The use of white cinquefoil root in the treatment of the thyroid gland has long been known in folk medicine in many countries. For example, in Belarus, thanks to the widespread use of medicinal raw materials, it was possible to prevent the appearance of foci of endemic goiter. Decoctions of rhizomes are used in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Europe – wherever this plant grows. Numerous reviews about the role of white cinquefoil in the treatment of thyroid pathologies indicate that today it is the most effective remedy for solving such problems.

White cinquefoil for the treatment of the thyroid gland: reviews, recipes, how to take with nodes, with hypothyroidism

What is the benefit of cinquefoil in diseases of the thyroid gland

Endocrine diseases are very common today, especially when it comes to iodine-deficient areas of the country. Scientists are developing various methods to eliminate this problem. They came to the conclusion that the most promising direction is the use of medicinal plants as a source of thyroid-stimulating BAS.

Along with some other herbs, white cinquefoil attracted the attention of scientists. The choice for this plant was not accidental. The fact is that the root of the white cinquefoil has long shown its power in the treatment of the thyroid gland. Plant raw materials contain anions of iodic acid and elemental iodine, as well as an increased content of the chemical elements Zn, Mn, Si, Al.

White cinquefoil is quite rare. For example, in Germany, it is on the verge of extinction. In Our Country, it grows mainly in the European part of the country. For use in thyroid gland, use the root of the white cinquefoil at least 3 years old.

What cinquefoil treats the thyroid gland

There are about 300 types of cinquefoil, but only cinquefoil white (root) has found application in the treatment of the thyroid gland. It can be recognized by its white flowers, which have exactly 5 petals, the same number of leaves are located on the stem. That is why the white cinquefoil has another name – five-fingered.

White cinquefoil for the treatment of the thyroid gland: reviews, recipes, how to take with nodes, with hypothyroidism

What is useful white cinquefoil for thyroid

In many cases, thyroid problems are resolved through surgery. However, after deleting nodes, no one guarantees that new ones will not appear soon. In addition, hormonal therapy is offered. If the thyroid gland is sick, then it begins to produce hormones in the wrong quality and in the wrong quantity. But instead of trying to restore the work of the gland, the patient is often prescribed to inject hormones.

The thyroid gland is still trying to produce them for some time, but it cannot compete with the constant introduction of substances from the outside, therefore it stops their production. Gradually, it simply atrophies, and the patient becomes completely dependent on the administered medication. In addition, the introduction of hormonal drugs has a lot of other negative consequences for the body.

If endocrine disorders are identified, and doctors suggest either hormone therapy or surgery, there is an alternative. White cinquefoil is considered one of the most effective remedies for the following pathologies:

  • hypothyroidism (hypofunction);
  • hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis, Basedow-Graves disease);
  • autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis);
  • diffuse (nodular) euthyroid goiter;
  • adenoma;
  • thyroid hyperplasia.

But the action of cinquefoil white is not limited to its use in the thyroid gland. It is so multifaceted that it is difficult to say where she would not help. Contributing to the normalization of metabolic and hormonal processes in the human body, white cinquefoil is a real find, salvation, an indispensable assistant and a real healer. The plant will cure or prevent such pathologies:

  • stroke – makes the capillaries flexible and elastic;
  • heart attack, atherosclerosis – clears cholesterol plaques;
  • hypertension – normalizes blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • anemia – increases the concentration of red blood cells;
  • ulcer – the silver contained in the raw material serves as an antiseptic;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • violation of bile secretion, liver pathology;
  • prolapse of the uterus;
  • cuts and abscesses;
  • hyperglycemia.

Potentilla white is a harmless and, moreover, effective remedy that prolongs life and prevents the development of health problems.

White cinquefoil for the treatment of the thyroid gland: reviews, recipes, how to take with nodes, with hypothyroidism

Rules for the treatment of the thyroid gland with white cinquefoil

Reviews of the treatment of the thyroid gland with white cinquefoil root indicate that the most effective remedy prepared according to this recipe: pour 50 g of rhizomes with a half-liter bottle of vodka for 3 weeks. Raw materials must first be crushed to a powder state. It is recommended to the patient 30-35 drops on an empty stomach 3 times a day for one month. After a two-week break, undergo a second course of treatment with white cinquefoil. Subsequent therapy should be started in a month, up to 5 or more times.

Recipes with white cinquefoil for the treatment of the thyroid gland

Thanks to the numerous reviews about the benefits of Potentilla white roots for the thyroid gland, this plant is very popular and in demand. Centuries of experience in the use of the drug has given a wide variety of recipes and methods of application, some of them are presented below.

Attention! The plant is rare, rarely found in the wild. Therefore, under the guise of white cinquefoil, it is often unknown what is sold. Purchase medicinal raw materials for medicinal formulations only from trusted and reliable sellers.

How to brew white cinquefoil from the thyroid gland

1-2 tbsp. l. crushed rhizomes in the evening, place in a thermos and pour 0,4 liters of boiling water. Insist all night, then remove the sediment and drink 3-4 times during the day before meals. Then take a break for at least 10 days and resume treatment, but with a tincture of the same raw materials.

Recipes for tincture of white cinquefoil from the thyroid gland

1 st. l. grind the roots to a powder with a mortar or coffee grinder. Place the raw materials in a glass container, pour 100 ml of vodka. Insist at least a month. Then take 30 drops three times before meals. When the medicine runs out, you can stop the course.

How to prepare an ointment from the roots of white cinquefoil for the treatment of thyroid gland

It is necessary to grind 5 g of dried rhizomes to a powder state. Mix with 200 g of butter, pork or any other fat. Bring the mass to a low boil and keep on fire for 7 minutes. Then strain until cold. Apply for compresses, rubbing, not only in the treatment of the thyroid gland, but also for diseased joints, with osteochondrosis, sciatica.

White cinquefoil for the treatment of the thyroid gland: reviews, recipes, how to take with nodes, with hypothyroidism

How to take white cinquefoil with thyroid

The herb of white cinquefoil is used for thyroid gland in a variety of cases. The substances contained in it affect the diseased organ at the cellular level, restoring lost functions. The plant must also be taken to prevent the development of endocrine disorders. First, it cleanses the body of everything that disrupts its activity, and then restores the lost order: the work of the cardiovascular system improves, arrhythmia disappears, pressure normalizes, the pancreas and thyroid glands begin to work in the usual rhythm.

How to treat white cinquefoil nodes on the thyroid gland

Potentilla white is indicated for use as an antitumor agent in the presence of cysts of various origins. The plant promotes the resorption of soft tumors, nodular formations. If nodules appear in the thyroid gland, then one of the reasons lies in the lack of iodine. This substance is necessary for the thyroid gland to produce hormones. Therefore, the body, in order to make their production more intense, increases in size. This causes the expansion of capillaries and, as a result, a change in the structure of tissues – a knot is formed.

If the tumor is benign, does not interfere with the normal functioning of the body (does not block the esophagus and breathing), it can be successfully treated with the help of Potentilla white. Extracts of the roots of the plant should be taken on an empty stomach, several times a day.

Attention! If the patient is contraindicated in taking alcohol solutions, water extracts from the plant can be used with no less success.

How to drink white cinquefoil with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland

Potentilla white helps with diseases of the thyroid gland, characterized by reduced function. It contains an impressive amount of iodine, which helps to compensate for the deficiency of this substance in the diet. Thanks to the prophylactic use of Potentilla white, the development of many serious diseases associated with the functioning of the thyroid gland is prevented.

Extracts from Potentilla white with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland are recommended to be used simultaneously with silver water. Three times a day, use the following composition: 1 tsp. tinctures + 3 tsp. silver water (20 mg/l). Duration of treatment:

  • mild degree – 1-3 months;
  • medium – 3-6 months;
  • in severe form and the presence of nodes – until the results appear.

The operation does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but only neutralizes the consequences. There are many disadvantages of hormone therapy. With cinquefoil white and silver water, no additional treatment is carried out. This two-component therapy restores the condition and function of the thyroid gland. The body begins to function normally and cope with its duties.

Attention! Silver water is a solution of pure silver made using a special ionizer device. Since the transferred inflammatory and infectious diseases cause dysfunction of the organ, silver ions are carried throughout the body, affect the foci of pathologies, exhibit an anti-allergic effect, enhance the effectiveness of any phytopreparation administered simultaneously.

How to take with goiter

With nodular goiter of the 2nd or 3rd degree, infuse a tablespoon of raw materials obtained from the rhizomes of white Potentilla for several weeks in a glass of vodka. Take a teaspoon before meals at least half an hour three times a day. Treatment should be carried out for at least one and a half months. When the form is running, 0,3 kg of crushed roots insist in 1 liter of vodka. After a month, strain, drink according to the usual scheme in the amount of 30 drops.

Admission rules at AIT

Autoimmune thyroiditis is caused by a malfunction in the immune system, which begins to attack its own organ (thyroid), destroying cells and tissues. The trigger mechanism is often transferred SARS, tonsillitis, influenza, excess iodine in the diet, as well as excessive intake of chlorine or fluorine with food.

For the treatment of thyrotoxicosis, the following collection of herbs is used:

  • white cinquefoil – 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • durnyshnik – 2 tbsp. L.;
  • wood lice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • goose leg – 1 tbsp. L.;
  • bottom – 1 tbsp. L.;
  • motherwort – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill seeds – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • licorice root – 1 tsp;
  • mint (melissa) – 1 tsp.

Connect all components together, separate 1 tbsp. l. Pour a cup of boiling water, insist on a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day. Such an infusion can be drunk for a long time, and if necessary, after a 1-2 month break, repeat the courses of administration. During breaks for 2 weeks, drink teas that support the work of the thyroid gland from cocklebur herbs, blackhead, wood lice with goose cinquefoil, twigs with cherry leaves.

Capsules “Endonorm” are successfully used in the treatment of AIT. In addition to the main component (white cinquefoil), it contains the following components:

  • succession;
  • sea ​​kale;
  • licorice roots.

Take one capsule three times daily before meals. The treatment is carried out for 2 months, then a 10-day break is taken and the course is resumed again.

White cinquefoil for the treatment of the thyroid gland: reviews, recipes, how to take with nodes, with hypothyroidism

In order to prevent

When taken prophylactically, cinquefoil white preparations should be alternated or combined with other iodine-containing products, for example:

  • seaweed;
  • cod liver;
  • seafood;
  • walnuts;
  • buckwheat;
  • legumes;
  • oatmeal;
  • fresh vegetables.
Important! Every day it is desirable to update the combination of iodine-containing products, at the same time do not forget to take extracts of Potentilla white. It is also necessary to go out into the fresh air often, move actively, and adhere to the principle of usefulness when choosing food.

Contraindications to the use of white cinquefoil in the thyroid gland

You should not take white cinquefoil for those people who have low blood pressure, tachycardia. In children and the elderly, white cinquefoil preparations should be used with caution. It is undesirable to give the plant extract to people prone to increased blood clotting, as the risk of thrombosis will increase.

Before starting treatment with medicinal raw materials on your own, you need to seek the advice of a doctor.

Potentilla white, root. Method of application, treatment and reviews.


The use of white cinquefoil root in the treatment of the thyroid gland has long been practiced not only in folk, but also in official medicine. Plant preparations are very effective and therefore are in great demand. You need to buy medicinal raw materials only from trusted sellers, because due to the shortage of goods, you can easily buy a fake.

Reviews on the use of white cinquefoil root for thyroid

Kuznetsov Anatoly Borisovich, 49 years old, Voronezh.
Potentilla white can be bought in the form of tablets, capsules. Only it is better not to take Endonorm, since the content of cinquefoil is scanty here. There is such a drug Alba. Helped my mother when she had thyroid nodules.
Netylko Tamara Alexandrovna, 65 years old, Berdyansk.
Potentilla white did not help me at all. I took cat’s claw capsules. I took one in the morning and one in the evening. The knot dissipated, the doctor even somehow immediately did not believe that this could be.

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