White noise – action, benefits, rules of application

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According to many people, white noise is an effective way to put a baby to sleep or calm down. This method is very well known to our grandmothers. It is nothing more than a uniform sound made by various household appliances, such as a hair dryer or a refrigerator. Today, recordings on the Internet can also be used.

White noise is often the only way to soothe your baby. Today, white noise is not only a hair dryer. Parents can also use applications or special devices that generate white noise. How can it be used?

White noise – what is it?

The effect of white noise is difficult to explain. Probably, this noise reminds a child of the environment in the mother’s abdomen, i.e. muffled sounds and the noise of flowing umbilical cord blood. White noise has a soothing effect on the baby. It helps him to calm down before going to bed and to stop crying.

Although it has been assumed that white noise is mainly the noise of the dryer, it can be any rhythmic and uniform sound, such as noise in the interior of a car, the sound of water, a moving train, etc. The sound should be calm and very even, such as fine rain.

White noise – benefits

Some studies have shown that children who fell asleep to white noise recorded a slow heart rate and that the babies calmed down faster before falling asleep. It makes it easier for both children and adults to relax. In addition, scientists believe that silence for a newborn is something strange and unnatural, hence, for example, the hum of a hair dryer can give him a sense of security, because during pregnancy he hears various muffled sounds.

Research shows that white noise helps to improve concentration, so its use is recommended, for example, during the treatment of children with ADHD. The effectiveness of white noise during the therapist’s work is due to the fact that it helps to mute various irritating sounds from the environment. They therefore suppress various noises and improve the quality of work. White noise also has a positive effect on interpersonal and social relationships.

When the human body is relaxed and falls asleep with white noise, it turns out that our brain works better. According to some studies, white noise in the form of a working fan in a sleeping child’s room reduces the risk of SIDS, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. This most likely has to do with the sound your baby’s brain records, which keeps the brain constantly working.

White noise – rules of application

Be aware that white noise can be harmful to your little one. So let’s get to know the rules of its application. If we want to use the effect of white noise, remember to:

  1. the white noise generating device was not located directly next to the cradle or the cot, and the sound level did not exceed 50 dB;
  2. the sound produced by the white noise device should resemble the sound of water;
  3. do not overdo it with the use of white noise. If the child is active at the moment, white noise should not be introduced if we want the child to fall asleep better with him;
  4. use of white noise consult a specialist;
  5. white noise can be used in children from birth to 5 years of age, when this method is most effective.

It is worth knowing that emitting white noise can be one of the functions of baby monitors. See the offer of this type of devices. Click here.

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