Plutei is a fungus of the Plyuteiaceae family, growing mainly on woody debris. Despite the wide distribution of the spit, this fungus is collected infrequently and is not used much. In addition, scientists have recently confirmed the presence of a noticeable dose of the hallucinogenic enzyme psilocin in some species of spit. For this reason, this mushroom should be used with great care for culinary purposes.

On this page, your attention is presented with a photo and description of a deer, willow, white, noble, umber and scaly whip. You can find out where and when these mushrooms grow, as well as get information about their counterparts.

Willow mushroom

Category: edible.

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Willow whip hat (Pluteus salicinus) (diameter 3-9 cm): grayish-ashy, blue or pinkish. In young mushrooms, it has the shape of a bell, which eventually changes to small wrinkles that are almost prostrate with a network. The edges of the cap are usually darker than the center.

Leg (height 3-13 cm): white or bluish throughout. Tapers from bottom to top, has the shape of a cylinder, fibrous at the base.

Pulp: light gray or white, which usually turns a little green at the cut or break and when exposed to air. In its raw form, it has a slightly sour taste and a strong aniseed smell.

Records: white, cream or pinkish and very frequent.

Doubles: deer whip (Pluteus cervinus), which has a lighter hat. With full confidence, it can be distinguished from willow only in laboratory conditions.

When growing: from mid-June to early October in many countries of Eurasia, North America and North Africa. In Our Country, it is most common in the forests of St. Petersburg.

Whip mushroom: description of speciesWhip mushroom: description of species

Where can I find: on roots, stumps and the remains of rotten wood. Prefers willows, oaks, poplars and alders in moist forests.

Eating: in dried form.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

White whip mushroom and its counterpart

Whip mushroom: description of speciesCategory: edible.

White whip hat (Pluteus leoninus) (diameter 4-10 cm): usually lemon, yellow, changes shape from bell-shaped to almost flat. In the center, which is much darker than the translucent edges, there is a tubercle.

Leg (height 3-9 cm): yellowish, but not as bright as the hat. Cylindrical, tapering from bottom to top, smooth and very dense. Pulp: white in the stem, and yellow in the cap area. Does not change color at the cut or fracture site, does not have a pronounced smell and taste.

Records: free, white or slightly yellowish, older mushrooms may have a pinkish tint.

The double of the white spit is related spit orange-wrinkled (Pluteus aurantiorugosus). It differs from white in a lighter hat and in that it grows on diseased, but still living trees.

When growing: from mid-July to early October in Europe, Siberia, Primorye, China and Japan, as well as in the North African states – Algeria and Morocco.

Where can I find: in deciduous forests on rotten wood of oaks and poplars.

Eating: dried and fried.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Other names: heapy spit.

What is the difference between an umber spit and a deer spit

Category: conditionally edible.

Whip mushroom: description of species

Umber whip (Pluteus umbrosus) hat (diameter 4-12 cm): usually white or brownish, with wrinkles, in its center there is a small tubercle. The semicircular shape eventually changes to an almost prostrate one.

Leg (height 4-11 cm): gray-white or brownish, with small scales along the entire length. It has a cylindrical shape, tapering from the bottom up. Solid and very dense.

Records: very loose, white in young mushrooms.

Pulp: whitish color, which does not change at the cut site and when interacting with air. It tastes bitter, smells like fresh radish.

Doubles: deer scourge (Pluteus cervinus) and dark-edged scourge (Pluteus atromarginatus). Deer whip differs from umber in the color of the plates, and the dark edge grows exclusively in coniferous forests.

When growing: from mid-July to early October in Europe, Asia and North America. In Our Country, it is most often found in the Samara, Rostov, Perm and Moscow regions.

Whip mushroom: description of speciesWhip mushroom: description of species

Where can I find: on rotten stumps and wood residues – mainly beech, ash and poplar.

Eating: only on condition of preliminary soaking and boiling as a component of various dishes, since the mushroom itself has no taste in its finished form.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Other names: shady scourge, umbrella-shaped scourge, fringed-lamella scourge.

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Noble whip mushroom

Whip mushroom: description of speciesCategory: inedible.

Noble whip hat (Pluteus petasatus) (diameter 5-16 cm): white, grayish, extremely rarely yellow. Has small scales. Slightly convex in young plutees, eventually becoming completely flat or slightly depressed with a small central tubercle. The touch is usually dry or slightly slippery. The edges are smooth, wrapped inside, sometimes they can be torn.

Leg (height 6-14 cm): white, sometimes with a slight brown coating, dense, cylindrical.

Pulp: white color, which does not change at the cut site and when interacting with air. It has a pleasant mushroom aroma and sweetish taste.

Doubles: deer whip (Pluteus cervinus), which is larger and paler in color.

When growing: from mid-July to early October in the countries of the Eurasian continent. In Our Country – in Tatarstan, Primorsky Krai, Krasnodar; Samara, Irkutsk, Leningrad, Rostov and Moscow regions.

Where can I find: in all types of forests, usually next to oaks and beeches.

Eating: not used.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Other names: domestic bullshit.

Deer whip: photo and description

Category: inedible.

Whip mushroom: description of speciesWhip mushroom: description of species

Deer spit hat (Pluteus cervinus) (diameter 4-25 cm): gray, brown or almost black. The edges are usually much lighter than the center, but if the weather is dry and hot for a long time, it also fades a lot. In young mushrooms, the cap has the shape of a bell, which eventually changes to almost completely prostrate with a small tubercle in the center. Silky to the touch, sometimes it can crack.

Leg (height 4-17 cm): usually white or gray, solid, cylindrical, with longitudinal fibers, often with a small net or moiré pattern. May be strongly curved and swollen. Easily separated from the hat.

Pulp: very brittle, white in color, which does not change at the cut site and when interacting with air.

Whip mushroom: description of speciesWhip mushroom: description of species

Records: wide and thick. Young deer spittles are white, with time the color changes to pinkish.

The deer whip got its name due to the color of the hat. It has a sharp and tart radish smell.

Doubles: the related Pozoar’s (Pluteus pouzarianus) and dark-margined (Pluteus atromarginatus) blubbers, as well as the wide-lamellar collibia (Megacollybia platyphylla). But Pozoar’s whip does not have a distinct smell and grows on soft hardwood trees, the dark edge of the Pozuar is darker and most often found in coniferous forests, and the collibia is distinguished by the creamy tint of the plates.

When growing: from the beginning of June to the end of August in almost all European countries.

Whip mushroom: description of species

Where can I find: on rotten wood of all types of forests, as well as on sawdust. Prefers pines and birches.

Eating: not used.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Other names: scourge brown, scourge dark fibrous.

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scaly mushroom

Whip mushroom: description of speciesCategory: inedible.

Hat of the scaly spit Pluteus ephebeus) (diameter 3-10 cm): grayish or brown, with small scales, very fleshy, often covered with radial fissures. In a young fungus, it is convex, later it becomes prostrate or with edges turned up, with a small tubercle in the center.

Leg (height 3-11 cm): glossy white or light grey, very dense, cylindrical in shape.

Pulp: white color, which does not change on the cut and when interacting with air.

Records: very wide and loose. In young plutees, they are gray, but with time they turn noticeably pink.

Scaly whip tastes astringent, does not have a pronounced

Doubles: scaly-like whip (Pluteus lepiotoides). But this mushroom is much smaller in size, has more pronounced scales on the cap, and does not taste knit.

When growing: from early August to mid-October in Our Country – in the Far East, as well as in the Samara and Rostov regions.

Where can I find: on rotten trees and wood residues, often found in urban areas.

Eating: not used.

Application in traditional medicine: does not apply.

Other names: youthful scourge, lepiot-like scourge.

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