Whitening teeth with activated carbon. Video
A confident look, an open smile, healthy teeth are one of the important components of success in a career, communication, and personal relationships. Unfortunately, professional care takes a lot of time and money, and therefore, nerves. Meanwhile, you can at least take care of teeth whitening yourself at home. Activated carbon for a snow-white smile is a reliable and safe product.
How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal
Crushed activated carbon tablets are a very fine powder with an abrasive effect. When used as a dental cleaning agent, one can say with good reason that it perfectly cleans teeth from plaque, leaving no chance for it to linger on the enamel and give it a persistent yellow or gray color over time. The whitening properties of coal are explained by its deep penetration into the structure of the enamel and the equally deep cleansing of places inaccessible to other means.
Traditional toothpastes and powders do not penetrate deeply into the surface of the teeth. intended for daily use, allowing to maintain the structure of tooth enamel
When activated carbon is powerless
Darkening and yellowing of teeth are caused by many reasons – from improper care to bad habits. So, teeth can darken from excessive consumption of strong black coffee and tea, as well as carbonated drinks and some products that contain artificial colors. Smoking definitely spoils the color of teeth.
Activated charcoal can cope with darkening and yellowing of teeth caused by these reasons (though not as quickly as in the dentist’s office)
But before what activated charcoal is powerless, it is before genetics. That is, when tooth enamel has a yellowish or grayish color by nature, coal is, of course, a weak remedy against it. There is only one way out – to seek help from a professional dentist. In most of all other cases, charcoal will help you.
Brush your teeth with activated charcoal
As a natural abrasive, activated carbon has excellent cleaning properties. Take advantage of this: take 2 charcoal tablets, put 2-3 drops of warm water on them and crush. Put the resulting mass on a toothbrush and brush your teeth as you always do in the mornings and evenings, i.e. within 1,5-2 minutes. If you are confused by the black color of your new cleaner, simply mix it with your favorite toothpaste and your comfort will not be compromised.
In addition to the actual cleaning of your teeth with activated carbon, you can use another method of whitening. Take two charcoal tablets, place them in your mouth and begin to chew thoroughly. At first glance, the procedure may not seem very pleasant, especially since the teeth, gums and tongue instantly turn black.
However, there is nothing disgusting in it – coal does not have any specific taste or repulsive smell.
It is absolutely tasteless, just a little hiss when it comes into contact with saliva. Be patient and chew the tablets first, and then just gruel from them for 10-15 minutes. At the end, to enhance the effect, you can wipe your teeth with a cotton pad dipped in lemon juice. You will be surprised, but the result – whiter teeth – will be noticeable after 2-3 procedures.
Add strength to activated charcoal
You will significantly speed up the expected result if you prepare a special composition.
To do this, take the following ingredients:
- activated carbon – 2-3 tablets
- lemon juice – 1 tsp
- vinegar 5% – 0,5 tsp
- table salt “Extra” – 0,5 tsp.
- natural honey – 1/4 tsp
- mineral water without gas – 0,5 tsp.
Crush charcoal tablets, add lemon juice, vinegar, salt, honey and water. Dip a toothbrush in the mixture and brush your teeth. Brushing should resemble a massage: first, make a sideways motion along the front of the upper and lower teeth, then along the back. Then, again dipping the brush into the composition, go over the teeth in the same sequence, only with vertical movements. After that, change the movements to spiral (circular), remembering to dip the brush into the sour-salt mixture. The massage should last at least 5-8 minutes. During it, a slight burning sensation of the oral mucosa is possible. At the end of the procedure, do not rinse off the composition from the teeth immediately, hold it for another 5 minutes, then rinse your mouth with clean water at room temperature. This radical method helps to get rid of the severe yellow teeth caused by smoking.
Do not use this method of teeth whitening more than 2 times a month if you want to get a faster result. The composition contains a lot of acids, salts and abrasive carbon particles, which with frequent use can damage enamel and gums
After all teeth whitening procedures at home, it is recommended that you do not eat or drink anything for the next 20-30 minutes. the process is still ongoing after the completion of the procedures, you should not interrupt it.
Whitening with activated carbon should be carried out no more than 1 time in 10 days, and even less often with the addition of acid and salt. Despite the general safety, coal and salt still have a powerful abrasive effect on enamel, so treat the procedures without fanaticism.
Methods for whitening teeth with activated carbon
According to the reviews of those who have already performed teeth whitening with activated carbon, the effect occurs quite quickly, literally after 2-3 procedures. However, everything is very individual here, and many factors matter, both objective (unequal structure of enamel, age, presence of bad habits, etc.) and subjective (moral attitude towards the result and belief in success, regularity, thoroughness of procedures, etc.). etc.).
It is desirable that the powder obtained from activated carbon tablets is as homogeneous as possible and does not contain individual fragments that can injure the gums and oral mucosa, as well as scratch the tooth enamel.
To do this, grind several tablets at once in a coffee grinder to a dusty state and put them in a jar with a tight-fitting lid (to avoid moisture ingress). This will be your reserve for further procedures.
Before you start whitening your teeth with activated charcoal, put your teeth in order – heal, fill, etc. That is, visit the dentist. And further, while doing whitening, observe basic hygiene standards: brush your teeth twice a day during those periods when you do not perform whitening procedures, rinse your mouth after each meal, use dental floss to thoroughly clean the interdental space. Visit your dentist 2 times a year. This attention to the condition of your own teeth, enhanced by your whitening actions, will make your smile truly snow-white and charming.
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