White pumpkin: varieties of white pumpkin inside
Fans of pumpkin cultivation should pay attention to varieties that are new to our region. They were brought from southern countries, this exotic is not yet very common in Russia. Among them, the white pumpkin takes pride of place, it is beautiful on the outside and unusual for its pulp.
White inside – pumpkin “Benincasa”
This vegetable, rare for Russia, was brought from Asia. Its other names are winter gourd, Indian, wax. Its fruits, when ripe, are covered with hairs and have a sticky surface. Fully ripe pumpkins are smooth, mottled dark green in color.
White pumpkin is suitable for soups, main courses, pies
Characterizing this plant, the following points can be distinguished:
- its stem grows up to 3-4 m, easily clinging to the vertical support with its antennae. The leaves are large, heart-shaped;
- bright flowers of different sexes, have a strong aroma that attracts insects. Pollination does not occur with other pumpkin varieties, so they can be planted side by side;
- fruits come in different shapes – round, elongated, oval. They grow up to 10 kg;
- ripe pumpkin is covered with a layer of wax. This protection allows it to be stored for a long time without losing its properties;
- the pulp contains a large amount of pectin. It is dense, juicy, white.
You need to plant this exotic in an open, sunny place. She does not tolerate shade, as well as excessive watering and heavy soils. The soil should be non-acidic, good air permeability. Loves warmth, water for irrigation should not be cold either. Drought tolerant.
Another interesting variety is fig-leaved pumpkin. A rare visitor to the dachas of the middle lane, however, this is a tasty and healthy vegetable. The fruits are oblong, sometimes curved. The pulp is white, juicy, not too sweet. Outwardly, they look more like a watermelon, they have a white-green color.
The variety is unpretentious to the soil. Loves sunny open areas, moderate watering. Does not tolerate stagnant water, therefore drainage is necessary
Among the representatives of white-fruited varieties, there are even rarer specimens, the cultivation of which is carried out by amateurs to experiment:
- “Kusho white”. It produces fruits with a white skin, the flesh is also light, moderately sweet. In the middle lane it reaches a weight of 10 kg, in the south it grows much more. Can be cooked instead of potatoes;
- “Batat from Tennessee.” Striped white-green rind, light flesh. Unsweetened, dryish, replaces potatoes in any recipes. Early maturing;
- “White acorn.” Early variety. Small round fruits weighing up to 1 kg. Good for frying with onions and salt. Coloring from white to cream.
The types of pumpkins are very diverse, each of them is interesting in its own way. With good conditions and proper care, exotic varieties may well grow and bear fruit in temperate regions.