White grapes: description of varieties, cultivation features

Remember how delicious it was to feast on fragrant berries when one of your friends brought white grapes from the Crimea as a gift? Over the many millennia that humanity has been farming, experts have bred about four thousand varieties of white grapes: from fruit varieties to wine varieties (for example, white muscat). White grapes are one of the few fruit crops that have an extraordinary variety of flavors: berries can give you a taste and aroma reminiscent of mint, apricot, raspberry.


Of all the variety of existing varietal varieties, not so few successfully grow in our latitudes. Let’s look at the most popular varieties that have proven themselves well in terms of yield and susceptibility to our weather conditions:

  • grape Delight. We owe the appearance of this hybrid to several varieties at once: at first, the breeders crossed Dolores with Severnaya Zarya, and only then the resulting hybrid was combined with Early. As a result, Vostorg white was formed – a fruitful variety of table grapes, characterized by early ripening and excellent taste;
  • Suruchensky white grapes are a universal variety of culture, with a medium-sized bush and an average ripening period. Forms a large, dense bunch, pleasant yellow-green color, with medium-sized berries. The plant is frost-resistant, even without special shelter the bush is able to withstand short frosts down to -28 degrees;
  • white nutmeg is one of the most ancient varieties that came to us from ancient Egypt or Arabia. Forms medium-sized clusters, with juicy, fragrant berries with a pronounced nutmeg aroma. Muscat white with the same success is eaten fresh, or used in winemaking to make wine with the same name white muscat;
  • hedgehog one universal elite variety – Maxi white grapes. Like its close relative, white Muscat, this variety is used in winemaking and consumed fresh. Berries are fragrant, sweet and juicy, with high taste characteristics.

Video “Useful properties”

From the video you will learn about the beneficial properties of grapes.

GRAPES BENEFITS | white grapes good, black grapes good

Useful Properties

One of the most well-known positive properties of grape berries is their ability to improve memory. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, the fruits of the vine are simply indispensable for those who are actively involved in sports, lead a mobile lifestyle.

In addition, it is recommended to eat a few dozen grapes 3 times a week to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Useful composition

Grapes contain a huge amount of regenerating substances, thanks to which even a new trend in folk medicine has arisen – ampelotherapy or treatment with grape berries.White grapes: description of varieties, cultivation features

The composition of the fruit includes potassium, zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, calcium. In addition, the fruits of the culture have a diuretic effect and help reduce swelling.

Planting of seedlings

Grapevine seedlings can be planted in both spring and autumn. If this is done before winter, then by the new season the plant will take root enough to begin to actively develop, and in some cases even bear fruit.

When choosing places for planting, give preference to sunny areas, thanks to the abundance of sunlight, the berries will be able to sunbathe effectively and ripen quickly.

When planting, it is also necessary to take into account the varietal characteristics of the selected plants: a medium-sized interval between holes of 4m is enough, tall ones need about 6m.

Watering and fertilizing

As soon as the bush is planted, it must be watered abundantly by pouring several buckets of water around the seedling. Subsequently, abundant watering will not be required, except during the period of flowering and the formation of the ovary.White grapes: description of varieties, cultivation features

During the period of active development of the bush, it needs to be fertilized with mineral fertilizers.

Preparation for winter

With the arrival of autumn, the grapes need a number of measures in preparation for wintering. To do this, remove the vine and fix it on the ground. As a rule, snow cover effectively protects the plant from frost, but if there is clearly not enough snow, a protective shelter can be arranged.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow grapes.

Grape. Growing seedlings from cuttings

Author: Svetlana Galitsina


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