White mulberry is a natural sugar stabilizer. Take half an hour before meals

Contrary to appearances, not only sweet snacks raise blood sugar levels, but also potatoes, white bread or white pasta have such properties. So it’s not surprising that many people struggle with high blood sugar and are looking for ways to lower it. It is best to look among the means provided by Mother Nature herself. We check the properties of white mulberry and present the principles of supplementing agents based on this plant.

  1. White mulberry is an active ingredient of natural origin with antioxidant properties
  2. The health properties of white mulberry are appreciated in the process of weight loss and in the treatment of diabetes
  3. 100g of white mulberry contains only 43 kcal
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

White mulberry – nutritional values

White mulberry (Morus alba) is a plant native to China. Mulberry has white fruits similar to blackberries. They are distinguished by valuable nutritional values.

100 g of white mulberry contains:

  1. 43 kcal,
  2. about 1,7 g of dietary fiber,
  3. 36,4 mg of vitamin C
  4. 1,85 mg of iron.

The extract of this plant also contains 1,5-dideoxy-1,5-imino-D-sorbitol (DNJ), which is a strong inhibitor of enzymes that are responsible for the breakdown of starch. Thanks to this, Morus alba seems to be a very effective agent for carbohydrate metabolism and is often recommended for people struggling with glycemic disorders after a meal and with elevated blood sugar levels.

Influence of white mulberry on the treatment of diabetes mellitus

The fact that white mulberry not only helps to lower blood sugar levels, but also prevents sugar bursts in the future, is certainly good news for people struggling with diabetes and insulin resistance. In March 2016, a meta-analysis of 13 studies was published which showed that white mulberry reduces postprandial glucose levels. Glucose concentration was tested 30, 60 and 90 minutes after a meal.

Similar studies were conducted in 2012, where the respondents were divided into two groups. One of them received a placebo, and the other – a mixture of water extracts of white mulberry, banana leaves and ginseng root in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. As a result, the group receiving the extracts showed a reduced concentration of inflammatory markers and oxidized LDL markers, while no improvement was found in the index of insulin resistance, glucose and fasting insulin.

Often, among the manufacturers’ recommendations, there is an information to take a dietary supplement based on white mulberry half an hour before a meal. Then you can count on slowing down the process of decomposition of sugar delivered through the meal. Thereby, the rapidity of the glucose spikes after eating meals is reduced, and at the same time the efficiency of the insulin-producing gland is increased.

Due to the fact that white mulberry extract also has properties that reduce appetite, it is also recommended for people struggling with obesity.

White mulberry supplementation – rules and precautions

The health properties and nutritional values ​​of white mulberry make many people want to reach for this natural dietary supplement to lower blood sugar levels. It is recommended to use powdered or white mulberry leaf extract three times a day for a maximum of three months at a dose of 0,8-1 g. However, these are general recommendations that should be consulted with the attending physician.

Supplements with white mulberry for high sugar

There are also dietary supplements on the market in capsules and in the form of a syrup or powder. At Medonet Market you can buy:

  1. Son of beer 150g Intenson,
  2. Dietary supplement in Herbapol tablets,
  3. EKO white mulberry leaf,
  4. White mulberry juice Herbal Monasterium.

At the same time, you should keep in mind the precautionary measures and the rules of supplementation. White mulberry may interact with medicines for diabetes. This is because combining diabetes medications with white mulberry can cause your blood sugar to drop too quickly. In this case, you should monitor your blood sugar level. This can be easily done at home with the DIAVUE ToGo Meter at hand. MedonetMarket.pl customers also recommend the Multifunction meter – glucose, cholesterol, uric acid – NOVAMA MultiCheck Pro +, thanks to which you can control not only glucose levels, but also cholesterol and uric acid.

Additionally, drugs that are transported by organic cation transporter 2 (OCT2) substrates may also interact with white mulberry supplements. White mulberry can affect the action and side effects of the drug.

The possible side effects of using dietary supplements with white mulberry can be distinguished:

  1. flatulence
  2. constipation
  3. gas,
  4. loose stools.

Additionally, there is no reliable information on the safety of white mulberry in pregnant and lactating women. For this reason, it is better not to take supplementation in such a situation.

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