White beans: benefits and harms to the body
We tell you how white beans are useful, and how they can be harmful for men, women and children

History of white beans

Beans are a plant of the legume family, bush or climbing. About a hundred different types of beans grow in nature, almost all of them are edible. Pod-shaped fruits contain bean seeds.

The homeland of the bean ancestor is Peru. Indian traders spread it throughout South and Central America. The Spaniards brought the plant to Europe in the XNUMXth century.

In ancient times, beans were used not only as a food product. In France, houses were decorated with wreaths of her flowers. In ancient Rome, beans were used to make powder and white for the skin, using their starchy properties.

The composition and calorie content of white beans

Caloric value on 100 g337 kcal
Proteins22,3 g
Fats1,5 g
Carbohydrates60,75 g

The benefits of white beans

High content of nutrients. Beans contain many essential vitamins and minerals for the body. White beans hold the record for aluminum, boron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and copper. It also contains a lot of sulfur, phosphorus and iron. B vitamins, as well as C, E, K and essential amino acids are needed for the health of the body.

Beans are an easily digestible protein. It is an alternative meat diet for vegetarians and during fasting. White beans contain up to 20% protein, which is not inferior to meat protein in its nutritional value and digestible by 70 – 80%.

Beans for weight loss. White beans contain substances that suppress appetite, which prevents you from eating more than your body needs. Also, beans prevent the absorption of fast carbohydrates, reducing the number of calories.

Benefits for the heart and blood vessels. The arginine in white beans is involved in nitrogen metabolism, acting similar to insulin, which helps lower blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Folic acid, found in white beans, can lower homocysteine ​​levels. One of the common factors in the occurrence of heart disease is precisely the high level of this substance. Magnesium, found in large quantities in white beans, is useful for improving blood circulation.

Benefits for digestion. White beans contain the most fiber compared to other types. Vegetable fibers have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system, helping to cleanse the intestines and improve motility. One glass of beans satisfies the body’s daily requirement for fiber.

Benefits for immunity. The sulfur content in white beans boosts the immune system. Accelerating the elimination of toxins and antioxidant properties also improve well-being and strengthen the body’s resistance to infections.

Harm of white beans

Beans should not be consumed raw, as this can cause poisoning and abdominal pain. Raw beans contain toxic substances that are neutralized by soaking in water or by boiling and stewing.

– It is necessary to limit the use of beans to people suffering from gout or predisposed to this disease. It contains substances called purines. When they break down, uric acid is released, an elevated level of which can lead to gout. Elderly people, children, and people with gastrointestinal diseases should be careful to eat beans to avoid bloating and abdominal pain after eating beans. However, white beans are one of the easiest legumes to digest, so they rarely cause such a reaction, says Alexander Voinov, dietetics and wellness consultant at the WeGym fitness club chain.

The use of white beans in medicine

Beans are a dietary product, especially white beans, since they are almost 3 times less caloric than red beans – 102 kcal per 100 grams. However, the content of proteins and carbohydrates in it is also lower. White beans are very easy to digest, and are the leader in the amount of fiber. This is extremely important for athletes or those who are losing weight: this product does not overload the stomach and saturates the body, and fiber gives a long feeling of satiety and reduces the desire to overeat. This helps to reduce weight more effectively.

A diet with only one basic product is harmful to the body, since other necessary substances and vitamins are not supplied, and the bean diet is no exception. Therefore, it is recommended to alternate beans in the diet with other dishes. To maximize the digestibility of bean proteins will help the joint use of beans with foods rich in methionine: cheese, fish, nuts, seafood, cottage cheese, buckwheat.

White beans cause less gas and bloating than other types, so they are great for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Especially a lot of folic acid in white beans – up to 480 mg. A glass of beans satisfies the body’s daily need for folic acid, which is involved in hematopoiesis, improves immunity, reduces irritability and depression. It is especially useful for pregnant women, contributing to the development of the fetus.

The use of red beans in cooking

Beans are common all over the world, many dishes are prepared from it. It takes pride of place both on the festive table and as an everyday lunch.

Before cooking, dry beans are soaked in cold water and then boiled for a long time. Canned beans simplifies cooking and reduces time, while canned beans retain a significant portion of their nutrients.

Chicken soup with beans

Chicken (breast without skin)400 g
Canned white beans1 Bank
Potatoes2 piece.
Bulb1 piece.
Carrots1 piece.
Bulgarian pepper1/4 pcs.
Parsley1 beam
Sunflower oil2 Art. spoons

Put the chicken to boil in cold water. Remove foam and cook until done.

Next, add peeled and diced potatoes. Cook until potatoes are ready. While the soup is cooking, prepare the stir fry. Fry the onion in a pan with hot oil, then add the carrots and fry until soft. When the potatoes are ready, salt the soup, add the washed beans and let it boil. Add chopped bell pepper and bring to a boil. Sprinkle with parsley before serving.

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Meatballs with beans in tomato sauce

Onions2 piece.
Canned white beans1 Bank
Refined sunflower oil30 ml
Minced pork400 g
Chicken egg1 piece.
Sweet pepper1 piece.
Tomatoes3 piece.
Dried basil0,5 tsp
Ground pepper, saltto taste

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How to choose and store white beans

White beans are sold dry in bags and canned in cans and glass jars.

When choosing canned food, you should pay attention to the expiration date, composition and appearance of the jar. It must not be damaged and the lid is open. If the jar is glass, then you can evaluate the appearance of the grains – an unacceptably large number of damaged grains, and their volume should be more than half compared to the liquid.

Dry beans keep for about two years. When buying it, you need to evaluate the integrity of the grains and the absence of parasites inside the package.

Store canned beans and packaged dry beans in a dark, dry place at cool or room temperature, such as a pantry or kitchen cabinet.

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