- Origin of white onion
- The difference between a white onion and a regular one
- The composition and calorie content of white onions
- What vitamins are found in white onions
- The benefits of white onions for the human body
- Where is white onion used?
- Features of growing white onions
- Care instructions
- Harvesting and storage of crops
- Conclusion
White onion is a perennial garden crop with valuable nutritional qualities. The plant is used in cooking and folk medicine, used to take care of the skin of the face, and at the same time caring for plantings is not associated with particular difficulties.
Origin of white onion
White onion is a species of the genus of the same name of the Onion family. For the first time, the plant began to be cultivated more than four thousand years ago in Asia, as well as in Greece, India and Egypt. In the Middle Ages, white onions, due to their availability, were included in the diet of commoners in Europe. Around the XNUMXth century, culture appeared in Our Country and quickly gained popularity.
Currently, white onions are practically not found in wild forms, but grow only in summer cottages and in agricultural land. It has an even rounded shape and a flat bottom, it is easy to clean from the husk.
The difference between a white onion and a regular one
White and regular yellow onions are similar in many ways, but there are also important differences. In particular, the first one is larger in size, and the husk has a characteristic silvery tint. The texture of white onions is softer than regular onions. Its aroma is more pronounced, and the taste is sweet and delicate, without bitterness.
The difference between onions and white onions is also in the chemical composition. The latter contains an increased amount of sugars, iron and essential oils.

The shelf life of white onions is shorter than that of yellow, so it is most often used in salads.
The composition and calorie content of white onions
The benefits of white onions are due to its composition. The pulp contains:
- cellulose;
- manganese and iron;
- essential oils;
- antioxidants;
- zinc and phosphorus;
- potassium and magnesium;
- calcium.
The nutritional value of the bulbs is low – 100 g contains about 42 calories. At the same time, carbohydrates occupy about 9,3 g, and the proportion of fats and proteins is 0,1 g and 1,1 g, respectively.
What vitamins are found in white onions
The presence of vitamins also gives value to the product. The pulp contains:
- vitamins of group B – B1, B2, B5, B6, B9;
- ascorbic acid;
- vitamin H;
- tocopherol;
- nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP.
Regular consumption of bulbs prevents the development of beriberi and strengthens the immune system in the cold season.
The benefits of white onions for the human body
White onions in a constant diet have a beneficial effect on the body. Specifically, the product:
- serves as a good prevention of SARS and influenza and helps in the treatment;
- promotes healing of wounds, burns, abscesses and calluses;
- protects the cardiovascular system from diseases;
- cleans the blood;
- normalizes the water-salt balance of the body;
- stimulates intestinal peristalsis;
- equalizes the hormonal background in women;
- promotes collagen synthesis and improves skin condition;
- strengthens hair follicles and helps fight dandruff;
- stimulates weight loss when consumed on a diet;
- supports the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
- restores reproductive functions in men;
- removes waste and toxic substances from the body.
You can take the product for inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
The health benefits and harms of white onions are closely related. The use of the product is not recommended for exacerbations of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract – ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis. In addition, in excess quantities, the vegetable provokes an increase in pressure.

Onion juice relieves itching and burning after insect bites
Where is white onion used?
The healing properties of white onion make it valuable not only in the kitchen, but also in other areas. The pulp is used to treat diseases and is used in skin and hair care.
Application in folk medicine
White onion has good anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing properties. In folk medicine, it is used:
- with otitis and colds;
- with rheumatism and gout;
- with sores and suppurations;
- with intestinal parasites;
- with inflammatory diseases;
- with lichen and allergic dermatitis.
White onions can be used both externally and internally. There are several options for using the product.
White onion has diuretic properties and helps to remove excess fluid from the tissues. For edema, it is recommended to use this syrup:
- Two medium-sized onions finely chopped.
- Sprinkle the pulp with a small spoonful of granulated sugar.
- For a day, the raw materials are removed in the refrigerator.
- After the expiration of the period, squeeze the juice through folded cheesecloth.
It is necessary to take the drug three times a day on an empty stomach, 30 ml. In total, treatment continues for about five days.
With colds
The properties of white onion help relieve inflammation and fever during colds. For medicinal purposes, make such a mixture:
- One onion is crushed and combined with 30 g of honey.
- Put in the refrigerator for four hours.
- Squeeze out the released syrup.
A sweet remedy should be consumed three times a day, 15 ml in between meals.

White onion and honey promote expectoration when coughing
With prostate adenoma
The healing qualities of white onions help relieve unpleasant symptoms of adenoma and slow down the development of a benign tumor. Traditional medicine recommends tincture for use:
- The vegetable is chopped in a volume of about 200 g.
- Pour raw materials with 500 ml of dry white wine.
- For two weeks they clean in a dark cool place.
- After the expiration date, filter.
Tincture is taken 30 ml three times a day on a full stomach. The course of treatment takes three weeks, after which they take a break for ten days.
With worms
White onion is useful for the human body with worms. It helps to remove parasites from the intestines when used together with pharmaceutical products. A good effect gives such an infusion:
- A small onion is peeled and rubbed on a fine grater.
- Pour the pulp with 200 ml of cold water.
- Leave at room temperature covered for 12 hours.
Strained infusion is used for five days, 100 ml on an empty stomach.
Used in cosmetics
Vitamin white onion has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. It is recommended to use the product for dandruff and hair loss, for acne and acne, to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
Dandruff mask
With oily dandruff and quickly dirty hair, it is useful to use an onion-cognac mask. Make the remedy as follows:
- Pure juice without pulp is squeezed out of several onions.
- Mix 50 ml of the product with 10 ml of cognac.
- The composition is applied to the scalp at the hair roots and left for an hour, and then washed off.
Apply the mask twice a week for a month. After several procedures, the hair will acquire a healthy shine, and dandruff will begin to disappear.
Mask for aging skin
With flabby epidermis and the first wrinkles, the following mask has a good effect on the skin:
- White onion is chopped in a volume of 15 g.
- Combine gruel with an equal amount of honey and milk.
- Bring the components to homogeneity.
- Apply to face for 20 minutes.
The mask has a tightening and moisturizing effect, improves metabolic processes in skin cells and softens the epidermis.

Onion face masks cleanse pores well and prevent inflammation
White onion in cooking
The small number of calories in white onions and their pleasant taste make them very popular in cooking. In the kitchen, the product is used:
- for preparing salads and snacks;
- when boiling broths and soups;
- in stews and side dishes;
- in marinades and sauces;
- in stuffed dishes.
Onions go well with other vegetables, meat and fish, accelerate the absorption of nutrients from food, improve the taste of cold and hot dishes. It is used to decorate snacks. Due to their mild flavor, white onions rarely cause heartburn or bad breath if eaten in limited amounts.
Features of growing white onions
Growing white onions in the garden is not difficult – it is quite unpretentious. It is only necessary to choose the right place for culture and provide basic care.
When to plant white onions
Most often, planting white onions in the garden is carried out in the spring, in the middle or end of April in the middle lane and at the end of March in the south. It is necessary to wait for the snow cover to completely melt and the soil to warm up, however, the soil must remain moist after the melted snowdrifts.
Early and frost-resistant varieties are allowed to be planted in autumn – usually from late October to late November. With successful engraftment in the ground next year, the culture will rise early and delight with green feathers soon after the snow melts on the site.
Seed preparation
Before planting a white onion, its seeds must be prepared. The procedure is reduced to soaking and disinfection of the material. The schema looks like this:
- Seeds are immersed in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate for six hours.
- After the lapse of time, soak in any growth stimulant for 2-3 hours according to the instructions.
- Transfer to a damp cloth and lightly germinate.
The resulting sprouts must be dried from excess moisture and immediately sown in the ground.
Landing scheme
It is recommended to sow onions in an open, well-lit area with constant access to fresh air. The soil for the culture requires loose and fertile, with a neutral level of acidity. Before planting white onions, the bed should be properly dug up, sand and wood ash, as well as complex minerals, should be added.
The seeding algorithm looks like this:
- On the prepared site, grooves are dug up to a depth of 3 cm.
- Leave a distance of 25 cm between rows.
- Seeds are sown in holes and covered with soil.
- The soil is compacted and watered abundantly, trying not to erode the beds.
When planting onions, 1-2 cm of space is left between the seeds in order to get thick seedlings and more green feathers.

Loamy and sandy soils are best suited for white onions.
Care instructions
When growing white onions, you need to pay attention to several points:
- Watering. During the period of drought, the plant requires daily moisture, in rainy weather, the intensity can be reduced. As the bulbs ripen, they are watered less and less, and 3-4 weeks before harvesting, they completely stop adding water.
- Top dressing. White onions are fertilized at the beginning of the growing season with liquid manure, mullein or bird droppings. Mineral fertilizers are usually added to the soil during planting, potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen are used.
- Loosening. From time to time, on a bed with onions, it is recommended to break the earthen crust that forms against the background of watering. Shallow loosening increases soil permeability and improves oxygen access to the roots.
During the growing season, beds with white onions are recommended to be regularly weeded. Weeds rob the crop of nutrients and also increase the risk of infection by fungi and pests.
Harvesting and storage of crops
Ripening dates for white onion varieties may vary – there are early, mid-season and late varieties. The right moment for harvesting is determined by the state of the aerial part – the feathers should dry out and lie on the ground. After that, on a warm and sunny day, it is allowed to gently lift the onion from the garden with a pitchfork, undermining the roots. Then for several days it is desirable to leave the plant in the ground until the final ripening.

The climate affects the ripening time – in cold and rainy summers, onions ripen more slowly
After harvesting, white onions are cleaned of earth and excess husks and sorted out, sifting out damaged heads. The remaining crop is laid out for drying in a place protected from moisture in the garden, on the veranda or in the attic for 7-10 days. Over time, the turnips are placed in wooden boxes or cardboard boxes for storage.
The longest white onion remains suitable for use at a temperature of 1 to 3 ° C in a place protected from light. However, it still will not lie until spring – it is recommended to use the crop as soon as possible.
White onion is an easy-to-grow and useful garden plant with valuable nutritional properties. It is added to hot and cold dishes, medicinal tinctures and syrups are prepared from crushed pulp. Onions have a delicate taste and rich aroma.