Whiskey Golden Joker: history, review of taste and types

The budget drink “Golden Joker” is positioned as an affordable alternative to elite varieties of Scotch whiskey, but it is strikingly different from real scotch both in composition and taste.

The original product is produced by the United Penza Vodka Plants company, which specializes in the production of strong alcohol.

whiskey cocktails

History of the brand

The OPVZ holding was created on the basis of the oldest Russian production company Penzaspirtprom, founded more than 100 years ago.

The first plant of the association began its work in 1898, the second – in 1946. Today, the product portfolio of the domestic enterprise includes several dozen items of alcoholic beverages, including the popular Golden Cockerel tincture and Russian Peppers vodka.

The company produces drinks of a low price category, designed for the mass consumer.

The Golden Joker trademark, in addition to the whiskey product, includes classic vodka, bitters and low-alcohol cocktails.

The name was given to the brand with the aim of immersing consumers “in the atmosphere of a casino and a real game”, full of excitement, passion and vivid emotions.

Real Scottish distillates are used as the basis for creating malt products. Also included in the composition: water, alcohol class “Lux”, flavoring and sugar color.

The drink is poured into glass triangular bottles, the design of which was probably borrowed from the legendary Grant’s scotch, and cans.

Whiskey Review Golden Joker

Since the “Golden Joker” refers to budget products, it makes no sense to make excessive demands on it.

  1. Fortress “Joker” is 40%.

  2. Colour: light amber.

  3. Alcoholic notes are felt in the taste, but the drink is easy to drink. During the tasting, faint woody and malty undertones can be recognized.

This unpretentious drink obviously does not reach the elite Scottish scotch (and it should not, since it is just a variation on the whiskey theme), but at the same time it has a pleasant aroma and mild taste.

famous brands of whiskey

Relevance: 01.05.2019

Tags: Whiskey and bourbon, Whiskey brands

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