White discharge during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester
White discharge can accompany a woman for all 9 months. We tell you when they are considered normal in a pregnant woman, and when they are an alarming sign and a reason to see a doctor

Expectant mothers are worried about any changes in the body. Noticing an unusual discharge of a white tint, some pregnant women begin to worry. ” Healthy Food Near Me” together with obstetrician-gynecologist Suzanna Grigoryan и obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of ultrasound diagnostics, candidate of medical sciences Daiva Pikauskaite understands in which cases white discharge is the norm, and in which they pose a danger to the woman and the fetus.

Characteristics of white discharge during pregnancy

White highlights are distinguished by the following characteristics. 

ColorThey can be transparent, whitish or light.
SmellNormally, it should be absent, but slight sourness is allowed.
  StructureThere should be no bloody inclusions, lumps, cheesy flakes.
ConsistencyMay be slimy, thin, thick or viscous.
FeelThe discharge should not be accompanied by pain, burning, itching, swelling of the vaginal mucosa.

Liquid consistency

Sometimes a thin white discharge seems so normal that it is difficult for a doctor to recognize signs of pathology in them. However, they can be one of the symptoms of an infectious-inflammatory disease. For example, a fishy smell may indicate a violation of the vaginal microflora, and blood streaks – an inflammation of the cervix or its erosion. Also, such discharge may occur due to an allergic reaction to intimate hygiene products or pads.

Curd consistency

Curdled discharge usually indicates candidiasis. May be accompanied by a sour smell, burning and itching. Unpleasant symptoms are aggravated after sexual contact, water procedures and at night. During pregnancy, the disease worsens due to changes in hormonal levels. The danger of pathology for the expectant mother is the risk of losing a child. The appearance of symptoms of candidiasis before childbirth increases the risk of infection of the child at the time of his passage through the birth canal.

Creamy consistency

A whitish-transparent discharge of a creamy consistency appears due to increased blood flow to the vagina. (1) Congested blood vessels cause temporary disturbances in the functioning of the bladder, ureters, and kidneys. The reproductive system reacts to changes with abundant secretions, similar to cream.

Mucous discharge

Mucous discharge, not accompanied by an unpleasant odor, burning or itching, is considered the norm. This is the result of the formation of a mucous plug that prevents infections from entering the vagina. The mucous secretion may acquire a milky hue, contain dense clots. The formation of a cork is completed by about the 12th week of pregnancy, then the nature of the discharge changes.

Foamy discharge

A common cause of foamy discharge during pregnancy is trichomoniasis. Illness in the early stages can lead to miscarriage. Self-treatment is strictly contraindicated. Having found foamy discharge, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible and follow all the instructions.

Why white discharge appears during early pregnancy

“Vaginal discharge without unpleasant symptoms is an absolute norm and is observed in most pregnant women,” says obstetrician-gynecologist Daiva Pikauskaite. – From the first to the third trimester, their number increases.

However, there are also warning signs:

  • color change to reddish or greenish;
  • a significant and sharp increase in the volume of secretions;
  • odor change;
  • burning, itching, or pain.

Any of these factors 一 is a reason to see a doctor as soon as possible. (2)

1 trimester

The conception of a child always affects the body of a woman. Hormonal changes begin, often accompanied by light or white discharge. Also, the cause of secretion is the fixation of the embryo in the uterine cavity or the formation of a mucous plug that protects the embryo from infection.

Over time, the volume of secretions decreases. They become more viscous and transparent.

Why white discharge appears during late pregnancy

White discharge is most often safe in late pregnancy.

– Slight, odorless discharge is considered normal. Usually they are transparent or slightly milky in color. The consistency is reminiscent of raw egg white, – says obstetrician-gynecologist Daiva Pikauskaite, – the secretions are mainly protective, preventing ascending infection of the fetus.

2 trimester

In the 2nd trimester, liquid white discharge is considered the norm. (3) They help keep the vagina healthy. The main thing is that there should be no foreign inclusions and smell. Any deviation from the norm is a reason to contact a gynecologist. 

3 trimester

Toward the end of pregnancy, white discharge may indicate the following processes:

  • the mucous plug begins to move away;
  • the head of the fetus is pressed closer to the exit from the birth canal, that is, to the cervix;
  • leakage of amniotic fluid (usually occurs later in pregnancy).
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– If you experience unusual discharge and an increase in their number, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will assess the nature of the secretions and their volume in order to exclude leakage of amniotic fluid and the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Suzanna Grigoryan.

What to do if white discharge appears during pregnancy at home

“If the discharge does not bother you, then you don’t need to do anything with it, especially at home,” says Daiva Pikauskaite. – It is only important to observe intimate hygiene, undergo examinations at the doctor on time and take the necessary tests. For any warning signs, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist. 

Popular questions and answers

White discharge is most often the norm during pregnancy. However, expectant mothers may be concerned. The most popular questions are answered by gynecologists Daiva Pikauskaite and Susanna Grigoryan.

What not to do when you notice white discharge?

If the discharge is bothering you, do not do the following:

● self-administer medications;

● carry out douching or sitz baths with medicinal herbs;

● use soap for intimate hygiene, it dries out the mucous membranes, their protective functions are violated;

● Use panty liners or wear synthetic underwear.

How to distinguish amniotic fluid from abundant discharge?

At the end of pregnancy, the amount of discharge increases. Often they become so plentiful that it seems to the expectant mother that her water is leaking. It is possible to distinguish amniotic fluid from secretions.

The secretions are denser, leaving a dried stain or a characteristic white color on the laundry.

The amniotic fluid is water. It doesn’t stretch and doesn’t leave marks when it dries.

In case of doubt, it is better to consult a doctor who will accurately determine the cause. Also, the pharmacy sells special tests that show whether there is water leakage.

Can I use the pool if I have white discharge?

If the discharge does not bother, the pregnant woman can swim in the pool, river, sea and any other bodies of water. In case of doubt, it is recommended to obtain a doctor’s approval.

Sources of

  1. Cervicitis in pregnant women / Sverdlova E.S. // 2010. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tservitsity-u-beremennyh
  2. Bacterial infections during pregnancy / Zheksembayeva G.K., Zhumadullaeva G.S., Kadirsizova G.K., Musaeva R.G. // 2011. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/bakterialnye-infektsii-vo-vremya-beremennosti
  3. Pregnancy, childbirth, motherhood / Burmistrova E.A. // 2012.

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