White beet is a vegetable crop that belongs to the table type and is intended for human consumption. It differs from the usual red, not only in color, but also in taste. There are also varieties of white sugar beet that are used to make sugar. White canteen can be used to prepare various salads and main courses.
Beets are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to soil and maintenance. It can be planted in autumn and winter. It takes root in almost any soil. Demanding on moisture.
White beets differ not only in color, but also in taste.
Observe the following guidelines when planting and leaving:
- the best predecessors: potatoes, cucumbers and peas;
- plant in the light part of the site;
- loosen the soil before planting;
- water abundantly;
- periodically loosen the ground and get rid of weeds;
- cut the tops off immediately during harvesting;
- stop watering 3 weeks before harvest.
The rules are very simple, which is why beets are so popular for growing in Russia.
First, you need to figure out what kind of beets are:
- canteen. It is used as food for cooking dishes and preparations for the winter. The amount of sugar is about 20-30 percent;
- stern. Used as animal feed. It has a higher protein content and less sugar;
- sugar. Used for processing in production. In most cases – for making sugar.
White varieties are found among all species. They are unpopular and few people know about them. The most common:
- Albina Vereduna. The most common variety. Refers to early maturing varieties. The ripening period is about 60 days. The fruits have a white skin and pulp. They are round and medium in size;
- Eckendorf Yellow. Fodder grade. Cylinder-shaped fruits, white flesh;
- “Bohemia”. Refers to a mid-season sugar species. Ripening period is about 70 days. Round fruits;
- “Lada”. Belongs to the forage species. The shape of the fruit is oval-cylindrical. The pulp is white;
- “Hope”. Also applies to the forage species. Differs in high productivity.
In vegetable gardens, red beets are much more common, but some summer residents grow exactly white because of its taste and properties. Also, white beets are used for animal feed and in the production of sugar.
If you bought a beet or grew it, and when you cut it, you realized that it is white, do not be alarmed. Such varieties also exist and are not inferior to red. It can also be used for cooking and other purposes. By purchasing the right variety, you can grow white roots in your area.
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