white mulberry

White mulberry or mulberry tree is a fruit plant native to China. Increasingly, mulberry trees can be found in the gardens of Our Country, as gardeners saw in it not only beauty, but also revealed a large number of useful properties. Mulberry gained popularity for the famous fiber from which Chinese silk is produced, for its taste and medicinal qualities, and for its wide use in cooking.

Botanical description of white mulberry

Mulberry belongs to the Mulberry family. Deciduous tree reaches a height of up to 15 m, forming a wide, sprawling crown. Gray large branches are covered with irregularly shaped ovoid leaves, which are attached with petioles up to 15 cm long. White mulberry forms two types of shoots – elongated vegetative and short fruitful ones.

White mulberry can be monoecious and dioecious. Monoecious varieties form male and female inflorescences, so summer residents have no problems with the harvest. On the dioecious mulberry, female or male flowers are formed. It is clear that in order to obtain a rich harvest, the presence of both male and female specimens on the site is necessary.

It is impossible to know the sex of the acquired white mulberry before flowering. If after flowering it turned out that two male or female seedlings were planted, the situation can be saved by regrafting. To do this, 4 cuttings are cut from the fruiting mulberry and in mid-April, before flowering, they are vaccinated. For high-quality vaccination, long vegetative shoots are selected, since fruit-bearing shoots are not suitable for vaccination.

If the cuttings were successful, it is necessary to begin the formation of the white mulberry crown from young shoots, gradually getting rid of old branches. A regrafted mulberry tree begins to bear fruit in 4 years.

Description of varieties of white mulberry

To provide yourself with a harvest, you need to choose the right variety. When choosing a white mulberry, it is necessary to take into account cold resistance, ripening time, immunity to diseases and the taste of berries. To choose the right variety, you need to read the description and view photos of white mulberry varieties.

Mulberry White Honey

Mulberry White Honey, according to the description, photos and reviews of gardeners, is the most popular early ripe variety. Flowering occurs at the end of May, 4 years after planting. Fruiting occurs in mid-June. The mulberry tree is unpretentious in care, grows in any soil and brings a consistently large crop. Variety features:

  • good annual growth;
  • long-liver, grows in one place for about 200 years;
  • drought tolerance;
  • sweet taste of fruits.

white mulberry

Mulberry rare White Tenderness

The most cold-resistant variety, can tolerate frosts down to -40 ° C. Mulberry White Tenderness is ideal for regions with an unstable climate. It belongs to early ripe varieties, fruiting occurs in mid-June and lasts 8 weeks. The quality and quantity of the crop depends on weather conditions. If the summer is sunny and warm, the fruits ripen large and sweet, in rainy weather you can not wait for the harvest.

white mulberry


An early ripe variety, the first harvest ripens in mid-June. Fruiting is long, stretches for 6-8 weeks. White drupes appear only in dry warm weather, if spring and early summer turned out to be rainy, the fruits turn a pale pink color. The yield of the variety is high. At the age of 8 years, mulberries can bear up to 150 kg of fruit. The drupes have firm, sweet and juicy flesh. Among all varieties of white mulberry, Plodovaya -1 has a longer shelf life and can withstand short distance transportation.

white mulberry

Pink Smolenskaya

An early ripe variety that produces sweet-sour pink fruits. Despite the fact that male specimens do not bear fruit, they will be a wonderful decoration of the garden. Due to its unpretentiousness, frost resistance, the variety is considered the best for beginner gardeners. The first fruiting occurs a year after planting. Mulberry bears medium-sized raspberry or red fragrant, sweet fruits.

Features of the variety:

  • the first fruits ripen in early June;
  • berries are sweet with an unforgettable sour note;
  • long fruiting;
  • frost resistance.

white mulberry


A young hybrid bred by breeders. The tree is a large-fruited variety with sugary-sweet, fragrant fruits. The fruiting of mulberries occurs in the second year after planting and lasts about 30 days. Ripening begins in mid-June and continues until the end of August. Berries 5 cm long are painted in cream or pink color. The variety has a drawback: when overripe, the fruits quickly crumble.

white mulberry

Taste of white mulberries

The taste of the berry depends on the variety and place of growth. In a dry and hot climate, a large berry acquires a juicy pulp and a sugary-sweet taste. In regions with rainy and short summers, white mulberries produce small, sweet and sour berries.

What is useful white mulberry

White mulberry berries have useful properties, so they are widely used in folk medicine. Each berry contains a high amount of vitamins B, PP, C, as well as a high content of carotenoids, malic and citric acids, essential oils and iron.

Important! Ripe drupes are used to treat anemia, gastrointestinal tract, liver and gallbladder. Drupe strengthens the heart muscle, relieves shortness of breath, tachycardia and normalizes blood pressure.

In order for the white mulberry to be beneficial, you need to know how to use it:

  • drupe juice, diluted with warm water, is used to gargle with sore throat;
  • decoction of the root saves from hypertension;
  • leaf infusion relieves fever;
  • berry infusion will relieve colds;
  • a decoction of dried berries will eliminate insomnia and improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • fresh berries restore strength in the postoperative period;
  • unripe crop saves from indigestion and heartburn;
  • freshly squeezed juice treats skin diseases;
  • crushed bark mixed with vegetable oil can quickly heal cuts, abrasions and wounds.

Which mulberry is tastier – white or black

The white mulberry is less sweet, has a sweet and sour taste. Due to the reduced sugar content, it is ideal for diet food. The berry can have not only snow-white, but also pink, cream and even dark color. Due to its good frost resistance, white mulberry can be grown in any corner of Our Country.

In black mulberry, the drupes are juicier and sweeter. Outwardly, they are similar to blackberries. The black species of mulberry can be found only in the south of Our Country or in post-Soviet countries.

Also, black and white mulberries differ in chemical composition. White has a large amount of carbohydrates, black has a high content of organic acids.

How to distinguish black and white mulberries

Black mulberry differs from white in the color of the bark. If in the white species it has a gray color, then in the black it is red-brown. The shoots of the black mulberry are short and numerous, the leaf plate is long, from 7 to 20 cm.

Lemon male inflorescences are cylindrical, pale green female ones are oval. The fruits of black mulberry have a loose structure and are painted black or purple. Unlike white mulberries, black berries contain a lot of sugar and have a refreshing taste and aroma.

White and black mulberries got their name not because of the color of the drupes, but because of the color of the bark.

white mulberry

White mulberry cultivation and care

White mulberry is an unpretentious, frost-resistant plant. Even a novice gardener can easily grow it, as it is drought-resistant, can grow and develop on any soil. Growing white mulberry is to follow the rules of care.

Rules of landing

White mulberry is planted in mid-spring before sap flow or in September before the start of the rainy season. Most gardeners prefer autumn planting, because if the mulberry tree survives the winter well, then it will have a long life.

The place for landing should be bright, protected from gusty winds.

Attention! Despite the fact that the mulberry tree can grow on any soil, it is not possible to achieve a good harvest on sandy, saline or waterlogged soil.

It is possible to determine the sex of a mulberry only after flowering, so it is better to purchase a 3-year-old seedling that has already fruited.

A landing pit for mulberries is prepared 10-15 days before planting a seedling. To do this, dig a hole 70 cm deep, 50 cm wide. A layer of drainage and 7 kg of rotted humus mixed with 100 g of superphosphate are laid on the bottom. So that the roots of the white mulberry do not get burned, the humus is sprinkled with a layer of nutrient soil. The prepared hole is abundantly shed to settle the earth.

Landing rules:

  1. At the appointed time, the root system of the white mulberry is straightened, dried and damaged roots are removed to healthy tissue.
  2. The mulberry tree is set in the center and carefully falls asleep, periodically shaking the trunk so that an air cushion does not form.
  3. After planting, the top layer is rammed, the earth is abundantly shed and mulched.
  4. If the young mulberry is fragile and has a thin trunk, before planting, a support is driven into the bottom of the pit, to which the seedling is tied.

Spring planting of white mulberry is no different from autumn, the only difference is that the ground has been prepared since autumn.

Important! Since the root system of the white mulberry is fragile and breaks off easily, planting is carried out very carefully.

Watering and top dressing

White mulberry is a drought-resistant plant. Moderate watering is carried out from April to June, only in dry weather. If the spring was rainy, summer watering is excluded. Irrigation is carried out in a volume of 10 liters per 1 adult plant. After watering, the ground around the near-stem trunk is carefully loosened and mulched. Mulch will retain moisture, stop the growth of weeds, become additional fertilizer and protect the root system from freezing.

Young white mulberry can not be fed before fruiting. Since the nutrients introduced during the preparation of the planting pit, the mulberry tree will be enough for growth and development. But at the fruiting stage, top dressing should be carried out regularly and in a timely manner:

  1. In early spring, before bud break, 50 g of nitroammophoska is dissolved in a bucket of warm water. This composition is enough to feed 1 plant.
  2. At the beginning of flowering – chicken manure is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:12.
  3. deep autumn, after leaf fall – phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. Autumn top dressing is necessary to give strength after fruiting and to protect the root system from severe frosts.
Mulberry. Planting and caring for mulberry


White mulberry pruning is carried out in spring and autumn.

Spring pruning – performed before the leaves bloom. The trunk of a young mulberry tree is bared to a height of 1,5 m, removing all branches so that they do not touch the ground with age. When forming the crown, you can leave 1 conductor, or you can let the plant grow freely.

If the task is to grow a small white mulberry, then pinch the top at a height of 170 cm. The skeleton begins to form from 8 lateral shoots. In subsequent years, pruning of white mulberry is carried out only to give an aesthetic appearance. All excess, damaged and dried shoots are removed. The drooping branches are not cut out, props are installed for them.

Autumn pruning – after leaf fall, white mulberries are prepared for winter. To do this, they perform sanitary pruning, cutting out dry, damaged, too thin branches that grow deep into the crown.

Advice! In order for the mulberry tree to develop well, sanitary pruning is carried out annually.

The crown of white mulberry can be formed in the form of a ball or panicle. To give the shape of a ball, the lateral lower branches are shortened by ⅓ of the length, the middle ones by ¼. From the middle of the future ball, trimming is carried out in the reverse order.

The shape of the panicle is formed simply. For this, the central shoot is not isolated from the mulberry, but the shoots are pruned at the same height.

To give a weeping look, pruning is carried out on the lower and lateral kidney. With such pruning, mulberry branches will lean down. When creating such a form, strong pruning is carried out to the detriment of the crop.

Protection against diseases and pests

To protect the mulberry tree from diseases and insect pests, it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive measures. They treat with insecticides and fungicides not only the crown of the tree, but also the trunk circle.

Processing of white mulberry is carried out before bud break and in late autumn, after the end of the growing season. A 3% Bordeaux mixture solution will help protect the mulberry tree from diseases and pests. In the spring, mulberries can be treated with a 7% urea solution. It will not only destroy pests and pathogens, but also enrich the root system with nitrogen.

Preparation for winter

White mulberry endures severe frosts, so an adult specimen does not make shelter for the winter. It is recommended to cover only young white mulberries. To do this, after autumn pruning and top dressing, the trunk circle is mulched, and flexible branches are bent to the ground and covered with non-woven material. The trunk of the mulberry tree is wrapped with the same material to protect it from rodents.

How white mulberry blooms

If the mulberry is planted in early spring, then during flowering, the sex of the plant can be determined. Female spike-shaped inflorescences form short and dense catkins. Each flower is formed by a pistil, stamens and a 4-leaved light green perianth. The male flower forms looser inflorescences-earrings. The flower consists of a 4-leaved perianth and 2 pairs of stamens.

white mulberry


The yield of the mulberry tree is high, up to 100 kg of fruit can be removed from an adult specimen. Harvesting should not be delayed, as the overripe berry quickly crumbles. Collection of drupes is carried out from mid-June to the end of August. Cleaning is carried out early in the morning, on a sunny, not rainy day. In order not to lose the crop, a blanket or a large piece of polyethylene is spread under the crown of the tree. After that, a stick is tapped on the branches, thereby provoking the shedding of berries.

After finishing work, the drupes from the film are carefully collected in a separate container. In this case, you need to remove leaves, branches and other debris. The shelf life of white mulberry is short, in a cool place it can lie no more than 2-3 days. Therefore, it must be eaten and processed. White mulberry makes delicious, fragrant jams, healthy compotes and jams. Freshly picked drupes can be frozen or dried.

White Mulberry Recipes

The medicinal properties and contraindications of white mulberry have been known since ancient times. Therefore, when growing mulberries in your area, you need to learn about contraindications and consult a therapist when you first use the berries.

White mulberry jam

To prepare a delicious and fragrant treat you will need:

  • white mulberry – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1,3 kg;
  • lemon – 3 pcs.

Step by step execution:

  1. Freshly picked mulberries are carefully sorted out.
  2. Lemons are washed and scrolled together with the peel through a meat grinder to make a lemon gruel.
  3. The drupes are combined with lemon, covered with sugar and left for 3 hours to obtain juice.
  4. Put the prepared jam on a slow fire until it boils.
  5. The pan is removed to cool completely.
  6. Then return to the stove and boil for 30 minutes.
  7. The procedure is carried out 2 times.
  8. The finished jam is cooled and transferred to clean jars.

Mulberry compote

To prepare you will need:

  • white mulberry – 450 g;
  • sugar – 350 g;
  • citric acid – 1 tsp.


  1. The drupes, together with the stalks, are placed in a sterile jar, covered with sugar, citric acid is added and poured with boiling water to the shoulders.
  2. After filling, the jars are closed with airtight lids and turned upside down.
  3. In order for the compote to cool slowly, it is covered with a warm blanket and left overnight.
  4. The cooled drink is stored in a cool place.


To prepare the liqueur, prepare the following ingredients:

  • white mulberry and sugar – 1 tbsp each;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • vodka – 200 ml.


  1. Add sugar to water and bring to a boil.
  2. The mulberry is sorted and kneaded with a wooden pestle to a puree state.
  3. The berry mass is transferred to a glass container and poured with sweet, hot syrup.
  4. The bottle is left at room temperature until completely cooled.
  5. Vodka is added to the cooled drink, covered with a lid and removed for infusion in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  6. After 14 days, the liqueur is filtered and stored in a dark, cool room.

white mulberry


Despite the fact that white mulberry has a large number of useful properties, it should not be abused. Since with excessive use, especially in hot weather, mulberries can cause a sharp jump in pressure and indigestion. Drupes are not recommended to be eaten in combination with other fruits and berries, as the juice causes intestinal fermentation. Therefore, it must be consumed 3 hours before or after meals.

Important! Since white mulberry can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body, a specialist consultation is necessary before use.

White Honey Mulberry Reviews

Mukhina Olga Vladimirovna, 65 years old, Dubna
I have been growing white mulberries of the White Honey variety for 10 years. The seedling acquired a 2-year-old age, planted in nutrient soil and began to wait for the harvest. The first fruits appeared in a small amount for 4 years after planting. Every year the yield increased. At this time, the mulberry bears fruit abundantly, which allows not only to eat fresh berries, but also to prepare blanks for the winter.
Murashkin Petr Georgievich, 63 years old, Yekaterinburg
The taste of white mulberry has been known to me since childhood, as I spent all summer in Ukraine. I learned from the Internet that there is a mulberry variety Belaya Medovaya, which can withstand temperatures as low as -30 ° C. Bought a seedling and planted on the site. After the first fruiting, it was like returning to childhood. The taste of the stone fruit is sweet and sour, not cloying. It can be consumed fresh in small quantities, or it can be harvested for the winter. I advise all gardeners to plant this beautiful and useful tree.


White mulberry is a useful, fast-growing plant that can be grown in regions with an unstable climate. Due to the beneficial properties, with the help of berries you can quickly cope with many ailments. But do not forget that mulberry, like other berries, has contraindications. Before the first use of fruits, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

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