White cinquefoil: properties and applications. Video

White cinquefoil: properties and applications. Video

Nature is a natural health resort for humans. Numerous plants are still used in medicine today to relieve the symptoms of certain ailments and alleviate the patient’s condition. One of these effective remedies is white cinquefoil.

White cinquefoil: properties

The unique composition of Potentilla white

White cinquefoil has long been known to folk medicine. Back in the XNUMXth century, the peasants of the Belarusian Polesye used the leaves of the plant as tea, drinking it daily. That is why some diseases have bypassed this region.

The main feature of the roots and leaves of the plant is the unique chemical composition

Until now, scientists have been researching white cinquefoil, but they cannot understand some of the compounds. It has only been established that the plant is unusually rich in microelements: aluminum, silicon, zinc, sulfur, manganese, iodine, etc. Potentilla roots, most often used in folk medicine, also contain tannins, starch, phenolcarboxylic acid, saponins. Such a rich supply of trace elements makes the plant very effective in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

The main area of ​​using Potentilla is the normalization of thyroid function. Studies have shown that the plant has a positive effect on the health of patients: it eliminates iodine deficiency, stabilizes hormonal levels, and improves the functioning of the entire endocrine system. Thanks to this, tincture of white cinquefoil becomes a full-fledged replacement for dangerous hormonal drugs.

Today, the unique properties of preparations from the plant have been confirmed by traditional medicine. Doctors often prescribe to patients remedies based on Potentilla white to relieve many of the symptoms.

The second direction of using funds from Potentilla white is gynecology. A few centuries ago, Belarusian herbalists used decoctions from the plant in the treatment of uterine prolapse. Thanks to research, it turned out that the natural product also has the ability to restore the reproductive functions of the female body, facilitates the course of PMS and helps to cope with benign neoplasms without surgery.

The third important skill of Potentilla White is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Using herbal infusions gradually lowers cholesterol levels, which can lead to vascular blockages.

Preparations based on white cinquefoil are prescribed to patients who have suffered a stroke or heart attack to strengthen the vascular system.

The fourth area of ​​application of Potentilla white in folk medicine is dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. The ability of decoctions from the plant to effectively cope with colic, bloating and diarrhea is known from the Bulgarians. It was they who used Potentilla in this capacity.

Also, white cinquefoil can be used as an antioxidant agent. It quickly tones the body, removing toxins and toxins. Thanks to this, the metabolism is normalized and the general well-being of a person improves.

How to prepare remedies from Potentilla white

Modern man does not need to go to the fields in early autumn or spring and collect the roots and leaves of a useful plant. Today in the pharmacy you can buy already crushed, dried grass or roots prepared for use. However, these ingredients must be prepared in accordance with age-old recipes.

White cinquefoil is a safe remedy for any age. It strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the body. No wonder its Latin name Potentilla in Russian sounds like “strong” or “powerful”

To normalize metabolism, raise the general tone of the body, prepare an infusion of dry leaves of Potentilla white. Pour 0,4 liters of boiling water over two tablespoons and leave in a warm place overnight (at least 8 hours). Strain the resulting infusion and use it a day (3 doses 30 minutes before meals).

For the treatment and prevention of diseases, traditional medicine recommends taking white cinquefoil in the form of a tincture.

For cooking, you will need:

  • 100 g of white cinquefoil roots
  • 1 liter of alcohol / vodka
  • glass bottle with cork

Grind the peeled roots well in a blender / coffee grinder. Pour the resulting powder into a bottle and fill with alcohol / vodka. Place the workpiece in a dark place, shake the contents periodically. The tincture will be ready in a month. It is necessary to take the tincture up to four times a day before meals, diluting 30 drops in a tablespoon of water.

Cinquefoil white application

However, treatment and prevention can be carried out not only with tinctures, but also with powder. This remedy is especially recommended for children. To prepare the powder, you only need the dried Potentilla root. Grind it and add ¼ teaspoon to ¼ cup fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir. Children need half the dose.

Useful herb: contraindications for use

White cinquefoil is recommended for use by almost all population groups. However, there are some points that you should pay attention to before starting the course. First, remember that plant-based preparations have the ability to lower blood pressure.

Secondly, when using drugs, you must carefully monitor the work of the heart.

If you notice tachycardia, which can occur during the treatment of liver, goiter, gynecological diseases, reduce the recommended dose by half. You should not cancel the drug, but be sure to consult your doctor.

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