White mustard seeds: how to plant
How to plant and when to plant white mustard?
Sowing of the plant can be done from March to August in any land. For greater effect, it is planted a month before the planting of the main crop. Mustard is not recommended to be planted after cruciferous plants, as it is susceptible to the same diseases. Secondary planting for phytosanitary soil cultivation is carried out in August – September, after harvesting.
To sow white mustard, you need to prepare the soil:
- after harvesting, remove weeds and vegetable residues;
- feed the soil with humus at the rate of 2 buckets per 1 m²;
- dig up the ground and level with a rake.
The technology of sowing white mustard is the simplest – the seeds are collected in a handful and simply sprinkled on the ground, about 300 g per hundred square meters. Do not worry if in some places the sowing turns out to be very dense: this will only benefit the soil.
If mustard is grown as the main crop for seed collection or as a companion plant, plant in rows. The seeds are buried by a maximum of 1 cm, with a distance of 10 cm and rows of no more than 20 cm.
Mustard seeds can be used as a seasoning for marinades and sauces, and the young leaves of the plant taste like lettuce. You can store them by freezing them in the refrigerator, like any greens.
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