Whitefly on cabbage: how to get rid of folk and chemical means

The appearance of pests can lead to a complete loss of crops and the death of plants in the garden. Whitefly on cabbage is a real scourge for most farmers. Insect invasion spoils plantings, however, with timely detection, this problem can be easily neutralized.

Causes of whitefly on cabbage

Insects cause great harm to vegetable and cultural plantings in vegetable gardens and household plots. Cabbage, potatoes and tomatoes are the most susceptible to whitefly invasion. Pests settle on the inside of the leaves of the plant and parasitize, feeding on its juices. The most common reasons for the appearance of insects on cabbage beds include the following factors:

  • elevated temperature and humidity of the environment;
  • insufficient ventilation in case of growing in closed greenhouses;
  • small sparsity of landings.
Whitefly on cabbage: how to get rid of folk and chemical means

Most often, the whitefly damages the inside of cabbage leaves.

The whitefly most often appears on cabbage in greenhouses and greenhouses. In the conditions of planting in open ground, wind and larger insects interfere with its vital activity. However, with a strong waterlogging of the beds and complete calm, it is quite possible to expect an invasion of pests.

What is dangerous whitefly on cabbage

Having settled on the inside of the cabbage leaves, the larvae begin to feed on the juice of the plant. Having lost nutrition, the cabbage begins to dry, gradually dying off until the complete death of the plant.

Important! A new generation of whitefly appears every 24-28 days. With late detection, pests parasitizing on cabbage will quickly destroy plantings.

When sucking the juices of plants, the whitefly secretes a sweet liquid. On such a substrate, soot fungus is very actively settled. With a strong infection, cabbage leaves are covered with a black film, which makes photosynthesis difficult, worsening the vegetative possibilities of cultivated plantations.

Signs of the appearance of whiteflies on cabbage

Timely detection of pests will allow you to quickly start an active fight against them, reducing the possibility of losing future crops. It is the larvae that cause the main damage to cabbage, but they are the most difficult to detect. Small worms of pale green color reliably stick to the stems and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Over time, they develop a thin wax coating – a sure sign of their imminent transformation into butterflies.

Important! At the time of pupation, the whitefly becomes immune to all poisons and insecticides.

If the hatched butterflies are fairly easy to identify by their characteristic appearance, finding the larvae is much more difficult. At the first sign of darkening of the leaves or wilting, as well as damage by a soot fungus, it is necessary to immediately inspect the cabbage plantings for the appearance of pests. Experienced farmers are also advised to inspect the plantings once a week.

How to deal with whitefly on cabbage

The uncontrolled development of pests causes irreparable harm to plantings, up to the complete destruction of the crop. Simultaneous attack of larvae and adult whiteflies on cabbage, together with sooty fungus, deprives the ability for normal vegetation. There are several ways to deal with it, ranging from folk methods proven over decades to modern chemicals.

Whitefly on cabbage: how to get rid of folk and chemical means

Regular inspection of cabbage leaves will identify the whitefly as early as possible.

Completely defeating the whitefly in cabbage beds is a rather difficult task, although it is quite doable. The process is most often complicated by the simultaneous presence of several generations of pests. Some drugs that kill larvae may be useless against adults and vice versa.

Measures to combat the whitefly on cabbage folk remedies

Centuries of experience in the cultivation of cultivated plants has led to the formation of working ways to reduce the harm of parasites and insects. The use of folk remedies to combat whitefly larvae and butterflies on cabbage allows you to effectively protect plantings, minimizing harm to the human body from excessive accumulation of insecticides. The most popular methods include spraying bushes with the following solutions:

  • garlic infusion;
  • yarrow tincture;
  • tobacco infusion;
  • infusion on the leaves and rhizomes of dandelion.

One of the most effective remedies against whiteflies on cabbage is ordinary laundry soap. It is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:6. The resulting solution is sprayed with cabbage beds every 8-10 days. Over-treatment can cause leaf scorch.

Chemical control of whitefly on cabbage

Chemical exposure can reduce the number of parasites to a minimum. Rovikurt, Fufanol, Zeta and Karbofos are best for protecting cabbage from whiteflies. They are bred in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and plantings are processed. At the same time, it is necessary to process the cabbage several times in order to be able to remove the pupated larvae in the next approach.

Important! When processing cabbage in greenhouses and greenhouses, it is necessary to observe safety measures as much as possible in order to minimize harm to one’s own health.
Whitefly on cabbage: how to get rid of folk and chemical means

Timely application of insecticides will make it possible to secure the planting of cabbage

Plantings are treated with insecticides until mid-June. Otherwise, excessive absorption of drugs and chemical compounds is possible. In the later periods of the growing season, it is better to use folk remedies.

Prevention of the appearance of whiteflies on cabbage

Popular wisdom says that it is much easier to prevent an ailment than to deal with it. Since the whitefly easily survives the winter, it begins to lay eggs quite early. This period can take place simultaneously with the cultivation and hardening of cabbage seedlings. Before landing, be sure to inspect all planting material for infection. Among the most popular preventive methods are:

  1. Disinfection of greenhouses in the autumn. Complete cleaning of plant residues and the introduction of special insecticides completely destroy the whitefly during wintering.
  2. Soil disinfection in November. Removing weeds and cleaning the soil with insecticides actively helps in the fight against whiteflies.

Another preventive way to fight is to dig the earth in the pre-winter period. An insect ready for wintering finds itself in unfavorable conditions and instantly dies.

Gardeners tips

During the active development of butterflies and other flying insects, it is recommended to protect the windows and entrances to the greenhouse with gauze. Mosquito nets are great. They protect cabbage plantings in greenhouses from an abundance of flying parasites, while the windows can be open and reduce excess moisture.

Important! You can actively fight the whitefly with an ordinary fumigator and fly tape.

Experienced farmers have long noticed that insects of this species are very fond of orange. By placing a small shield next to the cabbage beds, and smearing it with something sticky, you can get an impromptu trap. Insects will stick to its surface and die.


Whitefly on cabbage can be a real disaster even for experienced gardeners. Despite the large number of ways to destroy this parasite, only a comprehensive fight in combination with preventive methods can give a 100% result. Negligent attitude can cause the complete destruction of crops.

How to deal with the whitefly. VIDEO

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