Whiskey Jack Daniels – recipe at home + video

As you know, the production of authentic Jack Daniels uses water from the source located near the distillery Cave spring, filter carbon from sugar maple growing in North America and new freshly charred white American oak barrels. To get hold of all these components in our area is more than not easy. But otherwise, it will be quite possible for true masters of their craft to reproduce the process of making the so-called Tennessee whiskey.

Whiskey Jack Daniels in detail

List of ingredients for Jack Daniels

  1. Cornmeal – 80% of the total mass of cereals;

  2. Rye flour – 8%;

  3. Ground barley (white) malt – 12%;

  4. Yeast – 5 g dry or 25 g pressed per 1 kg of cereals;

  5. Water (with a minimum iron content) – 400% of the total mass of cereals.

Whiskey making steps Jack Daniels

Step 1

Pour corn and rye flour into a cauldron and pour water heated to a temperature of 50-55 ° C (keep in mind that the vessel should not be more than three-quarters full). At the same time, pour water without haste, constantly stirring the contents of the container to avoid the formation of lumps. Raise the temperature of the mixture to 60°C and keep it in this state for 15 minutes, continuing to stir constantly. Next, bring the contents of the boiler to a boil and boil for an hour in order to obtain a completely homogeneous mushy mass.

how to drink jack daniels whiskey

Step 2

Remove the cauldron from the fire, wait until the future brew mash cools down to a temperature of 65-67 ° C and add malt, mixing everything again. The container with the resulting mass, whose temperature should be 63-65 ° C, wrap tightly in several layers of heat-resistant fabric and place in a warm place for 2 hours. At the same time, during the first hour, the mash must be intensively mixed every 15 minutes. It is also very important not to allow the mixture to cool to a temperature of less than 55°C. The whole filigree process mentioned above is called hot saccharification of starch-containing raw materials. This entire procedure, including the subtle manipulation of grain mash temperature, can be greatly simplified by applying the cold saccharification method. However, it should be borne in mind that the distillery that manufactures Jack uses the classic “hot” method, which does not allow the addition of any third-party enzymes.

Sweets by Jack Daniels

Step 3

After two hours, the mash in a hurry (so as not to turn sour) must be transferred to a fermentation tank, cooled to a temperature of 25-28 ° C and yeast is added to it (if we are talking about pressed ones, they must first be fermented in a small amount of water). A vessel with wort, equipped with a lid with a water seal, should be placed in a dark, warm and quiet place for the duration of fermentation (from 2 to 6 days). At the same time, the temperature of the substance should not go beyond the same 25-28°C.

Step 4

The preparation of the fermented wort depends on the distiller (in any case, it is highly desirable that it be copper). If your unit is equipped with a steam generator, then you can load it directly from the tank. In the case of a simpler apparatus (by the way, Jack manufacturers still use these), the liquid component of the wort should be filtered or squeezed through gauze. The following method is especially captivating with its unpretentiousness: the wort is poured into a gauze bag, placed in a metal bucket ahead of time, then the contents of the bag are carefully and firmly squeezed into the mentioned container, from which the liquid component of the wort is sent straight to the distillation cube. By the way, according to the American tradition, part of the used cake can be added as an additional starter to a new portion of the future mash.

Step 5

The raw material loaded into the distiller undergoes double distillation. Primary distillation takes place without separation into fractions. The result is approximately thirty-degree raw alcohol, sent for re-distillation. This time, it becomes necessary to cut off the “heads” and “tails”. At the same time, in order to avoid the risk of spoiling the final product, the head and tail fractions should contain 10% of the total volume of distillate. As a result of re-distillation, Jack Daniels producers receive grain alcohol with a strength of 69-70 degrees.

Step 6

The resulting grain moonshine must be passed through a carbon column equipped with an additional cotton filter. At the same time, it is quite possible to replace maple charcoal with the coconut equivalent available in our conditions. Do not forget that an important condition for high-quality purification of distillate is fine crushing or even grinding of charcoal. Ideally, it should be a coarse powder.

Step 7

The future drink should be aged in a burnt oak barrel or on well-roasted oak chips. This is done not in special cellars, but in ground rooms at natural temperature. Given the small volumes of containers in which your drink will be aged, it is enough to wait 8-10 months for a good result (although some, especially impatient subjects, argue that it is quite acceptable to split this period in two). At the same time, it is believed that the optimal container for aging small batches of corn a la Jack are small-sized oak barrels with a volume of 10 to 50 liters.

If you end up looking for something like a Gentleman Jack or, what the hell, a Single Barrel, your distillate needs to be carbon-filtered again before bottling. Then, depending on the softness and balance of the resulting corn, it is diluted to a strength of 40, 43, 45 or 47 turns, bottled and sent to your personal bar.

whiskey review Jack Daniels Single barrel

Jack Daniels Whiskey Video Recipe

Making whiskey at home / A la Jack Daniels / Putting the brew part – 1 / Experiment

Making Whiskey at Home / A la Jack Daniels / Distillation part – 2 / Experiment

Making Whiskey at Home / A la Jack Daniels / Chief All is Lost part – 3 / The Experiment

Relevance: 12.05.2017

Tags: Whiskey and Bourbon, Whiskey Recipes

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