A glass of wine, a glass of whiskey, a couple of beers in a friendly company – what’s wrong with that? Drinking in moderation never hurt anyone. Even doctors say it’s good. Be careful, a cult of alcohol is developing in society: from “everything is under control” to serious problems, a small step.
Too much – how much?
Life is not an easy thing, and alcohol allows you to unwind for a while and forget about all the troubles. Its popularity is understandable: cocktails, beer and wine bring pleasure. But sometimes we get too carried away with the alcohol trend and do not think about the serious question: are we really part of the generation of functional alcoholics?
It is worth talking about the growing addiction to alcohol, as there are a lot of excuses. “I only drink in company” – but how often do you communicate with friends? “Wine is good for health,” but how much do you drink per evening? Looking for excuses is just an attempt to hide from problems.
When does drinking become a problem?
Only when does it begin to affect health and quality of life, or earlier? When do you need to catch yourself, so as not to go far and not cripple life? It can be argued that the daily dose should not exceed the amount recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “for women, 1 serving per day, for men, 2 servings per day.” This is in addition to special cases. Of course, alcohol amuses and is tasty, but even in pleasures one must observe the measure.
Exceeding reasonable amounts is risky. What’s wrong with drinking a glass or two, relaxing, chatting with friends or family. Relaxation is vital to maintaining a healthy mind and normal well-being. Alcohol is empty calories, but it is easy to become addicted to it if you forget about caution.
Are you worried that lately your partner or you yourself have begun to allow yourself too much? Perhaps it’s time to figure out when “too much” becomes “too much.” If anxiety grows, try to understand the difference between an alcoholic and a functional alcoholic.
What is a “functional alcoholic”?
The main difference between a “normal” and a functional (they also say “high-functioning”) alcoholic is the degree of negative impact of alcoholism on a particular person. In fact, functional alcoholics do not fit into the fixed image of binge drinkers, because outwardly they are decent people. They are doing well at work, in the family, social life, sometimes even more than wonderful, but they are dependent on alcohol.
Does he also suffer from alcoholism?
Yes and no. Functioning does not mean not being an alcoholic at all. Functional alcoholism is more dangerous than outright drunkenness, although it seems harmless. Such a drinker tends to deny the problem, and it is difficult for loved ones to admit that it is becoming a disaster.
As a rule, such people try to emphasize their success and well-being as proof that everything is in order, even if they abuse alcohol. They don’t consider being overweight a problem until they get to the “lost everything to drink” stage. Moreover, such a person is usually surrounded by sympathizers who indulge his addiction, which further justifies the craving for alcohol.
Has alcoholism come into vogue?
In recent times, friendly parties with heavy booze and happy hours of discounts on spirits in different establishments have become very popular – alcohol is really becoming a fashion trend in disguise.
A recent article in the US edition of the Huffington Post explains how “alcohol has become the go-to accompaniment to bacon and eggs, and restaurants have begun vying to offer discounts on bottomless cocktails to lure customers in.” Figuratively speaking, if earlier drinking marked Friday evening, now it is in the order of things to celebrate Sunday morning in the same way.
New words are invented to justify the love of alcohol
The concept of “alcoholic” has appeared in the Urban Dictionary English slang dictionary. It stands for: “It is fundamentally different from an alcoholic. Alcoholics are not addicted to alcohol. They drink excessively solely for the sake of achieving euphoria, which usually means passing out and in the morning having difficulty remembering the events of yesterday evening. In essence, this is an alcoholic in denial.
Sadly, drinking is becoming a cult, which means that it is all the more necessary to maintain a healthy relationship with alcohol and not slide into addiction. If you’re wondering “too much is how much?”, read up on the signs of alcoholism and set hard limits.
pe înÈ›elesul tuturor dar nu a celor în cauză care ,, nu am nici o problemă” da’ au sticle ascunse prin locuri la- ndemână😣😪
am lângă mine un alcoolic funcÈ›ional care mă termină psihic. Când e treaz e bărbat atent, drăgăstos, priceput la orice. Spală niÅŸte vase, aragazul, mătură curtea. Problema e că bea Luni, MarÈ›i, Miercuri … toată săptămâna, începe de dimineață ÅŸi ascunde ÅŸi bea. Am fost la psihologi, la psihiatru ÅŸi le-am zis despre asta dar nu au ce să facă😪. O doctoriță neurolog mi-a spus ( de față cu el) să am grijă de mine, de mintea mea pentru că ,,domnul dacă vrea se lasă dacă nu, nu!”. A trecut un an de atunci ÅŸi la el nici o schimbare, eu însă plâng noapte, a doua zi dimineață îi vorbesc calm, îi fac declaraÈ›ii de drag, plec la muncă, ne pupăm. Toate bune, da’ când mă întorc după 5,6 ore, e transformat… nu recunoaÅŸte neam că are o problemă ÅŸi eu caut să salvez o relaÈ›ie de 37 de ani, care-i distrusă de un alcoolic ÅŸi o codependentă😪.
soÈ›ul meu e alcoolic funcÈ›ional😪atent, grijuliu, drăgăstos, priceput la toate… bea de Luni dimineață până Duminică, orice da’ mai ales bere ÅŸi vin.Am încercat cu calm, declaraÈ›ii de drag, pare că-i alt om când îi vorbesc dimineaÈ›a ÅŸi e treaz ( ori poate-i mahmur…). Plec la muncă ÅŸi când mă întorc e altul😪şi face multe greÅŸeli în toate pe ce pune mâna. Anul trecut am mers la neurolog împreună. l-am spus eu problema ÅŸi doamna s-a uitat la el, s-a uitat la mine ÅŸi ,, dacă domnul vrea să se lase se lasă, dacă nu, nu. Ai grijă de tine ÅŸi de mintea ta, nu poÈ›i face nimic!”🤔. A trecut un an ÅŸi îi dau dreptate, sunt cu psihicul la pământ, sunt tristă ÅŸi plâng-codependenta perfectă. E jale, în 37 de ani de căsnicie îmi dau seama că n-am vrut să recunosc că trăiesc lângă o persoană slabă, bolnavă de alcoolism😪.