White Guard: Milia

If you clicked on this article, you are most likely familiar with the phenomenon of milia. And if you are not familiar, congratulations, but we urge you not to give up reading. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

What are milia

Milia are whiteheads, which are popularly called millet. Indeed, small white formations scattered over the face look like grains.

Often they are confused with comedones, namely pustules (or simply ripe pimples, pustules). However, despite the fact that both milia and pustules in most cases occur against the background of greasiness of the skin and have the same causes, there is a difference between them. And significant.

  • Pustule – cavity element filled with purulent contents. In principle, it is easily removed, but you should not do it yourself. It is an inflammatory element.

  • Milium is a sealed capsule, separated from the outside world by a dense shell and filled with sebum and keratin (white color). This is a non-inflammatory element, but it is removed only with the help of special tools from a beautician.

Places of origin

Usually these uninvited guests appear in a company and are localized:

  • at the temples;

  • in the chin area;

  • in the area of ​​the cheekbones;

  • on the lower and upper eyelids.

The formation of milia on the eyelids is associated with improper care and the use of products that are excessively dense or not intended for the skin around the eyes, which, against the background of greasiness of the skin, can become an impetus for the appearance of millet in the periorbital region.

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Causes of milia

In general, the presence of milia is characteristic of oily skin, but it is difficult to answer the question why some people get milia, while others do not. Most likely, the point is the individual sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to the hormone testosterone, which entails a series of reactions with the final in the form of white convex dots on the surface of the skin – milia.

Milia are called prosyanka or whiteheads.

The reasons for their appearance are usually divided into two groups.

Main reasons:

  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands and increased production of sebum;

  • change in the composition of sebum;

  • delayed exfoliation of dead cells;

  • hyperkeratosis.

Among the secondary causes of the formation of milia (however, as well as comedones), there are:

  • nutrition, namely the abundance of high-carbohydrate foods, especially sugar and white flour;

  • stress – about how stress affects the skin, you can read here;

  • improper care – overzealous cleansing (to the point of creaking) or, conversely, neglect of hygiene rules can lead to the formation of milia or an increase in their number.

In newborns and children

The causes of milia in both a child and an adult are the same. However, in children and infants, millet goes away on its own when the hormonal background normalizes.

When to See a Doctor for Treatment

Milia rarely go away on their own. But in general they are harmless, do not inflame. Professional help will be required only if there is a desire to get rid of them – and amateur performance in this case is excluded.

How to get rid of milia on the face with cosmetic methods

How to get rid of milia on the face? You’ll have to turn to a professional. You can remove milia in a beauty parlor either mechanically (manually) or using a hardware method.

  • excision – piercing the membrane of the milia with a needle and removing the contents, a simple and effective method, which, however, requires a professional hand and strict adherence to sanitation rules.

  • Laser ablation – the formation is destroyed by a laser. The procedure is recommended for a large accumulation of milia in order to avoid multiple needle punctures.

  • Electrocoagulation – excision with an electric knife. Not recommended for those prone to scarring.

  • Cryotherapy – cauterization with liquid nitrogen.

Is it possible to remove milia at home

How to remove milia on the face yourself? No, it’s not even worth trying. At best, you’re just wasting your time. At worst, you will earn a spot in addition to a subcutaneous white pimple. Folk remedies for milia in the form of lotions from vegetables, masks from berries in this case are completely useless, if not completely dangerous.

The abuse of sweets increases the risk of milia.

Basically, the recommendations are aimed at thinning the skin of the problem area with the help of poultices and applications from vegetables and fruits that irritate the skin. Mechanical removal of milia at home is also dangerous.

Since the skin of the eyelids is extremely vulnerable due to its natural thinness, the consequences of such risky behavior can be the most deplorable.

So removing milia on your own is a very bad idea. Let a professional do it.

Prevention of the appearance of milia on the face

Let’s face it, preventing the appearance of milia is quite difficult, as well as predicting their appearance. However, it is known that milia most often appear on oily skin and, like all oily skin problems, their formation can be provoked or aggravated:

  • the accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin due to their delayed exfoliation;

  • inadequately selected care (for example, fatty cream);

  • insufficient or improper cleaning.

Based on the foregoing, you can develop an exit strategy, including:

  • cleansers for oily skin;

  • creams or gels with a matting effect;

  • scrubs and home peels;

  • cleansing masks.

A selection of suitable products – in our review.

Of course, we are talking only about adults. Milia in babies do not require active action – whiteheads will go away on their own within a month.

How to care for oily skin

In our review, we have collected products for skin cleansing, as well as special exfoliation products.


Cleansing gel for washing Normaderm Phytosolution, Vichy

Enriched with salicylic acid, probiotics and minerals, the gel effectively unclogs pores and removes excess sebum.

Clear Skin Cleansing Gel Skin Naturals, Garnier

The product for combination and oily problematic skin contains salicylic acid and zinc, it purposefully acts against blackheads and oily sheen.

Micro-exfoliating cleansing gel for skin with severe imperfections Effaclar, La Roche-Posay

Gel with acids, zinc and glycerin can be used to intensively cleanse problem skin on the face and body and reduce imperfections.

Glycolic Renewal Cleanser, SkinCeuticals

It contains glycolic acid in a sufficiently high concentration, which, with the support of phytic acid and aloe, helps the skin to comfortably get rid of not only impurities, but also dead skin cells. The result is purity, smoothness, radiance.


Peeling serum “Revitalift Laser x3” in ampoules, L’Oréal Paris

A seven-day skin renewal treatment with exfoliating 10% glycolic acid and moisturizing ingredients – glycerin and aloe.

Nightly Refining Micro-Peel Concentrate, Kiehl’s

Gradually and gently frees the skin from dead cells, including with the help of quinoa husk extract.

Mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance”, Vichy

Combines both mechanical and chemical peeling, contains AHA acids and abrasive particles. Has a mild exfoliating effect.

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