White bloom on cucumber leaves in a greenhouse

White bloom on cucumber leaves in a greenhouse

Why does white bloom appear on cucumbers

How to remove white bloom on cucumber leaves

To prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of proper care. An excess of moisture, unfavorable weather conditions and a deficiency of nutrients lead to a decrease in the immunity of crops and the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

You can combat white bloom on cucumbers in a greenhouse like this:

  • annually disinfect the building with copper sulfate or spill the soil with boiling water;
  • keep the air temperature at least 23˚С;
  • water crops only with warm water;
  • do not leave the remains of diseased plants on the ground.

Resuscitation of cucumbers depends on the type of disease. For powdery mildew, spray the culture with a solution of baking soda and soap. Dissolve 10 g of laundry soap and soda in 50 liters of water. Spray once a week.

For white rot, remove leaves with white spots immediately. Treat the cuts with charcoal. Spray cucumbers with fungicide for fungal diseases or copper sulfate solution. If you notice the first symptoms of white mosaic, immediately remove the crops from the garden and disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Never plant cucumbers in the same spot for two years in a row. The fungus can remain in the soil, so the culture will get sick again. Only after disinfection of the soil, after 3 years, can the cucumbers be returned to their original place.

Fungal diseases are contagious, so the entire crop can die. Inspect the cucumber leaves daily.

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