Whitish talker: description and photo

Mushroom picking is always associated with the risk of misidentifying the found specimen. The whitish talker is a mushroom that attracts lovers with its appearance, but belongs to the 1st hazard class and is unsuitable for consumption.

Whitish talker: description and photo

Where the whitish talkers grow 

A whitish talker is often called whitish or bleached: these are synonymous designations. For a comfortable existence, these representatives of the mushroom kingdom choose mixed or deciduous forests. They appear on the edges, meadow areas, can grow in clearings, in parks. The variety grows in whole colonies, forming circles, which are also called “witch”.

What do whitish talkers look like

The name “whitish” or “whitened” mushrooms was due to the fact that their legs and plates are white.

  1. The hat of young talkers takes on a convex shape with edges folded inward. In older specimens, the surface may be flat, depressed in the center. The diameter of the cap is from 2 to 6 cm. In adult mushrooms, fuzzy grayish spots may appear on it. The plates of representatives of the species are frequent, white.
  2. The leg grows up to 4 cm, may be straight or slightly curved. In adult fruiting bodies, it becomes hollow inside.

After rains and morning dew, the caps are covered with fibrous mucus, but in dry hot weather they dry out, become silky, pleasant to the touch.

Whitish talker: description and photo

The smell from the fruiting body is characterized as mealy or putrid. On breaking the cap, the flesh does not change color, remains elastic and fibrous in structure.

Is it possible to eat whitish talkers

Whitish or whitish talkers are poisonous mushrooms that can provoke severe poisoning. There are cases of death after their use. The fruiting body of the representatives of this contains a poisonous substance – muscarine – an alkaloid that provokes a violation of the heart rhythm.

How to distinguish whitish talkers

Other representatives of the Govorushkovy genus have similar features with the whitish govorushka.





Where grows

On rotting stumps, on trees, 2-3 pcs.

On the edges, in the ravines.

In mixed forests, forest edges, grass substrates.

External description, smell

Wide plates, characteristic mushroom smell.

In adult mushrooms, the hat acquires a grayish color.

Powdery smell, frequent plates.

Can i eat

Refers to conditionally edible.

Refers to conditionally edible.


Woody talker:

Whitish talker: description and photo


Whitish talker: description and photo

One of the characteristic features of the whitish talker is that the species does not grow in 1 – 2 copies, but always forms whole groups of 10 – 15 pieces.

Whitish talker: description and photo

Symptoms of poisoning 

Whitish talker, entering the body, acts primarily on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. The first signs of poisoning appear after 20 minutes:

  • nausea followed by repeated vomiting;
  • increased salivation;
  • sweating;
  • chills, fever;
  • abdominal pain, diarrhea;
  • heart palpitations;
  • violation of blood pressure.

Because of these symptoms, the respiratory process is complicated. A person can suffocate, such attacks are complicated by repeated vomiting.

First aid for poisoning 

According to statistics, mushroom poisoning occurs in 4% of the total number of poisonings. The severity depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as on how quickly measures were taken to provide assistance.

The first action after assessing the situation and identifying the whitish talker as a poisonous mushroom is to call an ambulance. Before the arrival of specialists, it is recommended to take measures on your own:

  1. Taking large amounts of liquid. Drinking plenty of water helps to quickly remove toxins from the body, acts as a stomach cleanser. It is advised to use pure mineral water without gases, self-prepared saline solutions, as well as Regidron or potassium permanganate (weak).
  2. Taking special drugs that help absorb and remove poisons from the stomach. Recommend Enterosgel, activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb.
  3. In the presence of a high temperature, antipyretic drugs are taken: Paracetamol or Ibuprofen.
  4. When breathing is disturbed, Atropine is used.

The main rule for helping with poisoning with talkers is the prevention of dehydration. Plentiful drinking, the use of specially prepared solutions help to minimize the risk of possible complications.

Attention! Mushrooms pose a serious danger to the child’s body, since the fully formed intestine does not cope well with the removal of toxic substances and immediately reacts with a deterioration in the general condition.


The whitish talker is a poisonous variety that should not be eaten even after prolonged processing. When collecting mushrooms, it is necessary to carefully examine the surface of the fruiting body. This will help to accurately distinguish poisonous specimens from conditionally edible ones.

Govorushka white mushrooms in the forest. Edible mushrooms.

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