Whiteheads on the face: causes and how to remove them

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This common skin defect has several names: whiteheads, milk spots, and mildew. In fact, we are talking about miles. These are small, the size of a grain of millet, white or yellowish tubercles. More often they appear near the eyes, on the bridge of the nose, and on the cheeks.

Unlike a rash, milia does not cause any discomfort, itching, or scaling. Therefore, many are perplexed about what kind of “pimples” that are not squeezed out, do not go away on their own.

Whiteheads on the face: causes and how to remove them

From a dermatological point of view, millet are small cysts filled with keratin. The reasons for their appearance are varied:

  • blockage of the sebaceous ducts and sweat glands;
  • minor injuries, scratches of the dermis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • the use of corticosteroid creams or ointments, some medications.

How to remove skin blemishes

Usually milia has to be removed by a beautician. However, you can cope with the problem yourself. What should be done?

The main thing is not to try to squeeze out, pick out the milia. Their structure is such that the formation can be removed only by puncture. Doing this at home – especially if the milia is close to your eyes – is strongly discouraged.

The area affected by mildew must be thoroughly cleaned using peels. For this purpose, for example, a mixture of corn flour and apple cider vinegar is used. The gruel is applied to the required area, held for half an hour, and then, massaging, washed off.

If the skin is greasy, then the milia is most likely triggered by a blockage of the glands. In this case, tea tree ether can be of great help. It should be applied pointwise, at night, and in the morning rinse off the remnants.

Faces on the face: treatment

If you have milia, add gels and tonics with lactic, azelaic, salicylic, glycolic fruit acids to your skin care. The thinner the stratum corneum on the affected area is, the faster the milia will dissolve.

Farther. Revise your cosmetic bag, remove all gummy creams, and add retinoid products.

Prepare and use an olive oil cream. To do this, shake a coffee spoon of granulated sugar, the same amount of olive oil and two large tablespoons of lemon juice. The mixture is applied to areas with mildew and left for 20-25 minutes.

You can also get rid of miles in a week and a half with the help of compresses. The napkin is soaked in hot water and kept on the skin until the cloth cools.

The key to the absence of miles is regular, deep cleansing. No wonder these cysts are formed, more often, under the eyes and on the eyelids. In these places there is no access to scrubs and peels. Therefore, do not go to rest without removing decorative cosmetics, primarily shadows and mascara.

😉 Now you know how to remove whiteheads on your own by yourself. It is not difficult, the main thing is desire plus patience. If you find the article useful, share it with your friends on social media. networks. Until next time on this site!

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