White onion: varieties
White onions are the most common type of onion. In cooking, it is used in most dishes. It is used raw, fried, boiled, stewed, pickled. Easy to grow and store well.
This type of onion has a huge number of varieties and hybrids, but breeding work does not stop. The best results were achieved by the laboratories of the Netherlands and Germany. Their varieties are common all over the world.
White onions are best kept in braids.
The most popular varieties among gardeners and entrepreneurs are:
- “Stuttgarter Riesen” – widespread. Weakly resistant to disease, ripens quickly.
- “Exibishen” is a favorite variety of gardeners. It is characterized by a delicate sweetish taste and large bulbs.
- “Strigunovsky local” is a very spicy variety, bred in Russia and has been bred for a long time.
- Timiryazevsky is very early, high-yielding. Differs in almost 100% safety. It is grown only from seedlings.
Modern varieties are prized for their taste, yield and disease resistance.
Growing and caring for white onions
White onions are easy to grow. It is rare to find a vegetable garden where this root crop does not grow. In order to get a good harvest of onions, you must:
- Fertilize well before planting. Onions love ash and organic matter. But you should not get too carried away, an overabundance of fertilizers makes the soil acidic and promotes the development of pathogenic bacteria.
- Before planting, treat the sevok with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dry well and cut off the top. This will get rid of pathogenic microbes and awaken the growth of the bulb.
- Observe the disembarkation rate. The bulbs should be 10-15 cm apart.
- Water the beds regularly, in case of drought – once a week. Drip irrigation has a beneficial effect.
- Loosen the soil often, and after watering constantly. When the bulbs begin to grow, stop loosening so as not to damage them.
- Avoid the emergence of weeds.
All these simple activities allow you to achieve high yields. Store onions in a dry, cold room, preferably hanging or in a net. You cannot use polyethylene, as the onions grow quickly in the film.
They buy or grow sevok themselves. For this, onion seeds are sown in a thickened way. This must be done as early as possible so that onion shoots appear faster than weeds, and moisture does not leave the soil. Seed germination time is about a month, so it is important to have time with sowing.