White bloom on the leaves of the grapes from below

White bloom on the leaves of the grapes from below

Any gardener dreams of having a good vineyard with a neat vine and beautiful bunches of fragrant berries. However, the cultivation of grapes has its own difficulties, because the vine is often infected with disease-causing viruses. Most often, the characteristic white bloom on the leaves of grapes indicates a mildew infection, which, without timely treatment, leads to loss of yield and death of the bush.

White bloom on the leaves of grapes can spoil the quality of the harvest.

It is very difficult to recognize the onset of the disease, usually gardeners understand that the grapes are infected when the disease begins to take on a serious nature. In heat and drought, the fungus does not manifest itself in any way, but in damp weather a white bloom appears on the leaves of the grapes from below.

Getting rid of the fungus is not easy, it tolerates heat and cold well, and hibernates in the ground and is not afraid of severe frosts.

The cause of the development of the fungus is most often unfavorable temperature conditions, such as high humidity or drought. The main signs of infection:

  • white fluffy bloom is noticeable;
  • the growth of the vine stops;
  • black spots appear on leaves and branches;
  • the fruits become soft, with a rotten taste.

White bloom on the leaves of grapes is the onset of the disease, then they begin to darken and die off, however, the affected green mass does not disappear, but continues to hold tightly to the branches. New shoots are instantly infected, and with the onset of cold weather, the grapes begin to die completely.

How to process white bloom on grapes

If there are no fungicides at hand, then you can use folk remedies. Add a couple of potassium permanganate crystals to a bucket of water so that the water is slightly pink and process the plant. A solution of 5 tablespoons of baking soda and 50 g of laundry soap per 5 liters of water helps a lot.

If the vine begins to turn black, it is necessary not only to carefully process the plant, but also to remove and burn the affected areas. Accordingly, the fruits from infected grapes should not be consumed, they should also be burned so that they do not become a source of new infection.

At the first symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to take emergency measures to combat the fungus. Carry out a thorough treatment with fungicidal preparations so that each leaf is moistened with a solution. Repeat the treatment twice with an interval of 10 days to prevent the surviving fungus from adapting.

White bloom on the leaves of grapes can appear even in a well-groomed vineyard, in order to avoid fungal infection, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive preventive measures. In spring and autumn, treat the grapes with chemicals and be sure to do top dressing, this helps the vine to fight diseases

Growing grapes is quite difficult and troublesome, but rewarding. It is imperative to carry out preventive measures with which you can avoid unpleasant consequences. A well-groomed vineyard will always thank you for your care and time spent with an abundant harvest of sweet berries.

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