WHO advises Ukraine: destroy pathogens in laboratories to prevent the spread of dangerous diseases

The World Health Organization (WHO) advised Ukraine to destroy dangerous pathogens stored in laboratories. This will prevent “any potential leakage” that could lead to the spread of serious diseases reports Reuters.

  1. «WHO strongly recommends Ukraine to destroy high-risk pathogens to prevent potential leakage» the organization informed the Reuters Agency
  2. Otherwise, attacks on laboratories could lead to the spread of serious diseases
  3. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page
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Like many other countries, Ukraine has laboratories where specialists are looking for ways to mitigate the risks of dangerous diseases, including COVID-19. In these places, harmful pathogens are stored.

Biosecurity experts say military movements could damage these facilities, increasing the risk of pathogen leakage.

The rest of the text below the video:

WHO has been working with Ukrainian laboratories for several years to promote safety practices that help prevent “accidental or deliberate release of pathogens”. “As part of this cooperation, the WHO strongly recommends that Ukraine destroy high-risk pathogens to prevent potential leakage” the organization informed the Reuters Agency. It is not known, however, when the recommendations were issued, as well as what exactly is in Ukrainian laboratories.

See also:

  1. A flood of medical-related fake news. The doctor denies the rumors about the availability of healthcare for Poles and Ukrainians
  2. Why are we so fascinated by Volodymyr Zelensky? 
  3. The war in Ukraine. What is happening in hospitals? In such conditions, [PHOTO] works

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