White chocolate: video recipe

White chocolate: video recipe

Nothing is impossible for a skilled hostess. Armed with a simple and straightforward recipe, you can even make such an unusual delicacy as white chocolate. It differs not only in its delicate creamy taste, but also in hypoallergenicity. Ready-made white or cream tiles can be eaten with tea or coffee or added to cake, pastries, cookies, sweets, muffins, sherbet and many other complex dessert dishes.


– 100 g of powdered milk or infant formula; – 100 g of cocoa butter; – 100 g of icing sugar; – 0,5 tsp liquid vanilla extract; – a pinch of cinnamon.

Infant formula is preferable to milk powder because it consists of smaller grains and dissolves more quickly in the oil. For the same reason, powdered sugar is taken for the recipe, not sand.

Pour water halfway into a shallow saucepan and place on the stove. Bring liquid to a boil and reduce heat to medium. Chop a block of cocoa butter into small pieces, place in a saucepan and place in a prepared water bath. Stir the melting mass with a wooden spoon, breaking the lumps and achieving a uniform consistency. Then add vanilla extract, cinnamon, powdered sugar and powdered milk / infant formula into it one by one, without stopping stirring.

Cook the mixture in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Next, turn off the heat and remove the cookware from the stove. Use a blender or mixer and whisk the white chocolate for 5-7 minutes on medium speed. Prepare molds for tiles or homemade chocolates and gently fill the wells to the brim with the resulting mass using a spoon.

Let stand for 10–20 minutes until it hardens somewhat and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Remove the contents of the forms and serve or transfer to a container with a sealed lid for storage.

White chocolate with additives at home

Ingredients: – 150 g butter; – 250 g of powdered milk; – 200 g of sugar; – 0,5 tbsp. water; – 0,5 tsp vanillin; – 20 g of coconut flakes; – 50 g of candied fruits.

Instead of candied fruits, you can take chopped dried fruits, dried berries, ground nuts, puffed rice, cornflakes and other additives to taste

Combine water, sugar and vanillin in a saucepan and heat over medium heat. Stir the mixture until the white sand is completely dissolved. Then turn the heat to high, let the syrup boil, stop stirring and let the mixture boil on its own for 6 minutes. Remove the dishes from the stove, add melted butter. Sift the powdered milk through a sieve, carefully pour the syrup into it and immediately beat very quickly with a broom or mixer until thickened. Add candied fruits and coconut and stir again.

Cover the mold with a transparent film, spread the warm mass in a thin layer in it and smooth it out. Place the dishes in the cold until the white chocolate hardens, then cut it with a sharp knife, trying to make even and beautiful squares or rectangles.

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