![Whiten your teeth with the products you have at your fingertips.](https://healthy-food-near-me.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/whiten-your-teeth-with-the-products-you-have-at-your-fingertips-1.webp)
Teeth whitening at the dentist is expensive. Various preparations available in pharmacies or drugstores are also not cheap. What to do to first try to get rid of an unsightly gray smile at the lowest cost? There are home ways to make your smile stop being a complex and become a car.
People with yellow and gray teeth are divided into three groups. The first are people who were “born” with this color of the tooth bone. In such cases, the only solution is the help of a dentist and following his recommendations. The second group is the one that completely ignores the appearance of the teeth, does not care about hygiene, does not go to the dentist. The teeth of such people due to excessive amount accumulated bacteria in which mouth they change color and spoil. The third group of problems yellowish teeth acquires it by drinking dark drinks, coffee, tea, cranberry and currant juice, red wine and eating certain foods containing tomato sauce, soy sauce or balsamic vinegar. Therefore, numerous foods stain the teeth, but there are also those that can remove staining deposits from them.
Here are home remedies for a beautiful smile:
- Red strawberries whiten teeth.This fruit contains maleic acid, found even in some toothpastes. Now that strawberries are in season, take advantage of this time and eat them in large quantities, and to clean your teeth more thoroughly, cut the strawberries into pieces and rub them all over your teeth without removing the debris for a full minute. Strawberries also cleanse the mouth of bacteria.
- Apples, carrots and celery will help clean your teeth.It is fruits and vegetables that naturally remove plaque from the teeth by inducing more saliva production, and it is saliva that is the most effective substance in cleaning teeth. In addition, apples, carrots and celery contain a lot of vitamin C, which fights bacteria responsible for bad breath and protects against gum disease.
- Action of citrus.The power of citrus is indescribable. Lemons, oranges and pineapples increase the production of tooth-cleansing saliva. Lemons have a whitening effect. Prepare yourself a liquid consisting of water and lemon (one glass half and half). Rinse your mouth 1-2 times a week. Remember not to exceed this dose or use undiluted lemon juice, because too much acid can damage the enamel.
- He made his teeth white.Lactic acid found in milk, yogurt and cheese treats gum disease and strengthens teeth. The milk in the coffee soothes the deposits on the teeth. Cottage cheese, on the other hand, strengthens and protects the enamel and whitens the teeth very well. Eating cottage cheese at least once a day will have a positive effect on the condition of your teeth by significantly whitening them
- Use baking soda.Experts unanimously agree that baking soda is the strongest and most effective way to deal with tooth discoloration. It works by neutralizing acids and removing tartar. Choose toothpastes that contain baking soda.
- Drink through a straw.Drinking drinks through a straw significantly reduces the risk of discoloration. In this way, you protect your teeth from direct contact with coloring substances. It’s worth remembering.
- Fabric softener based on hydrogen peroxide.Hydrogen peroxide is a very good way to rinse the mouth and remove bacteria that cause bad breath. A few times a month, reach for a solution of hydrogen peroxide, i.e. dilute 1 tablespoon of ordinary water with 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Rinse your mouth with this liquid and you will soon notice whiter teeth.