WHO announced the second wave of coronavirus, which will take place around the world

WHO announced the second wave of coronavirus, which will take place around the world

While we all dream of ending the self-isolation regime and lifting restrictive measures, experts say that COVID-19 may again overtake many countries.

WHO announced the second wave of coronavirus, which will take place around the world

The whole world is painfully experiencing the consequences associated with the coronavirus pandemic. Some regions have not yet emerged from quarantine, while others are gradually recovering after a long pause.

And in China and a number of other Asian countries, there are new outbreaks of the disease.

If you believe the forecasts of the World Health Organization, all states that have already been affected by the coronavirus should not forget about the high probability of a second wave of COVID-19.

“The virus is in every country. This is a sprint in which countries need to run together as a sign of solidarity with each other, ”said WHO spokeswoman Melita Vujnovic in an interview with Russia-24 TV channel.

The specialist warned that the pandemic cannot be stopped until it passes through absolutely all corners of the world.

Vujnovic is sure that scientists are unlikely to be able to eliminate the coronavirus infection. The only possibility exists to reduce the transmission of infection from person to person, the expert said.

Melita highly appreciated the protective measures that are observed on the territory of Russia. Despite the decrease in the increase in the incidence, the representative of the WHO believes that many restrictive measures will have to be followed up to the creation of a vaccine.

By the way, WHO has already warned more than once that European countries will have to face the second wave of COVID-19 in the fall. That is why experts advise the authorities of states, just in case, to prepare for a negative development of events.

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Photo: Getty Images

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