Whitening Toothpastes? Video reviews

Whitening Toothpastes? Video reviews

Many people dream of making their teeth white and beautiful and their smile attractive. Some go to the dentist for this and go through the teeth whitening procedure. Others choose simpler methods, such as using a special toothpaste that has a whitening effect. You can buy such a paste in a regular pharmacy, it is only important to choose it correctly.

Whitening pastes: availability and effectiveness

Until a few years ago, whitening toothpastes were considered a luxury item because they were quite expensive. Today, this type of oral cavity prophylaxis has become common for people with different incomes. Toothpaste manufacturers offer consumers a wide range of whitening compositions that differ in the principle of action and effectiveness.

A common paste is converted into a whitening composition by several components. It is a whitening and abrasive agent.

The action of the components of such a special paste is based on a combination of the concentration of the substance and the time of direct contact with tooth enamel.

In other words, the higher the concentration and the longer the effect of the paste on the teeth when brushing them, the faster the whitening effect is achieved.

Please note that it is not recommended to apply a whitening toothpaste daily. Give your tooth enamel a break several times a month and switch to a regular type of toothpaste. Before the final choice of whitening paste, be sure to consult with your dentist in order to exclude possible contraindications and choose a paste for your type of teeth.

Types of whitening toothpastes

Toothpastes with the effect of whitening teeth can now be purchased at a store or pharmacy kiosk for an affordable price. When choosing such a tool, you should have at least a general idea of ​​the principles of its action and understand the factors due to which the whitening effect is created.

Whitening toothpastes can be roughly divided into several groups:

  • chemical toothpastes
  • abrasive pastes
  • combined action dentifrices

The first type contains enzymes and acids that whiten teeth well due to the chemical reactions that occur when brushing teeth that occur when the cleaning agent contacts the surface of the teeth.

There are pastes that contain microscopic inclusions in the form of abrasive substances. In this case, the teeth are whitened due to the mechanical effect of abrasive particles on the tooth enamel. The third type of teeth whitening products includes both active chemicals and abrasive particles.

Each of the described types of whitening pastes has its own advantages and disadvantages, which must be taken into account when choosing

Features of different types of whitening pastes

What type of whitening pastes should you prefer? The quickest way to get the desired effect is by using abrasive materials. But such pastes contribute to increased erasure of tooth enamel. With regular use of a paste with abrasive particles, the structure of the enamel can be radically disrupted. The stronger the abrasive action of the paste, the faster the teeth wear out.

The degree of abrasion of a toothpaste is determined using a special RDA indicator. A toothpaste less than 70 will be low abrasion. If the package has a value of 100 or higher, the paste is considered highly abrasive. For teeth with normal or weakened enamel, you should not choose a paste with a high abrasiveness.

Abrasive pastes should not be used for those with hypersensitive teeth, as well as for children.

Chemically whitening toothpaste usually contains some amount of hydrogen peroxide and other active substances that effectively deal with dirt and plaque. It happens that the whitening effect when using such prophylactic drugs does not appear immediately, but over time.

The most successful should be recognized bleaching toothpastes of combined action, containing chemicals and abrasive particles. The whitening effect is achieved rather quickly and will be effective. The complex effect on the enamel is combined with gentle care of the teeth and gums.

It should be borne in mind that any of the described types of paste will not give an instant whitening effect. An important advantage of whitening pastes is their availability when compared with other procedures.

Remember that after brushing your teeth with whitening pastes, you should avoid consuming drinks and foods that can stain the enamel of your teeth.

Dentists, when assigning a paste to a certain category, carefully study the composition of the preparations and find out the true degree of their abrasive action. If you do not see an RDA on the toothpaste packaging, contact the manufacturer’s Consumer Care Center to clarify this point. Excessive exposure of the enamel to abrasive substances and chemicals should be avoided. Otherwise, you will not get a snow-white smile, but an overly thin enamel that requires a therapeutic effect.

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