Belaya Sila is a premium segment vodka with a mild taste, made according to traditional technologies. The trademark is owned by Kristall-Lefortovo Group, the fourth largest alcohol producer in Russia, operating on the market since 1999. The main place of production of Belaya Sila is the Kursk distillery, one of the oldest enterprises in the region.
Historical information
The construction of the Kursk vodka plant began in August 1898 by order of the Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte. The building was erected for centuries – the thickness of the baked brick walls was more than a meter. The first products left the walls of the wine warehouse in 1900. After the revolution, the enterprise was nationalized and resumed its work only in the 20s. In Soviet times, a wide range of wine and vodka products was produced here.
During the years of perestroika, the enterprise became a closed joint-stock company, and since December 2010 it has become part of the Kristall-Lefortovo group of companies. The combination of classic recipes, natural raw materials and modern equipment allow the plant to produce high-quality products that are in demand among customers. The range of distilleries includes more than two hundred types of alcoholic products.
At present, the fate of a successful enterprise remains in question, since Kristall-Lefortovo Group of Companies is in the process of bankruptcy (as of May 2019). The management plans to transfer the rights to issue brands of federal significance to other alcohol producers on a contract basis.
Features of the brand
Vodka “Belaya Sila” first appeared on store shelves in 2015. The RUNWAY BRANDING agency was involved in the development of the design of the novelty. Designers set themselves the task of embodying the harsh beauty of Russian winters and northern expanses. The concept was reflected in the original bottle, made in the form of a polyhedron imitating an ice block.
The product was positioned as a drink for real men who are not afraid to challenge the forces of nature.
Vodka is made according to the classical technology based on natural ingredients. The composition of the “White Force” includes high-quality alcohol “Lux” from durum wheat, artesian water from underground wells and various natural additives. The blend undergoes multi-stage purification, including through filters with the addition of silver.
Interesting Facts
The building of the Kursk Distillery, built in the Russian pseudo-Gothic style, is considered a masterpiece of industrial architecture of the early XNUMXth century and is protected by the state. The house was partially destroyed during the war years, but then it was restored to almost its original form, with an additional floor added in the center.
Vodka “White Power” was awarded the “Star of Prodexpo” at the tasting competition held in 2016 in Moscow. More than three hundred brands of vodka of domestic and foreign production participated in the competition. A star is awarded to a product for outstanding quality and high organoleptic characteristics.
Types of vodka “White Power”
White Power Premium, 40%
Crystal clear vodka with a mild taste and fresh aroma. Infusions of dried apples, linseed and barley malt muffle alcohol tones.
White Power Polar, 40%
The peculiarity of this variety is in the method of cold filtration. A blend of alcohol “Lux” and artesian water is kept at a temperature of -10 ° C for up to five days. Then the product is gradually thawed. Vodka is very easy to drink, and the alcohol smell of the drink is practically absent. An infusion of fresh lingonberries has been added to the composition.
White Strength Polite, 40%
The label on the bottle is made in green military colors. Vodka with a harmonious taste typical of classic varieties. The color of the drink is perfectly transparent, with a sheen around the edges. The aroma is light, with hints of bread. The taste is softened by infusions of hop cones, brewing malt and natural honey.