- White diet requirements
- White diet menu
- Example of a white milk diet diet
- Sample White Rice Diet Diet
- Sample White Meat Diet Diet
- An example of a diet diet on white wine
- Sample White Bean Diet Diet
- Contraindications of the white diet
- The virtues of the white diet
- Disadvantages of the diet
- Repeating the white diet
Losing weight up to 5 kg in 7 days.
The average daily calorie content is 510-980 Kcal.
The white diet is named after the foods it contains. The food favorites of this technique are precisely white. There are several options for this diet, ranging from a diet on white protein products and ending with a method of losing weight using white wine. But one rule is the same for all white methods of figure transformation. Do not continue them for more than one week. During this time, you can noticeably transform the forms, throwing off up to 5 kilograms of excess weight.
White diet requirements
The following products can be included in the diet on a white diet:
- milk and sour milk with a fat content of not more than 4%: cottage cheese, homemade yogurt, cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, milk;
- cereals: rice, oatmeal;
- eggs of chicken and quail;
- legume component: white beans;
- white cabbage and Peking cabbage;
- fish and chicken fillets.
These products can be accompanied by fruits and berries that are not only white: apples, bananas, white currants, peaches, apricots. You can also eat plums with grapes, but it is better to use them in your diet in the form of dried fruits. The above-mentioned fruit and berry products can also be added to the menu as dry fruits. All other products are the strictest taboo.
For liquids, try to make the main water pure. Tea, coffee can, if desired, allow yourself from time to time, but only without sugar. If it’s really hard for you without sweets, allow yourself a drink with a spoonful of honey at the beginning of the day, but no more. The rest of the drinks should be drunk only when they are provided for in a particular meal. It is recommended to completely abandon salt and sugar during the diet, since they can significantly slow down the process of transforming the figure.
It is worth eating 4-5 times a day (described in more detail below in each specific menu) at approximately equal time intervals. Schedule food in such a way that the last one for the day is at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Another useful recommendation for following a white diet with greater effectiveness is to drink 100-150 ml of plain water at room temperature 15 minutes before meals. This simple manipulation will help speed up your metabolism and lose weight sooner, minimizing the risk of gaining extra pounds after completing the diet. In addition, by filling your stomach a little with water, you are more likely to be satiated with the next serving.
Of course, whichever version of the white technique you choose, do not forget about sports. Even a 10-20 minute express workout (if there is no time for a serious load) will make the result of losing weight more effective and your body more attractive.
The most popular white diet options are:
– white milk diet lasting 7 days;
– Diet on white rice lasting 7 days;
– a diet on white meat lasting 4 days;
– white wine diet for 3 days;
– white kidney bean diet for 7 days.
Example of a white milk diet diet
Days 1 and 4
: a few tablespoons of low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese; the same amount of oatmeal in the water (you can add a little raisins to it); a glass of fermented baked milk.
: natural yogurt (glass), you can add some dried apricots to it; small banana.
: 2 boiled chicken eggs; green tea; 100-150 g of cottage cheese with sour cream.
: pear and glass of yogurt.
Days 2 and 5
: a few tablespoons of rice porridge with a spoonful of honey.
: one peach, which can be eaten neat, or can be chopped and covered with a little homemade yogurt or fermented baked milk.
: 200 g cheesecakes without butter; a glass of milk.
: ice cream (low-fat and homemade) or popsicles, or a glass of your favorite dairy products; small banana.
Days 3 and 6
: white cabbage stewed with a teaspoon of sour cream; a glass of milk.
: 3 plums and a glass of fermented baked milk.
: a portion of oatmeal (you can use milk) with the addition of 1 tsp. natural honey.
: 2 boiled chicken or 4 quail eggs; up to 40 g of low-fat cheese (you can make a salad from these ingredients and season with sour cream); a glass of milk.
Day 7
: rice pudding (honey instead of the usual sugar); a glass of kefir.
: a few tablespoons of cottage cheese with prunes and a little sour cream.
: a portion (up to 200 g) of baked or steamed fish; 70 g mashed potatoes without oil; a few tablespoons of cabbage salad; a glass of milk.
: banana and apple puree; a glass of natural yogurt or kefir.
Sample White Rice Diet Diet
Breakfast: boiled rice; a small piece (up to 100 g) of chicken fillet, boiled or baked.
Snack: a glass of cocktail (milk, whipped with a banana) or, alternatively, just a glass of milk and a small fruit.
Dinner: boiled rice; salad of boiled or canned corn, fresh carrots and tomatoes.
Dinner: boiled rice; a small peach and apple salad, which can be seasoned with low-fat yogurt or cream.
Note… The daily menu should include a maximum of 500 g of boiled rice. Distribute meals so that most of the rice is consumed for breakfast and lunch. And leave much less for dinner, because there is not much time left before going to bed to burn calories. This behavior will help make weight loss more noticeable.
Sample White Meat Diet Diet
Breakfast: chicken fillet and an empty salad of non-starchy vegetables (both dishes should be about 150 g each).
Snack: salad of minced low-fat chicken fillet (about 100 g) and a small apple (you can season all this with home-made low-fat yogurt).
Dinner: buckwheat or rice porridge and boiled chicken fillet (maximum 150 g of each dish).
Afternoon snack: a few slices of boiled or baked chicken fillet and 100 g of carrot and potato puree.
Dinner: 50 g of boiled chicken; a glass of chicken stock plus a few of your favorite non-starchy vegetables.
An example of a diet diet on white wine
Breakfast: 1 wheat toast; low-fat cheese or cottage cheese (up to 150 g); a glass of white wine.
Dinner: 3 slices or regular wheat crisps; 200 g of cheese or cottage cheese; glass of wine.
Afternoon snack: a few thin slices of cheese.
Dinner: a slice of dried wheat bread; about 100 g of cheese plus a glass of wine again.
Note… Wine is best used dry, with less sugar and less calories.
Sample White Bean Diet Diet
Breakfast: A piece of hard (least fatty cheese you can find) wheat slice or crisp; up to 100 g of kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese or sour cream (at your discretion).
Dinner: boiled white beans (about 100 g); a serving of sauerkraut or a salad of raw / boiled / baked vegetables.
Afternoon snack: any fruit allowed or a handful of your favorite berries.
Dinner: white boiled beans in the amount of 100 g; vegetable, mushroom or chicken low-fat soup without potatoes.
Contraindications of the white diet
- The general contraindications for adhering to the white diet include: food intolerance to any products offered on it; period of pregnancy and lactation; childhood; the presence of chronic diseases during an exacerbation.
- Of course, you should pay attention to which specific version of the white diet you are going to sit on. For example, if fermented milk and dairy products are involved, such a diet cannot be used by people with stomach ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases.
- With kidney disease, you cannot lose weight on a system based on white meat. Be sure, when choosing your way of white weight loss, take into account the individual characteristics of your body and, of course, taste preferences.
The virtues of the white diet
The white diet has several undeniable benefits.
- These include, in particular, the fact that it really works. If you have something to throw off, unpleasant folds will surely hurry to leave (or at least decrease).
- On most white diets, there is a pleasant bonus in the form of normalization of digestion, improvement of intestinal microflora, and acceleration of metabolism.
- Also, the body is cleansed of toxins, toxins and other contaminants that can harm it.
- White foods (particularly protein) help to strengthen bone and muscle. Therefore, physical activity is easier, and in general a person feels better.
- The undoubted advantage of this method of losing weight is the absence of hunger in most options. Eating is frequent and quite varied, making it unlikely to break loose.
- Even during the white diet, the condition of the skin improves. You will notice that the skin becomes smoother and smoother.
Disadvantages of the diet
The disadvantages of the white diet include the fact that oversaturation with calcium, which huddles in protein products, can lead to the deposition of toxins.
The low presence of fats can also negatively affect the body. In order not to increase the risks of harm to the body, do not continue any of the white diet options for longer than the specified period, no matter how easily and well you lose weight on it. After all, healthy fats are simply necessary for the body to function normally.
Repeating the white diet
Since the above methods of transforming the figure are quite loyal, they can be repeated, if necessary, after 3-4 weeks. But it’s better to postpone the wine white diet, as it is still quite extreme. It is recommended to choose a more humane way of transforming forms.