Whiskey Fireball: review, history, composition of the drink + 2 recipes at home

Fireball (Фаербол) not a liquor at all, but the original Canadian whiskey, which is often confused with liquor. This is due to the fact that cinnamon and other herbs and spices are added to it during the cooking process.

whiskey cocktails

History of Fireball

The drink itself, as well as its history of creation, is very extraordinary. Even the company that launched the production of alcohol on an industrial scale, appeared from a simple bar. Let’s deal with everything in order.

Let’s start with the whiskey itself. In 1980, when an abnormally cold winter swept over Canada, people tried to find at least some options for keeping warm. Someone stoked fireplaces, someone knitted warm clothes, and a bartender from a simple street bar got the idea to develop a drink that could instantly warm and save from hypothermia. And literally from several attempts, a Fireball (Fireball) was born.

For many years, the recipe for this drink has wandered only in narrow circles of famous Canadian bartenders. This lasted until, in 1986, someone smuggled several bottles of scalding cinnamon whiskey out of Canada.

And thanks to the company Sazerac, which received the unique rights to the production of Fireball, made it famous all over the world.

The history of the company began with a cocktail that was invented by a pharmacist back in 1838. It contained only two ingredients: brandy and absinthe. In the middle of the XNUMXth century, on the site of a pharmacy, the Sazerac bar-coffee house was built, and this unusual, but at the same time simple cocktail migrated to its menu, and it was named the same as the bar.

And in 1869, Thomas Handy bought the coffee house and launched the production of alcoholic beverages under the Sazerac brand.

The composition and production technology of Fireball

Commercially, 1 liter of Canadian whiskey contains 10% natural cinnamon, 5% anise seeds, 5% vanilla, 5% cardamom, 5% licorice and 0,5% cayenne hot pepper.

Then this spicy mixture is infused for 3-4 months and as a result the drink acquires a rich amber color, with a mild spicy taste and a pronounced aroma of cinnamon.

Homemade Fireball Recipe

This recipe is most often found in English-language publications. This is where we will begin our acquaintance with the homemade liqueur Fireball.


  1. Whiskey (ideally Canadian) – 750 ml

  2. Cinnamon stick – 5 pc.

  3. Dried chili peppers – 5 pcs.

  4. Sugar syrup – 20 ml

Method of preparation

  1. For 5 days in a warm dark place, it is necessary to withstand a container with whiskey, cinnamon and sugar syrup.

  2. After 5 days, add chili pepper to the cinnamon tincture. Let’s hold on for two more days.

  3. Now we take a sample, if a piquant sharpness appears, then we filter the infusion and pass it through the filter. If the drink seemed too harsh, if desired, you can add a little more sugar syrup.

  4. Before tasting, let the liquor rest for 3-5 days in a cool place.

Spiced Fireball Liqueur


  1. Whiskey (ideally Canadian) – 800 ml

  2. Ground cinnamon – 10 g

  3. Chili pepper – 1 pc.

  4. Vanilla sugar – 5 g

  5. Black peppercorns – 10 pcs.

  6. Cardamom – 1/2 tsp.

  7. Anise seeds – 1/2 tsp

  8. Water – 100 g

  9. Granulated sugar – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Black pepper should be crushed a little in a mortar or with a rolling pin, and Chile should be cut into slices.

  2. Then we put all the spices and prepared two types of pepper in a glass container and pour the whiskey. We insist in a dark place for at least two days.

  3. After 2 days, we take a sample, if the drink is sharp enough, it must be filtered through a small strainer.

  4. Cook basic sugar syrup.

  5. After the syrup has cooled, pour it into the tincture in portions. It is important that the drink turned out with a slight sweetness, and not cloyingly sweet.

  6. Now we pass the finished Fireball liquor through the filter and pour it into a glass bottle.

  7. Before tasting, keep a couple of days in a cool place.

Relevance: 24.01.2018

Tags: Whiskey and Bourbon, Whiskey Brands, Whiskey Recipes, Canadian Whiskey

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