White eggplant

White eggplant

White eggplants are winning the hearts of gardeners more and more. Original in appearance, they are in no way inferior to ordinary varieties, and in some ways even surpass them. White-fruited eggplants are perfect both for home canning and for preparing various dishes.

Varieties of varieties of white eggplant

In contrast to the usual violet-blue fruits, light eggplants have a softer and more delicate taste. Due to the absence of solanine in the substance, they are devoid of bitterness. Fruits do not contain anthocyanins – glycosides of plant origin, which give a rich dark color to plants, which gives them an elegant snow-white.

White eggplants are distinguished by their love of warmth.

There are about 20 varieties of white-skinned eggplant, but the following are the most popular:

  • “Ping Pong” is a mid-season variety with small fruits. They are only 6-8 cm in diameter and weigh 40-50 g, making them ideal for canning.
  • “White Swan” is another mid-season eggplant variety. The fruits are distinguished by their characteristic mushroom flavor and aroma. The variety is highly regarded by culinary experts and is used to prepare delicacies. Fruit weight reaches 100 g, and their length reaches 10 cm.
  • “Bibo” is one of the largest representatives of the white-fruited eggplant species. Under favorable climatic conditions, the fruit can reach a weight of 600 g. The variety is distinguished by early ripening, and in greenhouse conditions, the crop can be harvested after 75 days.

In addition, eggplants are a source of trace elements necessary for humans. They help lower blood cholesterol and are low in calories.

Features of growing white eggplant

The agricultural technology of white-fruited varieties does not differ from the methods of growing blue eggplants. It should only be noted that white varieties are more thermophilic and are best grown in a greenhouse. The average ripening period for fruits is 100-120 days, so it is recommended to plant seedlings.

Seedlings should be grown at a temperature not lower than +25 ° C. For plants to grow strong and healthy, experts advise using growth stimulants.

Frequent transplants negatively affect the condition of the seedlings, therefore, it is necessary to plant the seeds immediately in separate containers. Regular watering is of great importance in the formation of the future harvest and should be carried out every 2-3 days. Also, do not forget about the timely feeding of plants.

All types of eggplants taste great and can be used to make many original dishes. In addition, growing them will bring you great pleasure, neat bushes hung with snow-white fruits look so beautiful.

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