted men from this work. At the beginning of the XIX century. the term “geisha” has become a designation for an exclusively female profession.
More often girls from poor families became geisha. Only capable and pretty girls were chosen for training. In a difficult school, they were taught, fed, clothed, but also assigned the dirtiest chores around the house. Corporal punishment was practiced at school.
Previously, girls’ education began at the age of ten, and today – strictly at sixteen.
In the strictest discipline, young girls were taught:
- playing musical instruments;
- conducting a tea ceremony;
- the art of conversation;
- dancing;
- poetry;
- singing;
- foreign languages;
- subtleties of appearance;
- the art of massage;
- the basics of etiquette.
The training cost a lot of money. When a girl started earning on her own, she gradually paid for her studies.
Interesting fact. If, after learning the profession, the student (maiko) does not lose her virginity, she cannot be considered a real geisha. This is the only moment in a girl’s life when she provides a client with a mandatory sexual service. Differences:
- red collar kimono – student (maiko),
- the white color of the collar is already a geisha.
The candidate for the right of the first night was selected with the utmost care. And this right was worth a lot of money. And then the girls are not obliged to provide intimate services to the guests. A geisha has sex with a man exclusively of his own free will and more often with his patron.
A client would never dare to ask this super woman for sexual favors.
A first-class geisha must have at least 28 kimonos made of the finest silk. Why exactly 28? According to Japanese tradition, the year is divided into 28 seasons. The color and pattern of a particular kimono corresponds to the season. Each kimono costs several thousand dollars!
Often the geisha had their own patron – “danna”. She spent most of her working time with him. The trustee must support the girl, which for him was considered an indicator of prestige and well-being.
Often the trustee had children from her, whom he also took care of. A patron cannot legally marry his geisha. And a geisha has no right to get married while in this “business”.
Geisha never provide intimate services to clients. If she has sex with a man, it is solely of her own free will.
Tainted reputation
The image of an elite, educated and sophisticated geisha was badly tarnished by rude American soldiers during the Second World War. The word “geisha” began to be identified with the image of the representatives of the most ancient profession. You can distinguish a geisha from Japanese prostitutes by their appearance:
- among the representatives of the most ancient profession, a kimono belt is tied in front with a simple knot in order to easily get rid of clothes, shoes on bare feet;
- the “porcelain beauty” – geisha has a large number of tight knots on the back of the kimono. And legs in snow-white socks.
Geisha Secrets
The modern geisha is fluent in several languages. Knows how to maintain a conversation on any topic and create a comfortable atmosphere in any company. She possesses information about current events in the country and abroad. Real geisha:
- strives for self-improvement;
- well-groomed and tidy;
- monitors health, appearance and posture;
- knows how to listen and hear the interlocutor;
- answer the question with a smile;
- has a rich vocabulary and delivered speech;
- will not condemn or impose his opinion;
- modest, calm and submissive;
- is in a good mood;
- does not violate the rules of etiquette;
- light flirting does not go beyond the bounds of decency;
- knows how to keep secrets and secrets;
- it is impossible to offend her;
- holds on with dignity;
- knows how to win and keep any man;
- radiates positive and love of life.
As you can see, the behavior of a Japanese beauty is similar to that of a European lady. In any case, there is a lot to learn for young girls and mature women. After all, it’s never too late to improve and work on yourself. This is personal development.
By learning these wise secrets, many women will keep their feelings fresh with their partner or spouse. In this video, additional information on the article “Who are geisha in Japan”
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