Whiskey John Corr (John Corr): history, review of taste and types

The young Russian brand “John Corr” belongs to the company “KiN”, which is one of the domestic leaders in the production and distribution of alcoholic beverages.

The new product is a classic blended scotch made from Scottish distillates.

whiskey cocktails

History of the brand

The KiN group of companies, operating on the basis of the Moscow Wine and Cognac Factory, specializes in the production of strong alcohol. The enterprise founded in 1940 achieved the most significant results in the last decade.

The abbreviation “KiN” stands for “Quality. Innovation. Reliability”, which is reflected in the high performance of the products.

In the assortment of the company a special place is occupied by cognacs produced according to the classical technology on the basis of foreign raw materials.

Grape distillates have been supplied to Russia from France since 1997. The plant is the founder of the first domestic brands of cognac – “Moskovsky” and “Kinovsky”.

The company also produces vodka, tinctures, wine and soft drinks.

In 2016, the company introduced consumers to its own brand of whiskey “John Corr”. The drink got its name in honor of the Benedictine monk – the famous master distiller of the XNUMXth century.

single malt whiskey

Production features

The supplier of spirits for the manufacture of blended whiskey is the Scottish company Inver House Distillers Limited, which operates several of the oldest distilleries.

John Corr contains 6 malt and 5 grain distillates, double distilled in copper stills. For maturation, American oak bourbon barrels are used.

Malt components are produced at 5 plants:

  1. The northernmost distillery in “mainland” Scotland. Performs distillation on stills of a unique design with a very short “neck”.

    The process is controlled manually, without the use of automation.

    The distillery has been operating since 1826 and produces up to 1 million liters of whiskey annually.

  2. One of the oldest distilleries in Scotland. Founded in 1790, the production volume is about 1,4 million liters per year.

  3. A traditional distillery operating on two antique copper stills from 1894. Located on the border of Highland and Speyside.

  4. A compact plant designed by the famous architect Charles Doig.

    Uses the classic distillation method with vapor condensation in a long copper tube.

  5. Situated on the hills in the Spey Valley, the oldest distillery was founded in 1824 and restored at the end of the 20th century.

    Produces up to 2 million liters of distillate per year.

The basis of Russian whiskey is Concerto malt, the blend also includes the Belgravia variety.

Grain ingredients are supplied by the distillery of the city of Airdrie, in whose warehouses all spirits are aged. Produce drinks according to the requirements of GOST.

Types of Whiskey John Corr

The brand’s collection includes 2 scotch tapes that differ in ripening time and label color:

  1. John Corr Blue Kilt

    Drink 3-year exposure, 40% fortress. Winner of gold medals at the PRODEXPO and Best Vodka competitions.

    Aroma: balanced, with pronounced grain, nutty, floral notes, hints of caramel and vanilla.

    Taste: soft, smooth, with fruity and spicy accents.

  2. John Corr Red Kilt

    Whiskey 5 years old. Fortress: 40%. Winner of gold at the Moscow competition “Best Vodka”.

    Nose: complex, balanced, with notes of dried fruits, nuts, flowers, honey and grains.

    Vanilla, spicy, chocolate and fruit tones are felt in a soft, harmonious taste.

You can taste drinks in pure form, with ice or in cocktails.

famous brands of whiskey

Relevance: 20.04.2019

Tags: Whiskey and bourbon, Whiskey brands

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