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Teeth whitening is an increasingly popular method of enjoying a beautiful smile. Still, many of us are concerned that the procedure will weaken and destroy the enamel. People who deal with toothache on a daily basis while consuming hot, cold or sweet drinks are especially afraid. Is it right? Does tooth sensitivity exclude the possibility of their whitening?
The causes of tooth hypersensitivity
Tooth hypersensitivity is a condition in which eating hot, cold or sweet products is associated with pain. Sensitive teeth are also those that hurt when you inhale cold air or drink sour juice. Exposure of the dentin is the direct cause of the development of hypersensitivity.
Dentine is a highly innervated tissue located just below the tooth enamel. They are in it dental tubulesand in those nerves that react when exposed to external factors, and we feel pain. The dentin can be exposed for a number of reasons:
- using a brush that is too hard;
- the use of a highly abrasive paste;
- age;
- diseased receding gums.
Another cause of tooth sensitivity is poor oral hygiene and the formation of caries. Dentin is also exposed when the enamel wears away, e.g. in the case of bruxism, or its degradation due to frequent exposure to gastric acids in the case of indigestion or frequent vomiting caused by e.g. bulimia.
Whitening of hypersensitive teeth – yes or no?
Contrary to popular opinion, having oversensitive teeth does not have to mean giving up their whitening. Before making a decision and choosing the right method, it is worthwhile to properly prepare your teeth and, above all, to take care of the enamel. Otherwise, the whitening effect will not be satisfactory and the symptoms associated with hypersensitivity will only worsen.
See what the whitening of problematic teeth looks like:
- dead teeth whitening
- teeth whitening and fillings
- teeth whitening and braces
- can all teeth be whitened?
How to take care of the enamel?
How we should take care of our teeth depends on the source of our problems. If it is bruxism, the dentist may recommend the use of special splints to prevent abrasion of the enamel. Another method of treating this disease are botox injections. The injection is made into the muscles of the jaw, which under the influence of Botox relax, do not tighten involuntarily, and thus – the enamel is not abraded.
If the source of the hypersensitivity is improper dental hygiene or using a brush that is too hard, the solution is to change your habits. Teeth should be brushed twice a day for at least 2 minutes. Choose brushes with the softest possible bristles. It is also worth reaching for a toothpaste designed especially for sensitive teeth. Its action is based on the content of strontium chloride. The main task of this substance is to close the exposed dental tubules, and thus – reduce pain.
You can also seek help with tooth hypersensitivity directly at the dentist. Depending on the severity of the problem, he will suggest tooth fluoridation, protection of dental tubules or the use of special preparations intended for hypersensitive teeth. Only when we properly care for the enamel of oversensitive teeth can we think about whitening them.
Care of hypersensitive teeth
In the case of hypersensitive teeth, instead of whitening methods used at home, it is better to choose the ones suggested by dentistry. Only then will we be sure that our teeth will be in good hands and that a specialist will take care of them in a proper way. The laser whitening method is most often recommended in case of hypersensitivity. In her case, the chance of additional irritation of teeth and gums is minimal.
Of course, it is not stated that even after proper teeth preparation, the problem of post-whitening hypersensitivity will not return. This can happen especially in people who tend to it. It is worth introducing a few habits to life that will reduce the pain:
- rinse your teeth with clean, lukewarm water immediately after eating a sour or sweet meal;
- drink cold, hot, sour and sweet drinks through a straw,
- give up sweet, carbonated drinks, sweets and citrus.
It is also worth remembering about regular dental visits. The specialist will be able to determine the condition of our teeth and react in time when there is a problem with hypersensitivity, offering specific help.
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