White stork

“White stork” is the legendary Moldovan brand of cognac, which was known and loved throughout the Soviet Union and beyond. Today, the lion’s share of sales of divins (the Moldavian name for cognacs), especially in export markets, are products under this brand. “White stork” has become a real symbol of the alcohol industry in Moldova and the most successful brand. It is delivered to 14 countries of Europe, Asia, the CIS.

Brand history. Until the 70s of the last century, alcoholic products on the market of the Soviet Union were unified and generally faceless. Many southern republics produced 3, 4 and 5-star ordinary cognacs, which practically did not differ from each other in terms of quality and packaging design. The Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR decided to create a brand name of cognac in each republic.

The name “White Stork” was not chosen by Moldvinprom by chance: the image of a flying bird with a bunch of grapes has been decorating local wines and cognacs since the mid-50s. The phrase “White stork” itself has already been identified by consumers with the place of origin of the drink and its high quality. The winemakers faced a new task: to create a product that would become a “visiting card” of the entire cognac industry in Moldova. NPO Ialoveni, which worked on the recipe, came to the conclusion that the optimal age for an ordinary cognac is 4,5-5 years. The technological regime included the classical stages: blending of aged cognac spirits, processing of fresh blend with heat, fining to reduce the content of tannins, post-blend rest, cold treatment, filtration, bottling.

The first batch of “White Stork” was produced by the Balti Wine and Brandy Factory in 1978, a year later industrial production began. The developed technological documentation was also transferred to three enterprises in Chisinau, Tiraspol and Calarasi. Soon cognac became the most profitable trade mark of the republic, began to be exported, was repeatedly awarded at international competitions.

White stork
Export option

After the collapse of the Union and the ensuing chaos in the alcohol market, the popularity of the drink played an unkind role: disputes over the trademark began between manufacturers, the number of cases of counterfeiting and disloyal competition grew. Fake “storks” were made not only by underground workshops, but also quite legally operating enterprises in Bulgaria, Ukraine, Latvia, Kazakhstan. In 1995, Balti plant was the first to apply for assigning this trademark to it and received exclusive rights to production, which other enterprises categorically disagreed with. In 2000, these rights were canceled, and the Calarasi winery, the KVINT plant, Aroma JSC and Vinaria-Bardar received a production quota.

Since 2001, a new period in the history of the brand began: the rights to the brand, declared a national treasure, were transferred to the state, management was entrusted to the Moldova-Vin agency. JSC Barza Alba (“White Stork”) was founded on the basis of the Balti plant, which still produces the famous cognac. However, the products officially supplied to Russia are manufactured at another enterprise – the Invinprom plant, located in the Gagauz village of Kirsovo. The Divin Trading House has the exclusive rights to distribute cognac under this brand. The assortment line is mainly represented by products of the ordinary group. In retail sales, there are also previously imported bottles of cognac produced by Barza Alba and Aroma.


Laureate of the competition “Moldavian brand-2000”.

International professional competition of wines and spirits, Moscow:

  • 2006 – gold (“White Stork” 5 years old) medal.

Tasting competition at the international exhibition “Prodexpo”, Moscow:

  • 2015 – Gold (“White Stork” 5 years old) medal.

International competition “Yalta. Golden Griffin”:

  • 1998 – Silver (“White Stork” 5 years old) medal;
  • 2007 – Gold (“White Stork” 6 years old) medal.

International competition “Crimea. Cognac”:

  • 1999 – 2 gold (“White Stork” 6 years, “White Stork” 5 years) medals.

International competition Interdrink, St. Petersburg

  • 2000 – Gold (“White Aist” 5 years old) and silver (“White Aist” 6 years old) medals.

International Cognac Competition KVINT, Tiraspol:

  • 2012 – Silver (“White Stork” 4, 5 years old) medal.


  • 2000 – Silver (“White Stork” 5 years old) medal.

ExpoVin Moldova

  • 2006 – the title of “Trademark of the Year”.

Dionis competition within the “National Wine Day of Moldova”:

  • 2008 – bronze medal (“White Stork” 5 years).

Interesting Facts

Cognac owes its name to a beautiful Moldavian legend, which tells about the trials that befell the defenders of the Gorodeshty fortress, who opposed the Turkish conquerors. When water and provisions in the besieged city almost ran out, a flock of white storks appeared in the sky, carrying a vine in their beaks. Flying over the fortress, they dropped juicy bunches of tired warriors and raised their morale so much that they expelled the Janissaries from their land.

As part of the next round of privatization of state property in the summer of 2017, the Barza Alba plant was put up for auction. The state, which owns 100% of the company’s shares, plans to earn 314 million lei for it.

Types of cognac

“White Stork” 4,5 years, 40%

Made according to traditional technology from cognac distillates of the middle age of 4-5 years. Alcohols are made from grapes of local selection with the addition of European varieties Ugni Blanc and Colombard. In the bouquet you can hear the characteristic grape freshness, light citrus and floral tones. The main dominant in taste is vanilla chocolate, subtle nutty shades gradually appear. The aftertaste is spicy and warming, with hints of bitter herbs and cardamom. The drink can be consumed both on its own and at the end of the meal, during the serving of sweet desserts.

“White Stork” 5 years, 40%

Ordinary cognac, the flagship of the brand line, marked by many awards at international exhibitions and competitions. Attracts with the aroma of ripe apricots, quince, lime blossom. When scrolling the snifter, notes of dried fruits, oak wood and vanilla are added to the bouquet. Sweetish and barely noticeable astringent taste, which is dominated by tones of figs, milk caramel, nutty praline. The aftertaste is creamy custard with a dash of white pepper. Worked well as an aperitif. A few drops of cognac added to coffee will enhance the pleasure of a hot drink.

“White Stork” 6 years, 40%

Cognac belongs to the category of aged (according to the classification adopted in Moldova – DVM). Blended from 6-7-year-old cognac spirits produced from grapes grown in Moldova. Peach, sandalwood and saffiano leather are guessed in the complex aroma. The taste is thick, oily, with a pronounced hint of sweetness, a bright woody bouquet, complemented by tones of aged port wine, velvety shades of walnut shells and hints of vanilla. The manufacturer recommends serving the drink as a digestif when it’s time for strong coffee and a good cigar.

White stork

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